2018 Hours

DatePractice AreaProgram NameLawPROSubstantive HoursProf. HoursEDI Hours
24-10-2018Child and Youth Law, Criminal JusticeYouth Criminal Justice Essentials SeriesNo1h
12-09-2018Young LawyersCall Forward: Series for Articling Students and LPP Candidates
14-05-2018Administrative LawPackaged Program: "Professional Regulation Essentials" and "Advanced Issues in Professional Regulation"Yes3h
12-12-2018Wills, Estates & TrustsPreparing and Passing Fiduciary Accounts: When, Why and How to Avoid a DisputeNo3h 30m
11-12-2018Young LawyersOBA Holiday Social Hosted by Young Lawyers Division - East
11-12-2018Environmental, Energy and Resources LawWinds of Change – Ontario’s Climate Change Regime – What Happened and What Now?No1h 30m
11-12-2018Entertainment Law, Media LawOBA Entertainment, Media and Communications Section Social
10-12-2018Tax LawProfessionalism and Ethical Issues for Tax LawyersNo3h 30m
07-12-2018Canadian Corporate CounselTop Drafting Clauses for In-House CounselNo1h 30m
06-12-2018Municipal LawProfessionalism for Planning & Municipal LawyersYes 30m2h 45m 15m
05-12-2018SAGDAHoliday Social
05-12-2018Child and Youth Law, Criminal Justice[WEBCAST ONLY] Youth in Care and the Criminal Justice SystemNo1h 30m
05-12-2018Family LawLimited Scope Family Legal Services
Where the Rubber Hits the Road
04-12-2018Administrative Law, Young LawyersAdjudicative Tribunal PrimerYes3h 30m 30m
04-12-2018Citizenship and Immigration LawSponsorship and Humanitarian and Compassionate ApplicationsNo1h 30m
04-12-2018Career and Business DevelopmentEthics and Civility in the Courtroom and BeyondNo3h
03-12-2018International LawHelping Clients Bring Their Investments and Companies to CanadaNo1h 30m
03-12-2018Class Actions10th Annual Class Actions ColloquiumYes6h 30m 45m 45m
30-11-2018Career and Business DevelopmentBlockchain 2018 – Capital Markets and BeyondNo3h
29-11-2018Tax Law, Young LawyersFrom Tax Planning to Tax Litigation for the Owner-ManagerYes2h 45m 15m
29-11-2018Constitutional and Human Rights Law, Criminal Justice[POSTPONED] Bill C-83,Prison Segregation and Inmate Mental HealthNo1h 30m
28-11-2018Career and Business DevelopmentRODA’s 4th Annual Diversity Conference in Partnership with the OBA: Accelerating a Culture Shift in the Legal ProfessionYes
28-11-2018Canadian Corporate CounselPeer Mentorship Event for In-House Counsel No1h 30m
27-11-2018Women LawyersPathways to Power: Women in TechNo1h 30m
27-11-2018Workers Compensation LawA Comprehensive WSIAT UpdateNo3h 30m
27-11-2018Civil LitigationMastering Summary Judgment MotionsNo3h
27-11-2018General Practice, Solo & Small FirmPrecedents Series: Wills and Estates [Webcast Only]No1h 30m
26-11-2018Wills, Estates & TrustsDinner with Senior Estate PlannersNo1h 30m
22-11-2018Young LawyersReputation is Everything:
How to Build Integrity as a Young Lawyer
No1h 30m
21-11-2018Civil Litigation[SOLD OUT] OBA Award of Excellence in Civil Litigation
20-11-2018Entertainment Law, Media LawErrors and Omissions Insurance for Film and Media ProductionsYes1h 30m
20-11-2018Pensions and Benefits Law, Tax LawPensions & Tax Update: Executive Compensation and Registered PlansYes1h
20-11-2018Bankruptcy and Insolvency LawInsight from Murray Klein Award Winners – Part 2No1h 30m
20-11-2018Career and Business DevelopmentCanada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL): A Joint Presentation on Compliance and Enforcement

La Loi canadienne anti-pourriel (LCAP) : présentation conjointe sur la conformité et l’application
19-11-2018Labour and Employment Law[PROGRAM POSTPONED to Spring 2019] Current Issues in Labour Law
15-11-2018Business LawCommercial Agreements Bootcamp: Building Essential Negotiating and Drafting SkillsYes5h 30m
15-11-2018Practice ManagementManaging Partner Roundtable: Managing and Retaining Talent: How to Keep the KeepersNo1h
15-11-2018Criminal Justice, Young LawyersCriminal Law PrimerYes3h
15-11-2018Civil LitigationWriting Persuasive Legal DocumentsNo1h 45m1h 45m
15-11-2018Municipal LawMunicipal Election Debrief: The issues that shaped the 2018 Municipal ElectionsNo1h 30m
