2021 Hours

DatePractice AreaProgram NameLawPROSubstantive HoursProf. HoursEDI Hours
20-10-2021Child and Youth Law, Education LawEthical and Practical Considerations When Working With and For Young People (5 Sessions)No5h2h 30m 30m
09-08-2021Career and Business Development[WEBCAST REPLAY] Foundations in Judicial Competencies: Certificate Program (8 Part Series)No1h
13-07-2021Wills, Estates & TrustsYour Comprehensive Guide to Will Challenges: A Series
22-06-2021Practice ManagementManaging Partner Roundtable
Check In: How Does Your Firm Measure Up?
07-04-2021Career and Business DevelopmentFoundations in Judicial Competencies: Certificate Program (8 Part Zoom Webinar Series)No1h
04-03-2021Career and Business DevelopmentPACKAGED WEBCAST PROGRAMS: "Your First Civil Trial" and "Divine Discoveries: Building a Great Case"No2h 30m 30m
26-01-2021Bankruptcy and Insolvency Law, Constitutional and Human Rights Law, Family Law, Pensions and Benefits Law, Wills, Estates & TrustsPensions and Benefits Law Essentials SeriesNo1h
15-10-2020Wills, Estates & Trusts2020-2021 Trusts & Estates Law Litigators Passport Series (4 Webcast Programs)
06-10-2020Environmental, Energy and Resources Law2020-2021 Environmental Passport Webcast Series - The Dirt on Brownfield Redevelopments (3 Programs)No1h 30m
09-09-2020Young LawyersCall Forward: A Series for Articling Students and LPP Candidates
17-12-2021Career and Business DevelopmentEmployees’ “Right to Disconnect” from Work: Key Labour and Employment Insights [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
16-12-2021Intellectual Property, TechnologyImpact of the SCC’s Decision in Access Copyright Collectives and Fair Dealing [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
16-12-2021Citizenship and Immigration LawYear in Review: Critical Immigration Law Updates on Top Litigation Cases, COVID, Portals, NOCs and the OINP [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
16-12-2021Tax LawProfessionalism and Ethical Issues for Tax Lawyers [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h1h
15-12-2021Young LawyersYLD Advocacy Primer 3 Part Webcast Series No2h1h 30m
15-12-2021Young LawyersYoung Lawyers Division – East
Virtual Holiday Social [VIRTUAL EVENT]
15-12-2021Child and Youth Law, Family LawCOVID and the Family Court [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 15m 15m
15-12-2021Young LawyersAdvocacy Primer: Professionalism in Motions [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
13-12-2021Canadian Corporate CounselD&O Liability: Key Updates for In-House Counsel [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
13-12-2021Business Law9th Annual Professionalism Issues for Business Lawyers [WEBCAST ONLY]No3h
13-12-2021Career and Business DevelopmentRoll Out To Recovery: Speaker Series
Your Vaccine Questions Answered: Children Vaccines and Omicron Variant [WEBCAST ONLY]
11-12-2021Career and Business DevelopmentMundell Medal for Legal Writing Award [ONLINE EVENT]
of the Ontario Bar Association ("OBA")
10-12-2021Family LawNavigating Interjurisdictional Support Orders [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
10-12-2021Child and Youth Law, Family LawPackaged Programs: "Navigating Interjurisdictional Support Orders" and "COVID and the Family Court" [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h 45m 15m
10-12-2021Workers Compensation LawWorkers’ Compensation Case Law Update: Morningstar v. WSIAT [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
09-12-2021Franchise Law20th Annual OBA Franchise Law Conference [WEBCAST ONLY]No6h 30m 45m 15m
09-12-2021Bankruptcy and Insolvency LawCritical Case Law Updates on Insolvency and Restructuring Law [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
09-12-2021Public SectorPublic Law and Regulation During a Pandemic [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h
09-12-2021Education LawGuide to Education Law for the Lawyer-Parent [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
09-12-2021Career and Business Development[POSTPONED] Navigating the Transition for ITLs: Key Insights for Interviewing & Networking [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
08-12-2021Women LawyersWomen Lawyers Forum: Virtual Social [WEB EVENT]
08-12-2021Construction LawOntario’s New Regime for Excess Soil in Construction [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h
08-12-2021Labour and Employment Law[POSTPONED] Tricky Professionalism Issues for Labour and Employment Lawyers [WEBCAST ONLY]No3h
08-12-2021Privacy and Access LawUpdate on the Tort of 'Publicity Placing a Person in a False Light’ [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
07-12-2021General Practice, Solo & Small Firm, Young LawyersSmall Claims Court: Insights on Advocacy & Unbundled Legal Services [WEBCAST ONLY]Yes 30m2h 30m
07-12-2021Health LawLegal Intricacies of Physician Investigations [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
07-12-2021Environmental, Energy and Resources LawESG and Corporate Governance in Natural Resources and Energy Law [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
06-12-2021Administrative LawTackling Delays in Administrative Law: Key Updates on Practice and Procedures [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
06-12-2021Real PropertyPractical Solutions to Tricky Real Estate Issues [WEBCAST ONLY]No 15m1h 15m
06-12-2021Intellectual Property, Practice Management, TechnologyEnhance Your Social Media Profile and How to Do It Ethically [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
03-12-2021Constitutional and Human Rights LawHow to Provide Effective and Meaningful Legal Services to Persons with Disabilities [WEBCAST ONLY]No 30m1h
03-12-2021French Speaking Lawyers[POSTPONED] Droit de la propriété intellectuelle : enjeux et tendances concernant les marques de commerce et droits d’auteur No1h
02-12-2021SAGDASOGIC Annual Holiday Social [VIRTUAL EVENT]
02-12-2021SAGDAThe Afghan Crisis and 2SLGBTQI+: Critical insights and Helpful Solutions [WEBCAST ONLY]No 30m1h
02-12-2021Charity LawUnderstanding the New Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act [PART 2] - WEBCAST ONLYNo3h
02-12-2021Elder LawCultural Competency & Elder Law: Practical & Ethical ConsiderationsNo1h 30m
02-12-2021Environmental, Energy and Resources Law, Young LawyersEnvironmental Assessment Primer [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 45m 15m
01-12-2021Class Actions13th Annual Class Actions Colloquium [WEBCAST ONLY]No6h 15m 30m 30m
01-12-2021Municipal LawProfessionalism in Municipal and Planning Law [WEBCAST ONLY]Yes3h 30m
01-12-2021Career and Business Development[POSTPONED] Navigating the Transition for Internationally Trained Lawyers (WEBCAST PACKAGE)No1h 30m
