2022 Hours

DatePractice AreaProgram NameLawPROSubstantive HoursProf. HoursEDI Hours
20-10-2021Child and Youth Law, Education LawEthical and Practical Considerations When Working With and For Young People (5 Sessions)No5h2h 30m 30m
15-12-2022Workers Compensation LawCase Law Update on Chronic Mental Stress: The Evolving Jurisprudence [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
15-12-2022Citizenship and Immigration LawYear in Review: Critical Immigration Legislative, Policy and Case Law Updates [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
14-12-2022Alternative Dispute Resolution, Young LawyersNeutral Diversity in Alternative Dispute Resolution: A Roundtable Discussion [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
14-12-2022Labour and Employment LawLitigating An Employment File [WEBCAST ONLY]No5h 30m1h
13-12-2022Young LawyersEthical Issues for Young and Experienced Advocates: Lessons Learned [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h1h
13-12-2022Young LawyersOBA East Holiday Social Hosted by East Council and Young Lawyers Division - East
13-12-2022Wills, Estates & TrustsArguing a Motion in Estate Litigation [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
12-12-2022Civil LitigationProfessionalism in MotionsNo3h
12-12-2022Class ActionsNavigating Distribution Challenges in Class Actions Awards and Settlements No1h 30m
08-12-2022Career and Business DevelopmentToronto Region: OBA Bench and Bar with RSJ FirestoneNo 30m
08-12-2022Tax LawProfessionalism and Ethical Issues for Tax LawyersNo2h 15m1h
07-12-2022Insurance LawCyber Breaches – Being Prepared, Dealing with a Breach and the Ensuing Litigation [WEBCAST ONLY]No3h
07-12-2022Child and Youth Law, Family LawKey Issues in Child Removal and Retention Cases involving non-Hague Convention Signatories [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
06-12-2022Business Law[POSTPONED TO SPRING 2023] 10th Annual Professionalism Issues for Business LawyersNo3h 30m
06-12-2022Criminal Justice, Women LawyersR v. J.J. The case and its Implications - At six months [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
05-12-2022Municipal LawProfessionalism for Municipal & Planning LawyersNo3h 30m
02-12-2022Constitutional and Human Rights Law, Public SectorEquity, Diversity and Inclusion for Lawyers with Disabilities in the Practice of Law [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
01-12-2022Career and Business DevelopmentAuthentic and Inclusive Leadership: What Does This Mean For Your Leadership Style and EDI in the Legal Workplace [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
01-12-2022Environmental, Energy and Resources LawResponding to Environmental Emergencies, Spills and Discharges, in Real Time [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
01-12-2022Environmental, Energy and Resources Law2022 – 2023 Environmental Law Passport Series – Lifecycle of a Spill [WEBCAST ONLY]No4h 30m
01-12-2022Class Actions14th Annual Class Actions ColloquiumNo6h 15m1h
30-11-2022Construction LawPractice and Legislative Update [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
30-11-2022Elder LawPersonal Care Powers of Attorney in the Hospital [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
30-11-2022Career and Business DevelopmentIntroverts, Extroverts and Ambiverts as Inclusive Leaders [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
30-11-2022Insurance LawMotor Vehicle Tort Litigation: Your Essential Update [WEBCAST ONLY]No4h
30-11-2022Pensions and Benefits LawPensions and Benefits 20th Annual Hot Spots [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 15m 45m
29-11-2022Franchise Law21st Annual Franchise Law ConferenceNo6h 15m 45m
29-11-2022Workers Compensation LawRon Ellis Award for Excellence in Workers' Compensation Law [ZOOM EVENT]
28-11-2022Entertainment Law, Media LawKey Updates on Defamation and Social Media [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
25-11-2022Career and Business DevelopmentRODA Annual Diversity Conference
Respect in the Law: Understanding and Action [VIRTUAL CONFERENCE]
24-11-2022Career and Business DevelopmentBeyond Transaction vs. Transformational Leadership [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
24-11-2022Labour and Employment Law, Young LawyersLabour Law Basics [WEBCAST ONLY]No3h 15m 45m
23-11-2022Career and Business DevelopmentINCLUSIVE LEADER SERIES
Developing Inclusive Leaders: Hone Your Leadership Style [WEBCAST ONLY]
23-11-2022Constitutional and Human Rights LawAccommodating Mental Health Disabilities: Current Issues and Practical Strategies [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
23-11-2022Students, Young Lawyers[WEBCAST REPLAY] Call Forward: A Series for Students-at-Law
Skill Builder Session 3: Legal Writing - Memos, Client Letters, Motion Records