14-11-2018Family Law[PROGRAM CANCELLED] Hague Convention Proceedings – a Treaty in TransitionNo3h
13-11-2018Franchise Law18th Annual Franchise Law ConferenceYes7h 15m1h
12-11-2018Aboriginal Law, SAGDAIndigenous Two Spirited People: Historical and Current Duality of MarginalizationNo2h
08-11-2018General Practice, Solo & Small Firm, Practice ManagementTECHxpo 2018: Optimize Your FirmYes5h 45m
08-11-2018Young LawyersYLD Southwest Fall Social
02-11-2018Insurance LawMotor Vehicle Tort Litigation in Ontario: Critical UpdatesNo3h 45m
01-11-2018Labour and Employment LawMediation No1h 30m
01-11-2018Canadian Corporate Counsel, Civil LitigationForge a Better Union: Strategies for Optimizing Coordination Between In-House and Litigation CounselYes3h 30m 30m
01-11-2018Public SectorWelcome Reception for Articling Students and LPP Candidates, Featuring The Honourable Sandra NishikawaNo 30m
31-10-2018Real PropertyScary Professionalism Issues for the Real Estate PractitionerYes 45m3h
30-10-2018Family Law, Young LawyersFamily Law MotionsYes3h 30m 30m
30-10-2018Alternative Dispute Resolution, Construction LawValuable Strategies for Mediating Multi-Party DisputesYes3h
30-10-2018Tax LawSpeed Mentoring: Practical Advice on Succeeding as a Young Tax LawyerNo1h 30m
29-10-2018Wills, Estates & TrustsEstate Planning for Blended FamiliesYes3h 30m
26-10-2018Career and Business DevelopmentThe Legal Implications of Personalized MedicineYes2h 30m 30m
25-10-2018Labour and Employment LawSocial Thursdays
24-10-2018Environmental, Energy and Resources Law[PROGRAM CANCELLED] Contaminated Lands: Working with Consultants, the Regulator, and Unique Considerations for LitigationYes1h 30m
24-10-2018General Practice, Solo & Small Firm[PROGRAM CANCELLED] Precedents Series: Real PropertyNo1h 30m
23-10-2018Civil Litigation, Intellectual Property, TechnologyInterlocutory Injunctions in Intellectual Property Cases: Has Sleep Country v. Sears Changed the Game?No1h 30m
23-10-2018Wills, Estates & Trusts2018-2019 Trusts and Estates Litigators Passport Series (3 Programs)No
23-10-2018Health Law, Wills, Estates & TrustsThe Essentials on Capacity and ConsentNo1h 30m
23-10-2018Wills, Estates & TrustsMaintaining Civility in Estates LitigationNo1h 30m
23-10-2018Business Law6th Annual Professionalism Issues for Business LawyersYes 30m3h
22-10-2018Women LawyersGender Issues in the Workplace: Feminist Fight ClubNo1h 30m
19-10-2018International LawBusiness and Human Rights Law is Here: Ensure You Are PreparedNo1h 30m
18-10-2018Practice ManagementManaging Partner Roundtable: Keys to Better Client Service and Loyalty: How to Set Yourself ApartNo1h
17-10-2018Administrative LawTransparency, Open Courts and Administrative Tribunals: Implications of Toronto Star v. AG OntarioNo3h
15-10-2018Intellectual Property, TechnologySocial Media and Internet Law: Your Comprehensive GuideYes3h 30m 30m
15-10-2018Pensions and Benefits Law16th Annual Pensions and Benefits Hot SpotsNo2h
12-10-2018Women LawyersWomen Lawyers Forum: 25th Anniversary Packaged ProgramsNo 30m
12-10-2018Women LawyersThe Women Lawyers Forum: Celebrating 25 Years of ActionNo1h 30m
12-10-2018Women LawyersWomen Lawyers Forum Program:
Revisiting Touchstones for Change: 25th Anniversary
No1h 30m
11-10-2018Workers Compensation Law[SOLD OUT] Ron Ellis Award for Excellence in Workers' Compensation Law
10-10-2018Public SectorCorporate Governance in the Public SectorNo1h 30m
10-10-2018Women LawyersWomen Lawyers Forum Hamilton Social No 15m
10-10-2018Environmental, Energy and Resources Law[PROGRAM CANCELLED] Tires, Electronics, Hazardous Waste, the Blue Box and the Circular Economy: Breakfast with the Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RPRA)No1h 30m
10-10-2018Entertainment Law, Media LawHelp Me Help You – A Mentoring Event for the Next Generation of Entertainment, Media and Communications LawyersNo1h 30m
10-10-2018Civil Litigation[PROGRAM POSTPONED] Innovations in LitigationNo4h
09-10-2018Citizenship and Immigration Law[PROGRAM POSTPONED] Professionalism Alert - What You Need to Know About Retainers, Resolving Issues, and Case Management IssuesNo1h 30m
