
Prix des droits de la personne du Barreau du Haut-Canada 2016 Appel à candidatures

  • 18 mars 2016

Le Prix des droits de la personne du Barreau, créé en 2013, reconnaît les contributions exceptionnelles à la défense des droits de la personne ou à la promotion de la primauté du droit aux paliers provincial, national ou international. Le prix est remis tous les deux ans à une personne qui s’est distinguée par son travail de promotion des droits de la personne et de la primauté du droit sur une longue période ou dans un acte de service exceptionnel.

Independent Legal Advice for Sexual Assault Survivors Pilot Program

  • 14 mars 2016

The Ministry of the Attorney General has launched a new pilot program that gives survivors of sexual assault access to free legal advice any time after the incident , regardless of how much time has passed. The pilot will be available to survivors living in the City of Toronto, the City of Ottawa , and the District of Thunder Bay later this spring.

OBA Congratulates 2016 Law Society Award Recipients

  • 11 mars 2016

The OBA congratulates this year’s Law Society Awards recipients, including Past OBA President Orlando Da Silva and OBA members Jennifer Babe, Ronda Bessner, Ronald Caza, David Estrin, Errol Mendes and Lisa Borsook.

OBA Announces New Awards for Excellence in Tax and Health Law

  • 18 février 2016

Each year, the Ontario Bar Association (OBA) recognizes lawyers who demonstrate both a commitment to our member-based organization that advances the interests of the justice system and who make valuable contributions to specific practice areas. The OBA has two new awards for outstanding contributions in the practice of health and taxation law.

Important family law advocacy update

  • 16 février 2016

Today the Ministry of the Attorney General and the Law Society of Upper Canada announced the appointment of the Honourable Justice Annemarie Bonkalo to lead a review to consider whether a broader range of legal service providers, such as paralegals, law clerks and students, should be allowed to handle certain family law matters.

OBA Office Closure: February 15, 2016

  • 11 février 2016

Please note that the OBA office will be closed on Monday, February 15th in recognition of Family Day in Ontario. We look forward to serving our members throughout the rest of the month.