23-11-2022Career and Business DevelopmentDiscovering Your Path to Inclusive Leadership: Your Personality and Leadership Style [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
23-11-2022Career and Business DevelopmentThe Working Mind Certificate Series [WEBCAST ONLY]No7h
22-11-2022Administrative LawAnnual Update on Judicial Review [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
22-11-2022Civil LitigationA Tribute to the Honourable George R. Strathy
21-11-2022Family LawCultural Considerations for Effective Client Representation in Family Law Matters [WEBCAST ONLY]No 30m 30m 30m
17-11-2022Career and Business DevelopmentManaging Stress and Balancing Priorities [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
15-11-2022Real Property, Young LawyersYour First Commercial Leasing TransactionNo2h 45m1h
14-11-2022Career and Business DevelopmentOBA’s Pro Bono and Access to Justice Summit [WEBCAST ONLY]
10-11-2022Career and Business DevelopmentLeveraging AI and Predictive Analytics to Serve Clients and Accelerate your PracticeNo3h
09-11-2022Child and Youth Law, Criminal JusticeA Comprehensive Look at Youth Records in Adulthood [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
08-11-2022Labour and Employment LawTricky Professionalism Issues for Labour and Employment Lawyers [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h1h
04-11-2022Constitutional and Human Rights Law, Young LawyersCareer Turns: Successful Paths to Public Interest Work [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
04-11-2022Family Law, Tax LawCritical Tax Considerations for Property Issues in Family Law [WEBCAST ONLY]No4h
03-11-2022Alternative Dispute Resolution, Young LawyersMediation Boot Camp [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h 30m 15m 15m
03-11-2022Construction Law, Young LawyersConstruction Law Primer [WEBCAST ONLY]No3h 30m
03-11-2022Environmental, Energy and Resources Law, International LawFisheries Subsidies: Key Updates and What’s on the Horizon for Canadian BusinessesNo1h 30m
01-11-2022Alternative Dispute ResolutionOBA Award of Excellence in Alternative Dispute Resolution
01-11-2022Business LawEmerging Practice Trends in Private M&A Agreements [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h
31-10-2022Constitutional and Human Rights Law, Elder LawAgeism in the Workplace [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h 45m 15m
27-10-2022Administrative LawWhat’s New at Tribunals Ontario: A Fireside Chat with Executive Chair Sean Weir [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
27-10-2022Family Law, Young LawyersFamily Law Basics: Practice & Procedure [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h 15m1h 15m
27-10-2022Canadian Corporate Counsel, Women LawyersPathways to Power: Women as General CounselNo1h 15m
26-10-2022Students, Young Lawyers[WEBCAST REPLAY] Call Forward: A Series for Students-at-Law
Skill Builder Session 2: Strategies for Maximizing Your Time & Professionalism and Practice Management
26-10-2022Environmental, Energy and Resources LawRecent Developments in Energy Regulation [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
26-10-2022Career and Business DevelopmentJoin us on October 26 for a Diwali Celebration!
26-10-2022Civil LitigationBusiness Development for Litigators [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
25-10-2022Insurance LawSABS Summit: Key Updates on Accidents Benefits [WEBCAST ONLY]No3h
24-10-2022Construction LawInsights Into Ontario's Project Delivery Models [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h
24-10-2022Criminal JusticeAvoiding Claims of Ineffective Assistance of Counsel [WEBCAST ONLY]Yes1h 30m
20-10-2022Bankruptcy and Insolvency LawPutting on the Red Sash:
A Dialogue with the Bench
19-10-2022Education LawYear(s) In Review: Recent Cases and Tribunal Decisions in Education Law [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
19-10-2022Career and Business DevelopmentDBplus for Law Firms
13-10-2022Citizenship and Immigration LawPractical Tips for Preparing Business Plans in Immigration Applications [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
13-10-2022Charity LawOntario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act – What You Need to Know [WEBCAST ONLY]No3h
13-10-2022Family LawOBA Award of Excellence in Family Law in Memory of James McLeod [WAITING LIST AVAILABLE]
12-10-2022Intellectual Property, TechnologyAdvancing Diversity and Inclusion in the Practice of IT & IP [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
12-10-2022Constitutional and Human Rights Law21st Annual Charter Conference [WEBCAST ONLY]No4h 30m
07-10-2022Family LawThirteenth Annual Bread and Butter Issues in Family Law [WEBCAST ONLY]No4h
07-10-2022Alternative Dispute Resolution, Civil LitigationSettlement Essentials: Understanding the Exceptions to Mediation Confidentiality [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