09-10-2018Child and Youth Law, Criminal JusticeForensic Science and the Law: An Uneasy CoexistenceNo1h 30m
04-10-2018Women Lawyers[CANCELLED] FATHERS IN LAW II – Taking Action on EqualityNo1h 30m
04-10-2018Real PropertySweeping Changes to the Construction Law Regime: What You Need to KnowYes2h
04-10-2018Health Law, Insurance LawAdvancing and Defending Future Care Costs ClaimsNo1h 30m
04-10-2018Family Law[CANCELLED] Managing the Challenges of Bilingual Proceedings in Family Law / Gérer les défis des procédures bilingues en droit de la familleNo2h
04-10-2018Career and Business DevelopmentAdvertising & Marketing Law: Social, Digital, Online Compliance - Legal Issues for 2018 and BeyondNo6h 30m
02-10-2018Constitutional and Human Rights Law17th Annual Charter ConferenceYes5h
02-10-2018Bankruptcy and Insolvency LawInsight from Murray Klein Award Winners – Part 1No1h 30m
02-10-2018Bankruptcy and Insolvency LawInsight from Murray Klein Award Winners (4 Part Series)No1h 30m
01-10-2018Civil LitigationSucceeding in Motions and ApplicationsNo2h 45m 15m
01-10-2018Construction LawConstruction Bonding and Insurance: A Primer on Construction Risk ManagementNo3h
28-09-2018Labour and Employment LawLabour and Employment Law Breakfast Series (4 programs)No1h 30m
28-09-2018Family LawNinth Annual Bread and Butter Issues in Family LawYes3h1h
28-09-2018International LawBreaking Barriers in Internal Trade: What R.v. Comeau and the Changing CFTA Mean for your ClientNo1h 30m
28-09-2018Privacy and Access LawGetting Ready for Canada’s Mandatory Privacy Breach Reporting RequirementsNo3h
28-09-2018Labour and Employment LawPre-Litigation Negotiation No1h 30m
26-09-2018Young LawyersMotions in Law ProceedingsYes3h 30m 30m
26-09-2018Administrative LawAnnual Update on Judicial ReviewNo1h 30m
26-09-2018Intellectual Property, TechnologyIntellectual Property Issues in the Cannabis IndustryNo1h 30m
25-09-2018Business LawCurrent Practice Trends in Canadian Private M&A AgreementsNo2h
24-09-2018Young LawyersYoung Lawyers Division (Central) Kick-Off Social
24-09-2018Alternative Dispute ResolutionMediation Bootcamp: Your Essential Guide to Excelling at Mediation for LawyersYes4h
20-09-2018Practice ManagementManaging Partner Roundtable: Strategies to Enhance Business DevelopmentNo1h
20-09-2018Career and Business DevelopmentThe Enterprising Lawyer: Taking Care of Business Series B: Managing Your Practice
Module 4 - How to Build Your Army of Allies: The Evolution of Profitable Relationships
No1h 30m
20-09-2018Canadian Corporate CounselCCCA Ontario Chapter Fall Social
20-09-2018Practice ManagementManaging Partner Roundtable: 2018 / 2019 CPD Program Package
18-09-2018Charity LawWhat you Missed Over the Summer: Charity and the CourtsNo1h
17-09-2018Women LawyersThe Resilient Lawyer: Build Mental Wellness in Your PracticeNo1h 30m
17-09-2018Wills, Estates & Trusts2018-2019 Trusts & Estates Law Planners Passport Series (4 Programs)No
17-09-2018Wills, Estates & TrustsSetting Boundaries: When and How to Say “No”No1h 30m
14-09-2018Business LawSecurities Law Primer: Key Securities and Corporate Law IssuesYes3h
13-09-2018Insurance LawThe Essentials of Loss TransferNo1h 30m
13-09-2018Civil LitigationPleadings PerfectedYes2h 30m 30m
12-09-2018Citizenship and Immigration LawWhat You Missed Over the Summer: Immigration Law UpdatesNo1h 30m
12-09-2018Women LawyersWomen Lawyers Forum: Mix and Mingle
12-09-2018Tax LawWhat You Missed While You Were Away: Summer 2018 Tax DevelopmentsNo1h 30m
06-09-2018Young LawyersKick-off Social: Call Forward Series [LONDON]
05-09-2018Entertainment Law, Media LawToronto International Film Festival (TIFF) Social
24-06-2018SAGDA2018 Pride Parade
21-06-2018Tax LawTaxation Law Section Year-End Dinner
21-06-2018Construction LawGolf Day 2018 and Dinner ProgramNo 30m 30m
21-06-2018Citizenship and Immigration LawHear from the Experts: Year in Review and Future DirectionsNo1h 30m
21-06-2018Bankruptcy and Insolvency LawInsolvency Law Section Social
21-06-2018Career and Business DevelopmentCome Join the OBA for a Springtime Central East Region Social!