01-12-2021Career and Business Development[POSTPONED] Navigating the Transition for ITLs: Key Insights for Preparing CVs & Cover Letters [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
30-11-2021Business LawCommercial Agreements Bootcamp 2021 [WEBCAST ONLY]No5h 30m
30-11-2021Constitutional and Human Rights Law, Labour and Employment LawConsiderations for Conducting Trauma-Informed Workplace Investigations and Dealing with Microaggressions and Unconscious Bias [WEBCAST ONLY]No 30m1h
30-11-2021Entertainment Law, Media LawOnline Harassment Tort: What You Need to Know and Best Practices for Representing Victims [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
27-11-2021GeneralCoffee Tasting [ONLINE EVENT]
26-11-2021Family LawMoving Forward: Practical Strategies for Efficiently Getting to Resolution [WEBCAST ONLY]No3h 45m 15m
25-11-2021Construction LawAdjudication Under the Construction Act
No1h 30m
25-11-2021Charity LawUnderstanding the New Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act [PART 1] - WEBCAST ONLYNo3h
25-11-2021Education Law[POSTPONED] Spotlight on Anti-Black and Anti-Indigenous Racism in the Education System [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h
25-11-2021Alternative Dispute ResolutionOBA Award of Excellence in Alternative Dispute Resolution [WEBCAST ONLY]
25-11-2021Charity LawUnderstanding the New Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act [WEBCAST PACKAGE]
24-11-2021GeneralOBA Book Club Reads – Nothing But The Truth - A Memoir By Marie Henein [ZOOM EVENT]
24-11-2021Young LawyersCall Forward: A Series for Students-at-Law
23-11-2021Young LawyersVirtual Fireside Chat with Justice Karakatsanis of the Supreme Court of Canada [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
23-11-2021Career and Business DevelopmentRODA’s 7th Annual Diversity Conference in Partnership with the OBA: Systemic Change – What Role Will You Play? [WEBCAST ONLY]No6h 30m
23-11-2021Wills, Estates & TrustsLitigators’ Toolkit: Strategies for Moving Your Case ForwardNo1h 30m
22-11-2021Civil LitigationOntario eDiscovery Institute [WEBCAST ONLY]No6h
18-11-2021Elder Law, Family LawAging and Family Law: Critical Insights into Family and Estates Disputes in Blended Families [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
17-11-2021Environmental, Energy and Resources LawThe Supreme Court of Canada’s Decision in Reference re Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act: Impacts on Climate Change Law [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
16-11-2021Health LawTop Legal Pandemic Issues for Health Care Providers for the Fall of 2021 [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
16-11-2021Citizenship and Immigration LawThe Essentials of Provincial Nominee Programs: No Job Offer or Target NOC “C” and “D” Occupations [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
15-11-2021Bankruptcy and Insolvency LawPractical Considerations for Reverse Vesting Orders [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
15-11-2021Public SectorWelcome to the Practice of Public Law: Exploring Careers in the Broader Public Sector [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
15-11-2021International LawEmerging Trends in International Business Law: Digital Taxes and Border Carbon Adjustments [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
10-11-2021Career and Business DevelopmentImpacts of COVID Restrictions on Business Operations [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
10-11-2021Career and Business DevelopmentCourt Alternatives for International Disputes [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
10-11-2021Career and Business DevelopmentINSTITUTE ACROSS BORDERS: Legal Issues and Best Practices for Ontario Lawyers from Around the World [DAY 2 Webcast Event]
10-11-2021Career and Business DevelopmentVaccine Policies and Returning to the Office: Best Practices and Insights from Around the Globe in Employment Law [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
09-11-2021Class ActionsClass Actions Bench and Bar Series – Interactive Discussions on Challenges Arising from Multijurisdictional Class Actions
Session 5: Case Management of Multijurisdictional Class Actions [WEBCAST ONLY]
No1h 30m
09-11-2021Career and Business DevelopmentCross-Border Estate Planning Considerations [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
09-11-2021Career and Business DevelopmentINSTITUTE ACROSS BORDERS: Legal Issues and Best Practices for Ontario Lawyers from Around the World [DAY 1 Webcast Event]
09-11-2021Career and Business DevelopmentINSTITUTE ACROSS BORDERS: Legal Issues and Best Practices for Ontario Lawyers from Around the World [Two Day Webcast Event]
09-11-2021Career and Business DevelopmentPressing Issues in Cyber-Security and International Data Transfer [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
09-11-2021Career and Business DevelopmentYour Essential US and EU Privacy Update [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
08-11-2021Civil Litigation, Young LawyersThe Civil Trial – Views from the Bench [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h 30m
05-11-2021Privacy and Access LawA Discussion with Ontario’s Information and Privacy Commissioner on Privacy Law in 2021 [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
04-11-2021Family Law, Young LawyersFamily Law Basics: Practice & Procedure [WEBCAST ONLY]Yes1h2h
03-11-2021Career and Business DevelopmentImposter Syndrome: How to Build Resilience [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
03-11-2021Canadian Corporate CounselCritical Labour and Employment Law Updates for Corporate Counsel: Navigating Workforce Transitions [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
03-11-2021Business LawPrivate M&A Deal Point Study [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h
02-11-2021Environmental, Energy and Resources LawESG and Sustainable Finance [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
02-11-2021Family LawBreaking Down Complex Financial Issues: Self-Employed Income and Executive Compensation Structures [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
02-11-2021Practice ManagementLegal Workforces in Transition: Effective, Efficient, and Equitable Office Management [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
02-11-2021Environmental, Energy and Resources LawESG in the Natural Resources and Energy Context and Beyond! (Passport Webcast Series)No3h
29-10-2021Labour and Employment LawDealing with Digital Evidence for Employment and Labour Lawyers [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
29-10-2021Students[RE-BROADCAST] Ontario Bar Exam Preparation Tips and Resources
29-10-2021Students, Young LawyersAre You Feeling the Pinch?