06-10-2022Wills, Estates & TrustsEveryone Needs a Plan: Succession Planning for Millennials and Gen Z [WEBCAST ONLY]No3h 30m
06-10-2022Health LawFireside Chat with HPARB Chair [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
04-10-2022Wills, Estates & Trusts[PROGRAM POSTPONED] Dinner with Your Honourable Ottawa Estates JudgesNo1h
04-10-2022Civil LitigationPreparing and Conducting Examinations for Discovery [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 45m 15m
03-10-2022Intellectual Property, Technology, Young LawyersIP Law Fundamentals [WEBCAST ONLY]No3h 30m
30-09-2022Construction Law17th Annual Golf Day
29-09-2022Administrative LawTackling Delays in Administrative Law: Understanding the Impact of Abrametz [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
29-09-2022Real Property, Tax LawHow HST Impacts Real Estate Transactions [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h
28-09-2022Business Law20th Annual OSC, TSX and IIROC Update [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h 30m
28-09-2022Career and Business DevelopmentMedia Training for Lawyers [WEBCAST ONLY]
28-09-2022Wills, Estates & TrustsFiduciary Accounting: Key Issues and Practice Advice [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
27-09-2022Criminal JusticeEffectively Representing Indigenous Clients [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h1h
23-09-2022Pensions and Benefits LawOSFI/CRA/FSRA/DOF/MOF – REGULATORS FORUM 2022No2h 30m
23-09-2022Career and Business DevelopmentVisuals Matter [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
22-09-2022Bankruptcy and Insolvency LawInsolvency & Restructuring Processes: Practical Considerations for Every Lawyer [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
22-09-2022Municipal LawThe OBA Barnet Kussner Award of Excellence in Municipal Law
21-09-2022Civil LitigationPersuasive Legal Writing [WEBCAST ONLY]Yes1h 30m1h 30m
21-09-2022Students, Young Lawyers[WEBCAST REPLAY] Call Forward: A Series for Students-at-Law (8 Sessions)
21-09-2022Construction LawOBA Award of Excellence in Construction and Infrastructure Law
2022 Award of Excellence and Annual Site Tour
21-09-2022Students, Young Lawyers[WEBCAST REPLAY] Call Forward: A Series for Students-at-Law
Skill Builder Session 1: Practice Culture, Colleagues, Mentorship and Networking
21-09-2022Elder LawBeneficiary Designations Made Clear [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
20-09-2022Intellectual Property, TechnologyHow to Help Promising Start-Ups Leverage Intellectual Property for Securing Investment and Funding [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
20-09-2022Pensions and Benefits LawOBA Award of Excellence in Pensions & Benefits Law
20-09-2022Business LawBuying and Selling a Business: A Comprehensive Guide [WEBCAST ONLY]No5h1h
16-09-2022Tax LawWhat You Missed While You Were Away: Summer 2022 Tax Developments [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h
15-09-2022Wills, Estates & Trusts, Young LawyersWills and Estate Planning: A Primer [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h 30m1h
15-09-2022Insurance LawOBA Award of Excellence in Insurance Law [WAITING LIST AVAILABLE]
15-09-2022General[POSTPONED] OBA BOOK CLUB READS - Five Little Indians by Michelle Good
14-09-2022Citizenship and Immigration LawYour Essential Guide to Alternative Work Permits: IEC, Reciprocal, Significant Benefit [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
10-09-2022Career and Business DevelopmentOBA’s Mid-Career Lawyers RetreatNo3h1h
07-09-2022Elder LawOBA Award of Excellence in Elder Law
07-09-2022Canadian Corporate CounselPutting “S” in “ESG”: Supplier Contracts and Compliance [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
22-08-2022Canadian Corporate CounselESG, Greenwashing and Legal Obligations Under Competition Law [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
18-08-2022Career and Business Development, GeneralInstitute Series - Level Up: Elevate Your CareerNo8h 30m1h
11-08-2022Canadian Corporate Counsel, Young LawyersYoung Lawyers Division Regional Social
10-08-2022Canadian Corporate CounselIntegrating Privacy and Data Governance into an ESG Framework [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
27-07-2022Career and Business DevelopmentThe Working Mind Certificate Series [WEBCAST ONLY]No7h
20-07-2022Canadian Corporate CounselGovernance: Practical Tips on Drafting and Implementing ESG Policies [WEBCAST ONLY]No 45m 15m
13-07-2022Canadian Corporate CounselESG and Best Practices for Climate-Related Disclosure Requirements [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
12-07-2022Career and Business DevelopmentAdvancing EDI in the Legal Profession
Part 3: The Future: Where Do We as the Legal Profession Go From Here?