20-06-2018Municipal LawOBA Award of Excellence in Municipal Law
20-06-2018Constitutional and Human Rights Law[CANCELLED] Balancing Federal and Provincial Powers: Implications of R. v. Comeau for Federalism in CanadaNo1h 30m
20-06-2018Career and Business DevelopmentReal-World Strategies for Integrating Diversity and Inclusion into your Firm or Legal DepartmentNo1h 30m
20-06-2018Pensions and Benefits Law[SOLD OUT] OBA Award of Excellence in Pensions & Benefits LawNo 15m 15m
20-06-2018Environmental, Energy and Resources LawAdvanced Environmental Law Practitioner RoundtableNo1h 30m
19-06-2018Real PropertyOBA Award of Excellence in Real Estate
18-06-2018Business Law, Civil Litigation, Intellectual Property, Tax Law, TechnologyYour Comprehensive Guide to BlockchainNo4h
15-06-2018Canadian Corporate CounselIn-House Counsel CompensationNo1h
14-06-2018Construction LawOBA Award of Excellence in Construction and Infrastructure Law Section Annual Tour and Award of Excellence
14-06-2018Career and Business DevelopmentUploading Diversity and Inclusion Responsibilities to Your Management TeamNo1h
13-06-2018Family Law, SAGDABest Interests of the Child: When Freedom of Religion and Equality Rights CollideNo1h 30m
13-06-2018Criminal JusticeCivility in the Courts & OBA Award of Excellence in Criminal JusticeNo1h
13-06-2018Entertainment Law, Labour and Employment Law, Media LawAddressing Sexual Harassment in the Entertainment IndustryNo1h 30m
13-06-2018Franchise LawBrand Control or Legal Exposure? Balancing the Franchisor’s need to Control the Brand with Vicarious Liability ConcernsNo1h 30m
12-06-2018Bankruptcy and Insolvency Law2018 OBA Murray Klein Award of Excellence in Insolvency Law
08-06-2018Elder LawCongregate Care: Legal Issues Facing Residents, Families & Substitute Decision MakersNo3h 30m
07-06-2018Civil Litigation[POSTPONED to FALL 2018] Drafting Contracts in a Post Bhasin WorldNo1h 30m
07-06-2018Practice ManagementManaging Partner Roundtable: Social Media – How Much and What Type Is Just Right?No1h
06-06-2018Career and Business DevelopmentThe Mindful Lawyer CPD Series: Spring 2018
Module 16: Stress Management
06-06-2018Wills, Estates & TrustsEssential Evidence Series for Estate Litigators – Part IIINo3h
06-06-2018Charity LawAMS/John Hodgson Award of Excellence in Charity and Not-for-Profit Law
06-06-2018Career and Business DevelopmentOBA Foundation Debate:
#MeToo Meets the Law
05-06-2018Entertainment Law, Intellectual Property, Media Law, Technology[PROGRAM CANCELLED] Video Game Law 2.0: Essential and Emerging IssuesNo4h
05-06-2018Health LawOBA Health Law Section Year-End DinnerNo1h
05-06-2018Business Law16th Annual OSC, TSX and IIROC UpdateNo2h 30m
05-06-2018Young Lawyers[PROGRAM POSTPONED TO FALL 2018] Structured Settlements 101No1h 18m
05-06-2018Canadian Corporate CounselCCCA Ontario Chapter Award of Excellence
04-06-2018Wills, Estates & TrustsOBA Award of Excellence in Trusts and Estates Law
31-05-2018General Practice, Solo & Small FirmDiscussion on Le Dain and Mental Health In the Legal ProfessionNo1h 30m
31-05-2018Administrative Law, Constitutional and Human Rights Law, Labour and Employment LawAnnual Update on Human RightsYes6h 15m 30m
31-05-2018Business LawFinancial Statements Bootcamp: Reading, Interpreting, Issue SpottingYes5h 30m
31-05-2018Wills, Estates & TrustsDinner with Your Honourable Ottawa Estates JudgesNo1h
30-05-2018Career and Business DevelopmentOBA Toronto Region Spring Social
29-05-2018Family LawOBA Award of Excellence in Family Law
29-05-2018Real Property, Young LawyersYour First Residential Real Estate TransactionYes3h 30m
29-05-2018Labour and Employment LawOBA Randall Echlin Mentorship Award
29-05-2018Insurance LawOBA Award of Excellence in Insurance Law
28-05-2018Women LawyersThe OBA Award of Excellence in the Promotion of Women's Equality
28-05-2018Career and Business DevelopmentEffective and Strategic Communication Skills to Help You Achieve Your GoalsYes 30m2h 30m 30m
28-05-2018Career and Business DevelopmentOBA Packaged Programs:
1. Effective and Strategic Communication Skills to Help You Achieve Your Goals
2. Persuasion, Negotiation, and Relationship Building: Techniques to Succeed in Law Today
Yes 30m2h 45m
24-05-2018Public SectorTom Marshall Award of Excellence for Public Sector Lawyers
24-05-2018Civil LitigationSuccessful Civil AppealsYes2h 30m 30m