Financial Planning in Precarious Times [WEBCAST ONLY]
28-10-2021Environmental, Energy and Resources LawIntroduction to the Ontario Land Tribunal [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
28-10-2021General Practice, Solo & Small FirmA Framework for Focus: Getting Leverage [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
28-10-2021Environmental, Energy and Resources LawEnvironmental Law Passport Program – Resolving Environmental Disputes at the Ontario Land Tribunal and Beyond [WEBCAST ONLY]No4h 30m
27-10-2021Entertainment Law, Media LawHelp Me Help You – A Mentoring Event for the Next Generation of Entertainment, Media and Communications Lawyers [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 15m
27-10-2021Young LawyersCall Forward: A Series for Students-at-Law
27-10-2021Privacy and Access LawIntrusion Upon Seclusion: Recent Developments and Emerging Trends [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
26-10-2021Construction LawKey Legal Issues in Modular Construction [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h
26-10-2021Citizenship and Immigration Law, Young LawyersImmigration and Refugee Law Primer [WEBCAST ONLY]Yes2h 45m
26-10-2021Class ActionsClass Actions Bench and Bar Series – Interactive Discussions on Challenges Arising from Multijurisdictional Class Actions
Session 4: Contested Certification in Multijurisdictional Class Actions [WEBCAST ONLY]
No1h 30m
26-10-2021Workers Compensation LawRon Ellis Award for Excellence in Workers' Compensation Law [WEBCAST ONLY]
26-10-2021Wills, Estates & TrustsSolicitor's Negligence Claims: Strategies for Effective Advocacy [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
26-10-2021Canadian Corporate Counsel, Women Lawyers[POSTPONED TO 2022] Pathways to Power: Women as General Counsel [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 45m 15m
25-10-2021StudentsOn-Campus Interview Techniques: Best Practices [WEBCAST ONLY]
22-10-2021Wills, Estates & TrustsTax Considerations for Estates Planners: Key Issues and Helpful Strategies [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h 30m 30m
22-10-2021Students[RE-BROADCAST] Bar Exam Prep Techniques: Best Practices
21-10-2021Career and Business DevelopmentThe Enterprising Lawyer Series B: Business Development - Honing Your “Selling Skills” [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
20-10-2021Civil Litigation, Young LawyersSummary Trial Essentials [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
20-10-2021Child and Youth Law, Education LawChildren & Youth Rights: A Primer [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
20-10-2021Career and Business DevelopmentA Written Financial Plan – The Life-Cycle of Your Money [WEBCAST ONLY]
20-10-2021Criminal JusticeYour Critical Update on Jury Selection [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
19-10-2021Pensions and Benefits LawPensions and Benefits 19th Annual Hot Spots [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 15m 45m
19-10-2021International LawKey Developments in Trade Controls and Their Impact on Supply Chain, with Award of Excellence Presentation [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 15m
18-10-2021Administrative LawAnnual Update on Judicial Review [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
16-10-2021GeneralTHE GRAPE: OBA Wine Community [POWERED BY RALLY]
13-10-2021Business LawThe New Ontario Business Registry – What You Need to Know [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 15m
13-10-2021Career and Business DevelopmentThe Thriving Workplace [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
13-10-2021Alternative Dispute Resolution, Civil Litigation[CANCELLED] The Future of Arbitration with the NextGen Roster [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
12-10-2021Class ActionsClass Actions Bench and Bar Series – Interactive Discussions on Challenges Arising from Multijurisdictional Class Actions
Session 3: Late Arriving Multijurisdictional Class Actions [WEBCAST ONLY]
No1h 30m
12-10-2021Tax Law[POSTPONED TO JANUARY 2022] Speed Mentoring: Practical Advice on Succeeding as a Young Tax Lawyer [ZOOM EVENT]No 30m1h 30m
07-10-2021Citizenship and Immigration LawNeed-to-Know Insights on the Start-Up Visa Program [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 15m 30m
06-10-2021Real Property, Young LawyersYour First Residential Real Estate Transaction [WEBCAST ONLY]Yes2h 30m1h 30m
06-10-2021Career and Business DevelopmentHow to Be an Effective Leader [WEBCAST ONLY]No 45m
05-10-2021Constitutional and Human Rights Law20th Annual Charter Conference [WEBCAST ONLY]No4h 30m
01-10-2021Family LawTwelfth Annual Bread and Butter Issues in Family Law [WEBCAST ONLY]No4h
01-10-2021Tax LawWhat You Missed While You Were Away: Summer 2021 Tax Developments [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h
28-09-2021Young LawyersMastering Due Diligence [WEBCAST ONLY]Yes1h1h 45m
28-09-2021Class ActionsClass Actions Bench and Bar Series – Interactive Discussions on Challenges Arising from Multijurisdictional Class Actions
Session 2: Settlements of Multijurisdictional Class Actions [WEBCAST ONLY]
No1h 30m
28-09-2021Wills, Estates & TrustsMaking and Defending Against Dependants’ Support Claims [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
27-09-2021Civil LitigationWriting Persuasive Legal Documents [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 45m1h 45m
27-09-2021Labour and Employment LawThe Impact of Infectious Disease Emergency Leave on Constructive Dismissal Claims [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
23-09-2021Bankruptcy and Insolvency LawWhat to Expect Post-Lockdown in the Insolvency Space [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
22-09-2021Young LawyersCall Forward: A Series for Students-at-Law
22-09-2021Education LawA New School Year: Legal Issues for Staff and Students [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
22-09-2021Health LawNew Developments on Mandatory Revocation Provisions under the Regulated Health Professions Act [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
21-09-2021Business LawBuying and Selling a Business: A Comprehensive Guide [WEBCAST ONLY]No5h 30m 30m
21-09-2021Administrative Law, Constitutional and Human Rights LawWhat the Future Holds for Tribunals Ontario: A Discussion with Executive Chair Sean Weir [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
21-09-2021Insurance LawOccupiers’ Liability Act: Litigation and Coverage Insights [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h
21-09-2021Career and Business DevelopmentInnovating for Success: Creating fun products in a technical space [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