12-07-2022Career and Business Development[WEBCAST REPLAY] Advancing EDI in the Legal Profession
Part 1: The Science Behind the Bias We All Have
Part 2: The “How” of Change: Think Outside of The Law
06-07-2022Women LawyersOBA Award of Excellence in the Promotion of Women's Equality
30-06-2022Career and Business DevelopmentMedia Training for Lawyers [WEBCAST ONLY]
29-06-2022Canadian Corporate CounselIn-House Counsel Compensation [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
28-06-2022Tax LawInsights from the Ministry of Finance & Ministry of Government and Consumer Services on Ontario Estate Administration Tax [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h
27-06-2022Class ActionsFundamentals of Class Actions Law: Pleadings and Pre-Certification Issues [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
23-06-2022Insurance LawAnatomy of a Trial: Successful Trial StrategyYes9h3h
22-06-2022Environmental, Energy and Resources LawYear End Social
22-06-2022Aboriginal LawAboriginal Law Update: Emerging Issues and Game Changing Cases [WEBCAST ONLY]No3h
22-06-2022Career and Business DevelopmentFoundations in Adjudicative Tribunal Competencies: Certificate Program
Session 8: Insights from Reconsiderations and Appeals [WEBCAST ONLY]
22-06-2022Civil LitigationOBA Award of Excellence in Civil Litigation
21-06-2022Alternative Dispute ResolutionTaking Your Negotiations to the Next Level [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
21-06-2022Business Law[RE-BROADCAST] "MBA" in a Day - for Lawyers (WEBCAST ONLY)No5h
21-06-2022Workers Compensation LawThe Legacy of Ron Ellis: A Symposium
20-06-2022Pensions and Benefits LawSOLD OUT- OBA Pensions & Benefits Law Section: Let’s Reconnect and Celebrate!
20-06-2022Elder LawElder Law Day: A Conference for Lawyers Representing Seniors [WEBCAST ONLY]No4h 45m 30m 15m
17-06-2022Career and Business DevelopmentWORK THAT WORKS
Retention: Insights and Strategies
16-06-2022Criminal JusticeOBA Award of Excellence in Criminal Justice
16-06-2022Public SectorOBA Tom Marshall Award of Excellence for Public Sector Lawyers [VIRTUAL ONLY]
16-06-2022Family LawMastering Marriage Contracts and Cohabitation Agreements: Practical Insights and Creative Drafting Solutions [WEBCAST ONLY]No3h1h
16-06-2022Bankruptcy and Insolvency Law, Construction LawCritical Insights on Construction Liens/Trusts in Insolvencies [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
15-06-2022Real PropertyOBA Award of Excellence in Real Estate
15-06-2022StudentsCareer Corner: Drop-in Sessions with a Career Coach [WEBCAST ONLY]
15-06-2022Career and Business DevelopmentFoundations in Adjudicative Tribunal Competencies: Certificate Program
Session 7: Basics of Adjudicative Decision Writing [WEBCAST ONLY]
14-06-2022Health LawOBA Health Law Section Year-End Event and Award PresentationNo 30m
13-06-2022Wills, Estates & TrustsOBA Award of Excellence in Trusts and Estates Law
09-06-2022Environmental, Energy and Resources LawAdvanced Environmental Law Practitioner RoundtableNo2h
09-06-2022Labour and Employment LawBest Practices for Representing Marginalized Employment Law Clients [WEBCAST ONLY]No 30m1h
09-06-2022GeneralOBA Awards Gala
09-06-2022Real PropertyReal Estate Spring Mix [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h 45m 15m
08-06-2022Privacy and Access LawPrivacy Law SummitNo7h 15m
08-06-2022Career and Business DevelopmentFoundations in Adjudicative Tribunal Competencies: Certificate Program
Session 6: Basics of Adjudicative Reasoning [WEBCAST ONLY]
No1h 30m
08-06-2022General“Ask Me Anything” with OBA Director of Tech [VIRTUAL EVENT]
07-06-2022Business LawSecured Transaction Essentials for Business Lawyers [WEBCAST ONLY]No3h 30m
07-06-2022Career and Business DevelopmentUnder Attack: How to Protect Yourself and Your Staff Against Violence [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
07-06-2022StudentsPractical Tips for Writing In-person Bar Exams [WEBCAST ONLY]
07-06-2022Franchise LawRecent Trends Regarding the Enforceability of Restrictive Covenants in Franchise AgreementsNo1h 30m