23-05-2018Environmental, Energy and Resources Law[PROGRAM CANCELLED] Energy Case Studies: Tried and Tested Strategies for SuccessNo3h
23-05-2018Career and Business DevelopmentThe Mindful Lawyer CPD Series: Spring 2018
Module 15 - Wake Up Call: Tune Up Your Wellness
17-05-2018Real PropertyTroubleshooting Problem Closings:
A toolkit for a deal coming off the rails
Yes3h 15m 45m
17-05-2018Practice ManagementManaging Partner Roundtable: Insurance – Cyber Liability No1h
17-05-2018Wills, Estates & TrustsEssential Evidence Series for Estate Litigators – Part IINo3h
17-05-2018Career and Business Development[POSTPONED] Real-World Strategies for Integrating Diversity and Inclusion into your Firm or Legal DepartmentNo1h
17-05-2018Civil Litigation, International LawRecognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments and Awards – Hot Topics and TrendsNo1h 30m
16-05-2018Workers Compensation LawA New Era in Workplace Safety and Insurance Law Yes5h 30m1h 30m
16-05-2018Young LawyersYoung Lawyers Gala
16-05-2018Career and Business DevelopmentCome One, Come All:
OBA East Region Social
15-05-2018Canadian Corporate Counsel, Labour and Employment LawMastering Workplace InvestigationsNo3h 30m
15-05-2018Environmental, Energy and Resources LawUnderstanding Air, Odours and NoiseNo1h 30m
14-05-2018Administrative LawProfessional Regulation EssentialsYes3h
14-05-2018Business LawSecured Transaction Essentials for Business LawyersYes3h 30m
14-05-2018Administrative LawPackaged Program: "Professional Regulation Essentials" and "Advanced Issues in Professional Regulation"Yes3h
14-05-2018Administrative LawAdvanced Issues in Professional RegulationYes3h 30m
10-05-2018Insurance LawAnatomy of a Trial: Demonstrations and DebriefsYes9h3h
09-05-2018Young LawyersMaking Submissions before the Federal Courts of Canada No1h 30m
09-05-2018Women LawyersUsing Gender Blind Spots for Success at WorkNo1h 30m
08-05-2018Family Law, Young Lawyers[PROGRAM POSTPONED TO FALL 2018] Family Law MotionsNo3h 30m 30m
08-05-2018Child and Youth Law, Family Law[PROGRAM POSTPONED TO FALL 2018] Exploring the Boundaries of Children's Participation in Family Law ProceedingsNo3h 30m
08-05-2018Construction LawDesign Professionals: Regulatory Framework and Contractual Challenges No1h 30m
08-05-2018Citizenship and Immigration LawBusiness Immigration Options: A Practical and Comparative GuideNo1h 30m
08-05-2018Entertainment Law, Media LawCurrent Issues in Fashion LawNo1h 30m
07-05-2018Construction Law, Young LawyersConstruction Law PrimerYes3h 30m
07-05-2018General Practice, Solo & Small Firm[PROGRAM CANCELLED] Precedents Series: Real Property, Wills and EstatesNo3h
07-05-2018Tax LawDerivative Assessments – And Why You Should Be Concerned with Them (Regardless of Your Practice Area) No1h 30m 30m
04-05-2018Bankruptcy and Insolvency LawOverturning Fraudulent Preferences and Transfers No2h 45m 45m
03-05-2018Pensions and Benefits Law, Tax LawPensions & Tax Update:
Pension Plans in Tax Treaties and Single Employer Target Benefit Plans
03-05-2018Women LawyersCareer Management:
Pressing Issues at the Forefront
No1h 30m
03-05-2018Environmental, Energy and Resources LawEnvironmental Contamination for the Transactional Lawyer: A Way Through the MazeNo1h 30m
01-05-2018Privacy and Access LawContracting in the Era of the European Union’s New General Data Protection RegulationNo1h 30m
01-05-2018Administrative Law, Constitutional and Human Rights LawHelpful Insights on Dealing with Litigants with Mental Health ChallengesNo2h
01-05-2018Entertainment Law, Media Law, TechnologyThe Copyright Board of Canada: Recent Developments and Practical Advice for Practice before the BoardNo1h 30m
27-04-2018Career and Business DevelopmentPractical A.I. Tools for Your Law FirmNo3h
27-04-2018Labour and Employment Law16th Annual Current Issues in Employment LawNo5h 15m1h 15m
26-04-2018Administrative LawOpportunities and Challenges of Written HearingsYes2h
25-04-2018Alternative Dispute Resolution, Civil Litigation, Tax LawExploring the Tax Implications of Settlement Proceeds CharacterizationNo1h 30m
25-04-2018Career and Business Development2018 OBA Awards Gala
25-04-2018Career and Business DevelopmentDiversity for Solo, Small and Mid-Sized FirmsNo1h
25-04-2018Real PropertyWhat You Need to Know About Assignments of New Home Agreements of Purchase and SaleNo1h
24-04-2018Wills, Estates & TrustsDinner with Your Honourable Estates List JudgesNo1h 15m