20-09-2021Intellectual Property, TechnologyPMNOC Litigation: Everything You Want to Know But Are Afraid to Ask [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
20-09-2021Aboriginal LawInsights and Lessons from the SCC’s Lac Seul First Nation Decision on Equitable Compensation [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
16-09-2021Entertainment Law, Media LawTIFF Social [Powered by Rally]
15-09-2021Labour and Employment LawVaccine Policies in your Workplace that cover Clients, Customers and Employees [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
15-09-2021Career and Business DevelopmentFoundations in Adjudicative Tribunal Competencies: Certificate Program
Session 8: Insights from Reconsiderations and Appeals [WEBCAST ONLY]
14-09-2021Class ActionsClass Actions Bench and Bar Series – Interactive Discussions on Challenges Arising from Multijurisdictional Class Actions
Session 1: Carriage of Multijurisdictional Class Actions [WEBCAST ONLY]
No1h 30m
14-09-2021Class ActionsOBA Class Actions – Interactive Discussions on Challenges Arising from Multijurisdictional Class Actions [WEBCAST ONLY]
09-09-2021Civil Litigation, Women LawyersExceptional Women of the Bench and Bar [WEBCAST ONLY]No 45m 45m
09-09-2021Labour and Employment LawEmployment Law Issues during a Bankruptcy, Restructuring and/or Insolvency [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h
02-09-2021French Speaking LawyersRéseautage et mentorat pour les jeunes juristes d’expression française de common law
Networking and Mentorship for French-Speaking Young Jurists in Common Law
01-09-2021Career and Business DevelopmentFoundations in Adjudicative Tribunal Competencies: Certificate Program
Session 7: Basics of Adjudicative Decision Writing [WEBCAST ONLY]
26-08-2021GeneralOBA Mock Trial Mocktails – An evening with friends and colleagues from your legal community! (ONLINE ONLY]
26-08-2021Career and Business Development[POSTPONED TO NOVEMBER 2021] INSTITUTE ACROSS BORDERS: Legal Issues and Best Practices for Ontario Lawyers from Around the World
No2h 45m 45m
25-08-2021Career and Business DevelopmentFoundations in Adjudicative Tribunal Competencies: Certificate Program
Session 6: Basics of Adjudicative Reasoning [WEBCAST ONLY]
No1h 30m
25-08-2021Career and Business DevelopmentThe Space Debate: Design Solutions for Happy Hybrid Environments [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
24-08-2021Wills, Estates & TrustsYour Comprehensive Guide to Will Challenges
Session 6: The View from the Bench [WEBCAST ONLY]
19-08-2021Career and Business DevelopmentOBA Book Club Reads – Gender Ambiguity in the Workplace [WEBCAST ONLY]
18-08-2021Career and Business DevelopmentFoundations in Adjudicative Tribunal Competencies: Certificate Program
Session 5: Exploring Unconscious Bias, Raising Awareness and Cultural Sensitivity [WEBCAST ONLY]
17-08-2021Career and Business DevelopmentRecognizing and Mitigating Threats to Law Firm Data Security [WEBCAST ONLY]Yes1h
17-08-2021Wills, Estates & TrustsYour Comprehensive Guide to Will Challenges
Session 5: Mastering the Trial [WEBCAST ONLY]
12-08-2021Privacy and Access LawPrivacy Protections, Artificial Intelligence and PIPEDA [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
11-08-2021Career and Business DevelopmentFoundations in Adjudicative Tribunal Competencies: Certificate Program
Session 4: Traits of Successful Adjudicators: Impartiality, Independence and Integrity [WEBCAST ONLY]
10-08-2021Wills, Estates & TrustsYour Comprehensive Guide to Will Challenges
Session 4: Preparing for the Trial [WEBCAST ONLY]
28-07-2021Career and Business DevelopmentFoundations in Adjudicative Tribunal Competencies: Certificate Program
Session 3: Accessibility and the Tribunal Hearing [WEBCAST ONLY]
27-07-2021Students, Young LawyersNavigating the Transition: From “Student-At-Law” to “Lawyer” [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
27-07-2021Wills, Estates & TrustsYour Comprehensive Guide to Will Challenges
Session 3: Navigating the Procedure and Orders Giving Directions [WEBCAST ONLY]
27-07-2021GeneralOBA Community – Cheese & Beer (Alcoholic & Non-Alcoholic) Tasting [WEBCAST EVENT]
21-07-2021Career and Business DevelopmentFoundations in Adjudicative Tribunal Competencies: Certificate Program
Session 2: Managing the Hearing Room: Setting the Stage, Interactions with Counsel, Witnesses, the Public and Staff [WEBCAST ONLY]
21-07-2021Family LawFamily Violence: An Essential Series for Every Family Lawyer [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
20-07-2021Real PropertyNew Document Registration Agreement, Lending Client Definition and Anti-Money Laundering Provisions – Understanding the Practical Implications [WEBCAST ONLY]Yes1h 30m
20-07-2021Wills, Estates & TrustsYour Comprehensive Guide to Will Challenges
Session 2: Gathering the Evidence and Establishing the Grounds [WEBCAST ONLY]
16-07-2021Tax LawTax Court of Canada: Effective Advocacy for Litigators [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
15-07-2021Women LawyersPathways to Power: Women Entrepreneurs & Business Owners [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
14-07-2021Career and Business DevelopmentFoundations in Adjudicative Tribunal Competencies: Certificate Program
Session 1: Applying to an Appointment on an Administrative Tribunal [WEBCAST ONLY]
No1h 30m
14-07-2021Career and Business DevelopmentFoundations in Adjudicative Tribunal Competencies: Certificate Program [WEBCAST ONLY]
13-07-2021General Practice, Solo & Small Firm, Practice ManagementTECHxpo 2021: REIMAGINE TOMORROW [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 15m
13-07-2021StudentsNavigating the Transition: From “Law Student” to “Student-At-Law” [WEBCAST ONLY]
13-07-2021Wills, Estates & TrustsYour Comprehensive Guide to Will Challenges
Session 1: Preparing the Application [WEBCAST ONLY]
30-06-2021Class ActionsBefore the Claim: Fundamentals of Class Actions Law, Part II [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
29-06-2021Career and Business DevelopmentFive Critical Steps to Success and Happiness In Law [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
29-06-2021Health LawOBA Health Law Section Year End Program and Award Presentation [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 15m
29-06-2021Environmental, Energy and Resources LawEnvironmental Law Mentorship [WEBCAST ONLY]No 45m 45m
29-06-2021Practice ManagementManaging Partner Roundtable
Check In: How Does Your Firm Measure Up? (Part 2) - WEBCAST ONLY
29-06-2021Construction LawOBA Award of Excellence in Construction and Infrastructure Law
2021 Award of Excellence and Virtual IPD Project Tour [WEBCAST ONLY]
