
The following articles are published by OBA Sections, including the Student Section. Members are encouraged to submit articles.

Editor: Cláudio Antônio Klaus Júnior 


Brown Bag Lunch - February 19, 2019

  • March 06, 2019
  • Noah Weisberg and Pooja Sihra (articling student), Hull & Hull LLP,

Highlights from the February 19, 2019 Brown Bag Lunch, including a discussion on the concepts of "power of attorney" and "attorney", compensation for attorneys for personal care, specific property bequests, Re Carmichael Estate (2000) and the minimization of estate administration taxes through the use of alter ego trusts.

Student Forum, Trusts and Estates Law

Find me something like this!

  • March 05, 2019
  • Colin Lachance

The CEO of vLex Canada explains how a new product solves the problem of finding similar information in legal research. The product uses machine learning to give researches an edge.

Law Practice Management, Student Forum