23-04-2018Civil Litigation, Intellectual Property, Technology[POSTPONED TO FALL 2018] Interlocutory Injunctions in Intellectual Property Cases: Has Sleep Country v. Sears Changed the Game?No1h 30m
23-04-2018Business Law"MBA" in a Day - for LawyersYes5h1h
23-04-2018Public SectorHow To Be A Public Interest LawyerNo1h 30m
20-04-2018Class ActionsBest Practices for Class Actions SettlementsYes2h 45m 15m
20-04-2018Young LawyersA Springtime Evening with The Honourable Justice Russell Brown of the Supreme Court of Canada
19-04-2018Construction LawKey Update on the New Construction ActNo4h
19-04-2018Practice ManagementManaging Partner Roundtable: “Breakdown: The Inside Story of the Rise and Fall of Heenan Blaikie” with Norman BacalNo1h
18-04-2018Franchise LawAn All-Star Decision?Yes1h 30m
18-04-2018Entertainment Law, Tax LawTax Essentials for Entertainment LawyersNo1h 30m
17-04-2018Women LawyersPathways to Power: Women in International LawNo1h 30m
16-04-2018Business LawRecent Developments in Consumer Protection LawNo1h 30m
16-04-2018Family LawInnovative Strategies for Increasing Your Family Law Client Base [WEBCAST ONLY]No4h
13-04-2018Intellectual Property, International Law, TechnologyPacking Your Digital Suitcase - Understanding Your Professional Obligations When Client Data Crosses BordersNo1h 30m
13-04-2018Business Law, Young LawyersCorporate Law BasicsYes3h 30m
12-04-2018Privacy and Access LawPrivacy Law Summit 2018No6h 30m
12-04-2018Young LawyersBuilding Your Practice:
Food Pairing and Roundtable Discussion
No 30m
12-04-2018Criminal Justice, Health LawMental Illness and the Law: A Practitioner’s IntroductionNo1h 30m
10-04-2018Career and Business DevelopmentThe Mindful Lawyer CPD Series: Spring 2018
Module 14: Making the Most of Your Valuable Time
09-04-2018Environmental, Energy and Resources LawUnderstanding Soil and Groundwater: Part 2No1h 30m
09-04-2018Charity LawReal Property Issues and Associated Tax Implications for Charity and NFP LawyersNo1h 30m
06-04-2018Pensions and Benefits LawFSCO/MOF/OSFI/CRA/FSRA Forum 2018
Turning The Tables
Yes1h 45m 45m
05-04-2018Career and Business DevelopmentThe Enterprising Lawyer: Taking Care of Business
Series A: Starting your own firm
Module 5 - Take Your Practice Where You Want To Go: From Marketing to Leadership
No1h 30m
05-04-2018Wills, Estates & TrustsEssential Evidence Series for Estate Litigators – Part INo3h
05-04-2018Wills, Estates & TrustsEssential Evidence Series for Estate LitigatorsNo3h
04-04-2018Women Lawyers[SOLD OUT] Speed Mentoring: the Track to Success
04-04-2018Constitutional and Human Rights Law, Education LawKey Charter and Human Rights Developments in Education LawNo1h 30m
29-03-2018Civil LitigationWriting Persuasive Legal DocumentsYes1h 30m1h 30m
28-03-2018Real PropertySuccessfully Navigating the Expropriation ProcessNo3h 30m
27-03-2018Career and Business DevelopmentUnconscious Bias TrainingNo1h
27-03-2018Wills, Estates & TrustsTax UpdateNo1h 30m
26-03-2018Intellectual Property, TechnologyDealing with Domain Names: Critical Advice and Essential UpdatesNo2h
26-03-2018Canadian Corporate CounselCorporate Governance UpdateNo1h 30m
21-03-2018Construction Law, Municipal LawLand Development and Construction Law Issues in Ontario: Part 2 [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h 45m
20-03-2018Insurance LawAccident Benefits Update [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h 30m
08-03-2018Family Law, Wills, Estates & TrustsCritical Issues at the Intersection of Family Law, and Trust and Estate LawNo4h
08-03-2018General Practice, Solo & Small FirmFireside Chat Speaker Series
Effectively Manage Your Practice
08-03-2018Business LawBuying and Selling a Business: A Comprehensive GuideYes5h1h
07-03-2018Career and Business DevelopmentShifting the Cultural Mindset at Your Firm or OrganizationNo1h
07-03-2018Young LawyersPart 2: Expert Advice on Launching Your Legal Career (Ottawa)
07-03-2018Citizenship and Immigration LawLitigation-Proofing Your Immigration Applications (and Tips for Success in Court If That Does Not Work)No1h 30m
06-03-2018Municipal Law5 Minute Advocacy for Municipal & Planning LawyersNo2h 30m 30m
05-03-2018Child and Youth LawPutting the New Child, Youth and Family Services Act Into PracticeNo6h
01-03-2018Practice ManagementManaging Partner Roundtable: 2018 Spring PackageNo1h