28-06-2021Aboriginal LawThe Future of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People in Ontario [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
24-06-2021Canadian Corporate CounselCCCA Ontario Chapter Award of Excellence [WEBCAST ONLY]
24-06-2021Constitutional and Human Rights LawUnderstanding the Fundamental Freedom of Peaceful Assembly: Current Challenges & Future Issues [WEBCAST ONLY]
24-06-2021Wills, Estates & TrustsOBA Award of Excellence in Trusts and Estates Law [WEBCAST ONLY]
24-06-2021Business Law, Young LawyersCorporate Law Basics [WEBCAST ONLY]Yes1h 30m 30m
24-06-2021Career and Business DevelopmentSouthwest Region: OBA Bench & Bar Event [WEBCAST ONLY]No 30m
23-06-2021Intellectual Property, TechnologyDiversity and Inclusion in the Courtroom [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
23-06-2021Career and Business DevelopmentLife after Vaccinations: What should we expect? [WEBCAST ONLY]
22-06-2021Franchise LawIdentifying, Protecting, and Enforcing Confidential Information in the Franchise Industry [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
22-06-2021Practice ManagementManaging Partner Roundtable
Check In: How Does Your Firm Measure Up? (Part 1) - WEBCAST ONLY
22-06-2021International Law, Young LawyersAdvocacy & International Trade: Best Practices for Virtual Dispute Resolution [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
22-06-2021Career and Business DevelopmentWork that Works: Point Counterpoint Expert Exchange [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
22-06-2021Pensions and Benefits LawOBA Award of Excellence in Pensions & Benefits Law [WEBCAST ONLY]
21-06-2021Elder LawElder Law Day: A Conference for Lawyers and Other Professionals Assisting Seniors [WEBCAST ONLY]No 30m
16-06-2021Wills, Estates & Trusts, Young LawyersYour First Estate Administration [WEBCAST ONLY]Yes1h 45m1h
16-06-2021Tax LawOBA Award of Excellence in Taxation Law [WEBCAST ONLY]
15-06-2021Criminal Justice, Family LawNew “Family Violence” Definitions and Other Key Issues at the Intersection of Family Law and Criminal Law [WEBCAST ONLY]
15-06-2021Alternative Dispute Resolution, Business LawADR Clauses in Shareholder Agreements: Managing Risk and Relationships [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
14-06-2021Bankruptcy and Insolvency LawReceivership versus Bankruptcy: Assessing Your Enforcement Options [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
14-06-2021SAGDAPride Month 2021 / Mois de la fierté 2021
10-06-2021Alternative Dispute Resolution, Insurance Law[POSTPONED TO FALL 2021] Your Essential Guide to Mediating Insurance Claims [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h 30m 30m
10-06-2021Municipal LawThe OBA Barnet Kussner Award of Excellence in Municipal Law [WEBCAST ONLY]
09-06-2021Elder LawYour Critical Introduction to Retirement Home Tenancies [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
09-06-2021International LawLegal Writing for International Trade Law Practitioners [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
08-06-2021Privacy and Access Law, Young LawyersPrivacy Law Basics [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h 45m 30m
08-06-2021Business Law19th Annual OSC, TSX and IIROC Update [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h
08-06-2021Public SectorEthical Challenges in Public Law & OBA Tom Marshall Award of Excellence for Public Sector Lawyers [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 15m
02-06-2021Bankruptcy and Insolvency LawCLUC Education Day Webinar
02-06-2021Career and Business DevelopmentFoundations in Judicial Competencies: Certificate Program
Session 8: Exploring Unconscious Bias, Raising Awareness and Cultural Sensitivity [WEBCAST ONLY]
No1h 30m
01-06-2021Civil Litigation, Young LawyersRegional Round-Up: Key Updates for Civil Proceedings Across Ontario [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
01-06-2021Wills, Estates & TrustsInnovation in Trusts & Estates Law 2021 [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 45m1h 15m
28-05-2021Pensions and Benefits LawMOF/OSFI/CRA/FSRA/DOF Forum 2021 [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h
28-05-2021Environmental, Energy and Resources Law8th Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks Update [WEBCAST ONLY]No3h
27-05-2021Young LawyersIn the Fast Lane: Speed Mentorship for Young Lawyers [Zoom Event]No1h
27-05-2021Child and Youth LawVirtual Proceedings Involving Children and Youth: Challenges and Opportunities [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
26-05-2021Career and Business DevelopmentIn Matters of Equality, We Must Be Ever Vigilant [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
26-05-2021Career and Business DevelopmentFoundations in Judicial Competencies: Certificate Program
Session 7: Basics of Judicial Decision Writing [WEBCAST ONLY]
No1h 30m
26-05-2021Administrative Law, Constitutional and Human Rights Law, Labour and Employment LawAnnual Update on Human Rights [WEBCAST ONLY]Yes3h 30m2h
20-05-2021Wills, Estates & TrustsNavigating Bank Processes While Administering an Estate [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
20-05-2021Canadian Corporate CounselHow to Establish, Manage and Monitor an Effective Compliance Regime for In-House Counsel [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
19-05-2021Intellectual Property, TechnologyRecreational Cannabis: Key Intellectual Property and Advertising Issues [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
19-05-2021Real PropertyThe Spring Mix – Real Estate Issues You Need to Know! [WEBCAST ONLY]Yes2h 45m 30m
19-05-2021GeneralParent and Caregiver Network Program
Co-Parenting Through the Pandemic [WEBCAST ONLY]
19-05-2021Career and Business DevelopmentFoundations in Judicial Competencies: Certificate Program
Session 6: Basics of Judicial Reasoning [WEBCAST ONLY]
No1h 30m
19-05-2021StudentsBar Exam Prep Techniques: Best Practices
18-05-2021Practice ManagementCommunication on Virtual Platforms: Best Practices [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
18-05-2021Entertainment Law, Media LawTelevision and Film Financing: Challenges and Strategies [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h
18-05-2021Labour and Employment Law19th Annual Current Issues in Employment Law [WEBCAST ONLY]No4h 30m1h 30m
18-05-2021Family LawFamily Law Mentorship Roundtable [WEBCAST ONLY]
18-05-2021Class ActionsAdvanced Ethical Issues for Class Action Practitioners [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 15m 15m
18-05-2021Women LawyersThe OBA Award of Excellence in the Promotion of Women's Equality [WEBCAST ONLY]
14-05-2021Career and Business DevelopmentOBA Lawyers Read