01-03-2018Young LawyersDivine Discoveries: Building a Great CaseYes2h 30m1h
01-03-2018Practice ManagementManaging Partner Roundtable: What's New In Practice Management from LAWPRONo1h
01-03-2018Young LawyersYour First Civil TrialYes3h 30m
01-03-2018Young LawyersPackaged Programs: "Your First Civil Trial" and "Divine Discoveries: Building a Great Case"Yes2h 30m 30m
28-02-2018Canadian Corporate CounselBeyond the Hype: What can AI Do for In-House Counsel?No 30m1h
28-02-2018Young LawyersPart 2: Expert Advice on Launching Your Legal Career (Toronto)
28-02-2018Women LawyersFinding Your FitNo1h 30m
27-02-2018Wills, Estates & TrustsContested Passing of AccountsNo1h 30m
27-02-2018Franchise LawFranchise Law Networking Breakfast
26-02-2018Intellectual Property, TechnologyNavigating the New Patent Regime for PharmaceuticalsNo1h 30m
26-02-2018Civil LitigationTop Appeals of 2017 from the Ontario Court of AppealNo1h 30m
31-01-2018Young LawyersThe 8th Annual January bLaws
24-01-2018Young LawyersCareer TransitionsNo1h 30m
18-01-2018Practice Management[POSTPONED TO JUNE 2018] Managing Partner Roundtable: Social Media – How Much and What Type Is Just Right?No1h
18-01-2018General Practice, Solo & Small FirmLawyers on the Move: From Start Up, Expanding to MovingNo1h
17-01-2018Citizenship and Immigration LawExpress Entry: Strategies for SuccessNo1h 30m
08-01-2018Canadian Corporate Counsel, Young Lawyers2018 New Year Social
12-11-2018Environmental, Energy and Resources LawExamining Shared Environmental Interests with the Michigan State BarNo1h 30m
23-08-2018Administrative Law[Webcast Replay] Opportunities and Challenges of Written HearingsNo2h
19-07-2018Civil Litigation[CANCELLED][Webcast Replay] Tackling InjunctionsNo4h
19-04-2018Child and Youth Law, Criminal Justice[PROGRAM POSTPONED] Youth Criminal Justice Essentials Series:
What You Need to Know About Bail under the Youth Criminal Justice Act
28-03-2018Child and Youth Law, Criminal Justice[PROGRAM POSTPONED] Youth Criminal Justice Essentials Series:
How the youth Criminal Justice System Differs from the Adult System and Why it Matters
21-12-2018Real Property[Webcast Replay] Troubleshooting Problem Closings: A Toolkit For a Deal Coming Off the RailsNo3h 15m 45m
21-12-2018Business Law[Webcast Replay] Securities Law Primer: Key Securities and Corporate Law IssuesNo3h
20-12-2018Wills, Estates & Trusts[Webcast Replay] Estate Planning For Blended FamiliesNo3h 30m
20-12-2018Business Law[Webcast Replay] "MBA" in a Day - for LawyersNo5h1h
20-12-2018Intellectual Property, Technology[Webcast Replay] Dealing with Domain Names: Critical Advice and Essential UpdatesNo2h
19-12-2018Career and Business Development[Webcast Replay] Practical A.I. Tools For Your Law FirmNo3h
19-12-2018Business Law[Webcast Replay] Buying and Selling a Business: A Comprehensive GuideNo5h1h
19-12-2018Construction Law[Webcast Replay] Key Update on the New Construction ActNo4h
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28-11-2018Child and Youth Law, Criminal JusticeYOUTH CRIMINAL JUSTICE ESSENTIALS SERIES:
What You Need to Know About Bail under the Youth Criminal Justice Act (Archived Video Stream)
14-11-2018Class ActionsPractical Tips for Class Action Mediation with The Honourable Warren Winkler (Archived Video Stream)
24-10-2018Child and Youth Law, Criminal JusticeYOUTH CRIMINAL JUSTICE ESSENTIALS SERIES:
How the Youth Criminal Justice System Differs from the Adult System and Why it Matters (Archived Video Stream)
02-10-2018Class ActionsClass Action Developments to Watch For (Archived Video Stream)
27-06-2018Family LawThe Rules are Changing! Need-To-Know Changes to the Family Law Rules (Archived Video Stream)
11-06-2018Civil Litigation, Insurance LawThe New Wave of E-Filing (Archived Video Stream)
06-06-2018Criminal JusticeAccessing Justice as a Francophone | Accéder à la justice comme francophone (Archived Video Stream)
30-05-2018Class ActionsThe Future of Umbrella Purchasers (Archived Video Stream)
17-04-2018Workers Compensation LawCan Ontario Claimants Access U.S. Asbestos Trust Funds? (Archived Video Stream)
04-04-2018Tax LawFederal Budget: Practical Insights on Recent Tax Changes (Archived Video Stream)No1h
01-03-2018Career and Business DevelopmentPersuasion, Negotiation and Relationship Building: Techniques to Succeed in Law TodayNo1h 45m2h 45m
10-02-2018Criminal Justice"Your witness ..."