The Memo – What Women of Color Need to Know to Secure a Seat at the Table [Zoom Event]
13-05-2021Career and Business DevelopmentParent and Caregiver Network Program
Financial Planning Essentials for Lawyers
12-05-2021Career and Business DevelopmentFoundations in Judicial Competencies: Certificate Program
Session 5: Managing the Courtroom: Setting the Stage, Interactions with Counsel and Witnesses [WEBCAST ONLY]
12-05-2021Practice ManagementManaging Partner Roundtable
Business Development in Today’s Market [WEBCAST ONLY]
12-05-2021Workers Compensation LawAnnual Update on Workplace Safety and Insurance Law [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h 45m1h 15m
12-05-2021Young LawyersCall Forward: Series for Articling Students and LPP Candidates
Skill Builder Session 7 [WEBCAST ONLY]
11-05-2021International LawInternational Trade Law Insights: Dumping and Subsidies [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
11-05-2021Elder Law, Health LawLong-Term Care COVID-19 Commission ReportNo1h 30m
10-05-2021Young LawyersEffective Advocacy for Young Lawyers [WEBCAST ONLY]No 30m 30m
05-05-2021Career and Business DevelopmentFrench Language Rights and Obligations: What All Lawyers Should Know [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
04-05-2021Administrative Law, Young LawyersAdjudicative Tribunal Primer [WEBCAST ONLY]No3h 30m 30m
03-05-2021Health LawHealth Law in 2020-2021 – Major Case Law Update [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
03-05-2021Privacy and Access LawPrivacy Law Summit [WEBCAST ONLY]No6h
30-04-2021Wills, Estates & TrustsYour Critical Update on Legislative and Regulatory Changes in Estates Law [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
29-04-2021Young LawyersEffective Advocacy in Negotiations [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
29-04-2021Labour and Employment LawSocial Thursday on Zoom [Zoom Event]
29-04-2021Alternative Dispute Resolution, Family LawNew Duties of Legal Advisors under Family Law Legislation [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m 30m
29-04-2021Construction LawAn Evening with the Bench [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h1h
29-04-2021GeneralSocialize with your East Region Colleagues. Eat & Cook with Award Winning Chef Joe Thottungal. Feed the Community at the Same Time! [Zoom Event]
29-04-2021Tax Law, Women LawyersWomen in Tax: Could this be your Calling? [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
28-04-2021Career and Business DevelopmentFoundations in Judicial Competencies: Certificate Program
Session 4: Overturned: Insights from Appeals Court Judges [WEBCAST ONLY]
28-04-2021Tax LawFederal Budget 2021 – What You Need to Know [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
27-04-2021Administrative LawJudicial Insight on Administrative Law, Advocacy and Practice [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
27-04-2021Civil LitigationTop Appeals of 2020 from the Ontario Court of Appeal [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 45m 30m
27-04-2021Business LawSecured Transaction Essentials for Business Lawyers [WEBCAST ONLY]No3h 30m
22-04-2021Alternative Dispute ResolutionADR Mentorship Circle: Building a Successful ADR Practice [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
21-04-2021Career and Business DevelopmentFoundations in Judicial Competencies: Certificate Program
Session 3: Equality and Impartiality [WEBCAST ONLY]
16-04-2021Bankruptcy and Insolvency Law, Pensions and Benefits LawThe Intersection of Pensions and Benefits Law and Insolvency Law [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
14-04-2021Labour and Employment Law, Workers Compensation Law, Young LawyersIntroduction to Workplace Safety and Harassment Law and Investigations [WEBCAST ONLY]No3h 30m
14-04-2021Young LawyersCall Forward: Series for Articling Students and LPP Candidates
Skill Builder Session 6 [WEBCAST ONLY]
14-04-2021Career and Business DevelopmentFoundations in Judicial Competencies: Certificate Program
Session 2: Judicial Independence, Integrity and Diligence [WEBCAST ONLY]
13-04-2021Real PropertyKey Transactional Issues Regarding Condominiums [WEBCAST ONLY]Yes3h
09-04-2021Career and Business DevelopmentParent and Caregiver Network Program
Taking Stock of Youth Mental Health – Supports & Resources [WEBCAST ONLY]
08-04-2021Citizenship and Immigration LawTrader /Investor Visas into Canada: The NAFTA/CUSMA’s Best Kept Secret! [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
08-04-2021Charity LawWinding Up a Charity or a Not-For-Profit (Webcast)No1h 30m
08-04-2021Career and Business DevelopmentStrengthen Your Mental Fitness: Enhance Performance and Recovery (WEBCAST ONLY)No1h
08-04-2021Career and Business DevelopmentOBA Lawyers Read
25 Rules for Success & 10 Tips to Enjoy the Practice of Law (Zoom Event)
08-04-2021Wills, Estates & TrustsAn Evening with Your Honourable Estates List Judges [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
08-04-2021Career and Business Development, French Speaking LawyersSucre et causeries [Webinaire Zoom seulement]
07-04-2021Public SectorRecent Top Decisions Public Sector Lawyers Need to Know [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
07-04-2021Career and Business DevelopmentFoundations in Judicial Competencies: Certificate Program
Session 1: The Judicial Application and Appointment Process [WEBCAST ONLY]
No1h 30m
07-04-2021Environmental, Energy and Resources LawWho’s On the Hook? Contaminated Site Litigation Case Law Update [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
07-04-2021Intellectual Property, TechnologyService Providers’ Obligations under Bill C-11 [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
07-04-2021Franchise LawE-Commerce: Issues to Consider when Transitioning your Business Online [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
06-04-2021Career and Business DevelopmentIncreasing Diversity on the Bench
01-04-2021Insurance LawMotor Vehicle Tort Litigation: Your Essential Update [WEBCAST ONLY]No3h
01-04-2021Alternative Dispute ResolutionNavigating the Tax Consequences of Settling Commercial Disputes [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
31-03-2021Administrative LawKey Advocacy and Adjudicative Skills in a Virtual World [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h
30-03-2021Municipal LawMunicipal and Planning Law: Creating and Managing Successful Relationships in Law [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
30-03-2021Tax LawKey Insights on Virtual Business Development for Lawyers [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
26-03-2021Environmental, Energy and Resources Law[PROGRAM CANCELLED] Natural Resources and Energy Law:
Mentoring for Success [WEBCAST ONLY]
No 30m1h
26-03-2021Young LawyersYoung Lawyers: You Can Be Diversity & Inclusion Changemakers [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
25-03-2021StudentsOntario Bar Exam Preparation Tips and Resources [WEBCAST ONLY]
25-03-2021Civil LitigationCallow and Wastech: Examining the Recent SCC Decisions on the Duty of Good Faith [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
25-03-2021Construction LawWhere the Rubber Hits the Road:
Potential Pitfalls Along the Road to Applying the New Construction Act [WEBCAST ONLY]
25-03-2021Women LawyersPractical Strategies for Women in Law: How to Grow and Thrive During Challenging Circumstances [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
24-03-2021Civil Litigation, Young LawyersDivine Discoveries: Building a Great Case [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h 30m1h
23-03-2021Career and Business DevelopmentKey Update for Class Action Practitioners: Amended Consolidated Provincial Practice Direction and Case Management Best Practices [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
23-03-2021French Speaking LawyersJournée internationale de la Francophonie de 2021: Mises à jour en matière de services en français et de droits linguistiques / International Francophonie Day 2021: French Language Services and Language Rights Update
22-03-2021Child and Youth LawAdvanced Issues in Child Protection Law [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h2h
22-03-2021Entertainment Law, Media LawGame on: E-Sports and Video Game Law Primer [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
17-03-2021Career and Business DevelopmentCOVID-19 Vaccinations: Implications for Condominiums and Apartment Complexes [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
11-03-2021Wills, Estates & TrustsAn Estates Solicitor’s Essential Tax Update [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
10-03-2021Young LawyersCall Forward: Series for Articling Students and LPP Candidates
Skill Builder Session 5 [WEBCAST ONLY]
10-03-2021Canadian Corporate CounselAnnual Update on Contract Drafting [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
10-03-2021Health LawEnhancing your Skills and Strategy for Appearances Before the Health Professions Appeal and Review Board [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
10-03-2021Class Actions, Young LawyersFireside Chat with Class Actions Bench and Bar [WEBCAST ONLY]No 45m 15m
10-03-2021Environmental, Energy and Resources LawDigging Into Ontario’s Brownfield Redevelopment Process [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
09-03-2021Career and Business DevelopmentDBplus – A Defined Benefit Pension Plan for Law Firms [WEBCAST ONLY]
04-03-2021Career and Business DevelopmentRoll out to Recovery: Speaker Series
Rapid Antigen Screening: The Role it Plays in the Road to Recovery [WEBCAST ONLY]
04-03-2021Civil Litigation, Young LawyersYour First Civil Trial [WEBCAST ONLY]Yes3h 30m
04-03-2021Career and Business DevelopmentInternational Women's Day 2021
Supporting women in the legal professions and judiciary in the age of COVID-19
Journée internationale des femmes 2021 : Appuyer les femmes au sein des professions juridiques et du système de justice à l’ère de la COVID-19 [WEBCAST EVENT]
04-03-2021Charity LawUnderstanding Charities’ and Non-Profits’ Financial Statements and Tax Returns [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
03-03-2021Privacy and Access LawProtecting Privacy in Commercial Transactions in 2021 and Beyond [WEBCAST ONLY]No3h 30m
03-03-2021Career and Business DevelopmentOBA Mock-Trial Mocktails – An evening with your OBA community [ZOOM EVENT]
01-03-2021Career and Business DevelopmentRequesting Proof of COVID-19 Vaccinations from Customers and Clients [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
26-02-2021Insurance LawGoing Under Cover: Coverage for Non-Coverage Insurance Lawyers [WEBCAST ONLY]No3h
26-02-2021Family LawYour Guide to New and Revised Family Law Forms [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
25-02-2021Wills, Estates & TrustsFireside Chat with Your Honourable Ottawa Estates Judges [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
25-02-2021Citizenship and Immigration Law, Criminal JusticeRecognizing and Responding to the Intersection Between Immigration Law and Criminal Law Matters [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
25-02-2021Tax Law, Women Lawyers[PROGRAM CANCELLED] An Evening of Networking with Prominent Women Tax Lawyers [WEBCAST ONLY]No 45m1h 15m
25-02-2021Workers Compensation LawAccommodation and Return to Work: Developing a Collaborative, Systemic Approach [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h 30m
24-02-2021Career and Business DevelopmentArtificial Intelligence Tools and Algorithmic Bias: What Lawyers Must Know [WEBCAST ONLY]No 30m 30m
24-02-2021Elder Law, SAGDACritical Legal Issues Impacting LGBTQ Individuals as They Age [WEBCAST ONLY]No 45m 45m
24-02-2021Labour and Employment LawWorkplace Harassment Investigations: What you need to know before, during and after [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h1h
24-02-2021Labour and Employment LawOBA Randall Echlin Mentorship Award [WEBCAST ONLY]
24-02-2021Canadian Corporate CounselAnnual Corporate Governance Update [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
23-02-2021Family Law, Pensions and Benefits Law, Wills, Estates & TrustsKey Intersection Points of Pensions and Benefits Law with Family and Trusts and Estates Law [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
23-02-2021Business LawUnderstanding Corporate Reorganizations: Amalgamations, Liquidations and Wind-Ups [WEBCAST ONLY]No3h
22-02-2021Career and Business DevelopmentOBA Blocko – Your Virtual Community Block Party [WEBCAST ONLY]
19-02-2021Young LawyersWinter bLaws: Virtual Edition [WEBCAST ONLY]
18-02-2021Insurance Law[RESCHEDULED to April 7 & 8, 2022] Anatomy of a Trial: Successful Trial StrategyNo9h3h
18-02-2021Real PropertyUnderstanding Title Insurance:
Surveys, GST/HST Liens, Fraud, and Building Permit Claims [WEBCAST ONLY]
No2h 30m 30m
18-02-2021Career and Business DevelopmentAssessing Credibility in a Virtual WorldNo 30m 30m
17-02-2021Bankruptcy and Insolvency LawA Primer on US Chapter 11 Bankruptcy [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
16-02-2021Entertainment Law, Media Law5G and Beyond: The Latest in Telecommunications Law [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h
10-02-2021Class ActionsCurrent Issues in Securities Class Actions: Materiality and the Public Correction [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