The ultimate Guide to Witnesses in Criminal Proceedings (Archived Video Stream)
09-02-2018Canadian Corporate CounselRiding the Waves: Risk Management & Cybersecurity (Archived Video Stream)
09-02-2018Family LawWhen Family Law Collides: Essential Interdisciplinary Issues (Archived Video Stream)
09-02-2018Health LawEmerging Risks in Health Law (Archived Video Stream)
09-02-2018Municipal LawA New Era in Municipal & Planning Law (Archived Video Stream)
08-02-2018General Practice, Solo & Small FirmWinning Clients in the Age of the New Advertising and Referral Rules (Archived Video Stream)
08-02-2018Young LawyersHow to Thrive as a Young Lawyer in Today’s Market (Archived Video Stream)
08-02-2018Real PropertyNavigating The Changing World of Real Estate Law (Archived Video Stream)
08-02-2018Aboriginal LawAdvancing Reconciliation: Review of Recent Key Decisions and What Deconstructing the Current Colonial Legal Structure Could Mean (Archived Video Stream)
08-02-2018Wills, Estates & TrustsEmerging Issues in Estates, Trusts and Incapacity Law (Archived Video Stream)
07-02-2018Career and Business DevelopmentIndigenous Legal Norms: Canadian Lawyering and Courage (Archived Video Stream)
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07-02-2018Tax LawCovering the Tax Bases:
Critical Developments in Tax Law (Archived Video Stream)
07-02-2018Women LawyersFeminism Revisited: Is the Revolution Over? (Archived Video Stream)
07-02-2018Education LawEducation for All Students: Diversity and Inclusion in Education (Archived Video Stream)
07-02-2018Citizenship and Immigration LawImmigration Law in a Modern Age: Success Strategies from the Experts (Archived Video Stream)
07-02-2018Elder LawDecisional Capacity:
A Cross-Disciplinary Examination (Archived Video Stream)
07-02-2018Intellectual Property, TechnologyBlockchain, Smart Contracts & AI: Legal Challenges and Opportunities in Emerging Technologies (Archived Video Stream)
07-02-2018Privacy and Access LawThe New and Emerging Privacy Developments You need to Know (Archived Video Stream)
07-02-2018Child and Youth LawHow Expert Is Your Expert? The Use of Scientific Evidence in Child and Youth Law (Archived Video Stream)
07-02-2018Alternative Dispute ResolutionNeuroscience in ADR: Strategies for Responding to Neurological Reactions in Clients, Counsel and Yourself (Archived Video Stream)
07-02-2018Class Actions, International LawThe Rise of High-Stakes Global Class Actions: Critical Updates to Help You Protect Your Clients (Archived Video Stream)
07-02-2018Entertainment Law, Media LawDealing with Online Defamation (Archived Video Stream)
07-02-2018Air and Space LawBe on the Lookout! How to Spot and Address the “Accidental Franchise” (Archived Video Stream)
06-02-2018Charity LawCritical Developments in Charity and Not-for-Profit Law (Archived Video Stream)
06-02-2018Business LawTools to Effectively Manage Risk in an M&A Transaction (Archived Video Stream)
06-02-2018Administrative LawTen Years Later: Coherence and Consistency in Administrative Practice Post-Dunsmuir (Archived Video Stream)
06-02-2018Insurance Law, Workers Compensation LawEffectively Navigating the Intersection of Insurance and Workers' Compensation Law: What You Need to Know (Archived Video Stream)
06-02-2018Constitutional and Human Rights Law, Labour and Employment LawHow to Navigate Human Rights Issues Relevant in Today's Workplace (Archived Video Stream)
06-02-2018Civil LitigationKeeping Up with the Times: How to Survive and Thrive in the Age of Digital Litigation (Archived Video Stream)
06-02-2018Environmental, Energy and Resources LawHot Topics for Infrastructure and Development Projects - Avoiding Environmental Pitfalls and Mitigating Risks (Archived Video Stream)
06-02-2018Construction LawConstruction & Infrastructure Litigation 201: Advanced Issues for Handling Construction Claims (Archived Video Stream)
06-02-2018Career and Business DevelopmentWake Up Call: Tune Up Your Wellness (Archived Video Stream)
18-01-2018Class Actions, Constitutional and Human Rights LawPrivacy and Data Security Class Actions: A Roundtable on What’s to Come (Archived Video Stream)
01-09-2017Career and Business DevelopmentBuilding a Thriving ADR PracticeNo4h
01-09-2017Career and Business DevelopmentSocial Media, Branding, and Business Development for Law FirmsNo4h