10-02-2021Privacy and Access LawPrivacy Law Implications for In-House Counsel of the Digital Charter Implementation Act (Bill C-11) [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
09-02-2021Young LawyersVirtual Advocacy Basics for Young Lawyers [WEBCAST ONLY]No 30m 30m
08-02-2021Health LawEffective Advocacy Before Health Discipline Committees [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
04-02-2021Environmental, Energy and Resources Law, Municipal LawINSTITUTE SERIES – Building Communities [WEBCAST ONLY]No11h2h 30m
03-02-2021Business Law, Family Law, Wills, Estates & TrustsINSTITUTE SERIES – Serving The Family:
Critical Insights on Issues Impacting Families in Corporate, Estates and Family Law [WEBCAST ONLY]
01-02-2021Career and Business DevelopmentRoll Out To Recovery: Speaker Series
Your Vaccine Questions Answered: Safety and Effectiveness in the Context of Rapid Approval and More [WEBCAST ONLY]
30-01-2021Career and Business DevelopmentOBA Annual General Meeting [WEBCAST ONLY]
29-01-2021StudentsOBA Edge Live Zoom Chat
Ace Your Virtual Interview [WEBCAST ONLY]
28-01-2021Citizenship and Immigration LawYour Critical Update on What is Happening at Ontario Ports of EntryNo1h 30m
28-01-2021Business LawBusiness Law Section Winter Social [Zoom Event]
28-01-2021Labour and Employment LawVaccination Requirements and Other Pandemic Related Issues in the Workplace [WEBCAST ONY] No1h 30m
28-01-2021Career and Business Development, French Speaking LawyersBilan 2020 : survol des arrêts clés de l’année rendus par les cours d’appel
Hindsight 2020: Key Appellate Decisions from the Past Year
No1h 15m 15m
27-01-2021Young LawyersStocking Your Resilience Toolbox:
Proactive Stress Management [WEBCAST ONLY]
27-01-2021Tax Law2020 Tax Law Developments: Impact and Future ImplicationsNo1h 30m
27-01-2021Bankruptcy and Insolvency LawKey Bankruptcy and Insolvency Issues in Personal Injury Law [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
26-01-2021Constitutional and Human Rights Law, Pensions and Benefits LawThe Impact of the SCC’s Decision in Fraser on Pensions Law and Beyond [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
26-01-2021Women LawyersOBA WLF & GLC: Speed Mentoring 2021 [WEBCAST ONLY]
21-01-2021Women LawyersPathways to Power: Women in Access to Justice [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
18-01-2021Real PropertyDevelopments in Condominium Law Arising from the Pandemic [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
14-01-2021Real PropertyOBA Award of Excellence in Real Estate [WEBCAST ONLY]
14-01-2021Wills, Estates & TrustsA Conversation with Experienced Estate Planners [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
13-01-2021Young LawyersCall Forward: Series for Articling Students and LPP Candidates
Skill Builder Session 4 [WEBCAST ONLY]
16-12-2021Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training ClassNo2h
02-12-2021Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training ClassNo2h
25-11-2021Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training ClassNo2h
18-11-2021Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training ClassNo2h
04-11-2021Career and Business Development[SOLD OUT] CaseLines Hands-On Training ClassNo2h
01-11-2021Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Premium Training and Support Package
01-11-2021Career and Business DevelopmentOBA Lawyers Link Packages
21-10-2021Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training ClassNo2h
07-10-2021Career and Business Development[SOLD OUT] CaseLines Hands-On Training ClassNo2h
23-09-2021Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training ClassNo2h
16-09-2021Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training ClassNo2h
01-09-2021Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Premium Training and Support Package
26-08-2021Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training ClassNo2h
12-08-2021Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training ClassNo2h
29-07-2021Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training ClassNo2h
22-07-2021Career and Business Development[SOLD OUT]CaseLines Hands-On Training ClassNo2h
15-07-2021Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training Class [SOLD OUT]No2h
24-06-2021Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training Class [SOLD OUT]No2h
17-06-2021Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training Class [SOLD OUT]No2h
10-06-2021Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training Class [SOLD OUT]No2h
03-06-2021Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training Class [SOLD OUT]No2h
01-06-2021Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Premium Training and Support Package
27-05-2021Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training Class [SOLD OUT]No2h
20-05-2021Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training Class [SOLD OUT]No2h
13-05-2021Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training Class [SOLD OUT]No2h
06-05-2021Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training Class [SOLD OUT]No2h
01-05-2021Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Premium Training and Support Package
29-04-2021Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training Class [SOLD OUT]No2h
15-04-2021Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training Class [SOLD OUT]No2h
01-04-2021Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training Class [SOLD OUT]No2h
18-03-2021Family Law[WEBCAST REPLAY] Motions to Change: Spousal Support VariationNo3h
16-03-2021Career and Business Development[WEBCAST REPLAY] Requesting Proof of COVID-19 Vaccinations from Customers and Clients No1h
15-03-2021Career and Business Development, Labour and Employment Law[WEBCAST REPLAY] Vaccination Requirements and Other Pandemic Related Issues in the Workplace No1h 30m
18-08-2021Family LawFamily Violence: An Essential Series for Every Family Lawyer
PART 4: Legal Impacts of Family Violence (Archived Video Stream)
No2h 30m
11-08-2021Family LawFamily Violence: An Essential Series for Every Family Lawyer
PART 3: Proving Family Violence and Managing Family Violence Concerns Through the Legal Process (Archived Video Stream)
No2h 30m
28-07-2021Family LawFamily Violence: An Essential Series for Every Family Lawyer
PART 2: Identifying Family Violence and Selecting the Appropriate Process Option (Archived Video Stream)
No2h 30m
21-07-2021Family LawFamily Violence: An Essential Series for Every Family Lawyer
PART 1: Understanding Family Violence and its Impact on Your Role as Lawyer (Archived Video Stream)
No1h 30m1h
13-07-2021Wills, Estates & TrustsYour Comprehensive Guide to Will Challenges: A Series (Archived Video Stream)