06-06-2022SAGDA, Young LawyersAn Evening of Mentorship with the Associate Judges of the Superior Court of Justice
06-06-2022StudentsCareer Corner: Drop-in Sessions with a Career Coach [WEBCAST ONLY]
06-06-2022Privacy and Access Law, Young LawyersPrivacy Law Basics [WEBCAST ONLY]Yes3h 30m
02-06-2022GeneralOBA East Region Spring Fling – Art and Garden Party
02-06-2022Canadian Corporate CounselWorking with Indigenous Communities: Critical Insights for In-House Counsel [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 15m
02-06-2022Canadian Corporate Counsel, Civil LitigationManaging Disputes: Strategies for Optimizing Coordination between In-House and Litigation Counsel [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h2h 30m
02-06-2022Civil Litigation, Young LawyersRegional Round-up: Key Updates for Civil Proceedings Across Ontario [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
01-06-2022Career and Business DevelopmentFoundations in Adjudicative Tribunal Competencies: Certificate Program
Session 5: Exploring Unconscious Bias, Raising Awareness and Cultural Sensitivity [WEBCAST ONLY]
01-06-2022Career and Business DevelopmentThe Working Mind Certificate Series [WEBCAST ONLY]No7h
01-06-2022Tax LawOBA Award of Excellence in Taxation Law
31-05-2022Public SectorRecent Top Decisions Public Sector Lawyers Need to Know [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
31-05-2022Career and Business DevelopmentFoundations in Judicial Competencies: Certificate Program
Session 8: Exploring Unconscious Bias, Raising Awareness and Cultural Sensitivity [WEBCAST ONLY]
No1h 30m
30-05-2022Real Property, Young LawyersBuying and Selling Rural and Recreational Properties: Unique Challenges and Useful Solutions [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
30-05-2022Career and Business Development, General3 Simple & Natural Ways to Detox [WEBCAST ONLY]No 15m
30-05-2022Women LawyersResponding to and Preventing Workplace Violence and Harassment in the Legal Profession [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
27-05-2022Career and Business Development[POSTPONED]Key Practice Challenges & Southwest Region Bench and Bar
With Marie Henein and Regional Senior Justice Bruce Thomas
No1h 30m1h 30m
26-05-2022GeneralA Supreme Evening Honouring Justice Rosalie Abella and Justice Mahmud Jamal
26-05-2022Elder LawCOVID-19 and the Older Population: Remedies Update [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
25-05-2022Career and Business DevelopmentFoundations in Adjudicative Tribunal Competencies: Certificate Program
Session 4: Traits of Successful Adjudicators: Impartiality, Independence and Integrity [WEBCAST ONLY]
25-05-2022Insurance LawProsecuting and Defending COVID-Related Insurance Claims [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
25-05-2022Wills, Estates & TrustsAn Evening with Your Honourable Estates List Judges [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
25-05-2022Administrative Law, Constitutional and Human Rights Law, Labour and Employment LawAnnual Update on Human Rights LawNo6h 15m 15m
25-05-2022Young LawyersCall Forward: A Series for Students-at-Law
24-05-2022Career and Business DevelopmentFoundations in Judicial Competencies: Certificate Program
Session 7: Basics of Judicial Decision Writing [WEBCAST ONLY]
No1h 30m
19-05-2022Child and Youth LawAdvanced Issues in Child Protection Law [WEBCAST ONLY]No3h 45m 15m
19-05-2022Environmental, Energy and Resources LawSettlement Strategies for Resolving Environmental Disputes [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
18-05-2022Career and Business DevelopmentFoundations in Adjudicative Tribunal Competencies: Certificate Program
Session 3: Accessibility and the Tribunal Hearing [WEBCAST ONLY]
18-05-2022Workers Compensation LawAnnual Update on Workplace Safety and Insurance LawNo3h 30m 30m
17-05-2022Career and Business DevelopmentFoundations in Judicial Competencies: Certificate Program
Session 6: Basics of Judicial Reasoning [WEBCAST ONLY]
No1h 30m
17-05-2022Construction LawConstruction Law Symposium: The Changing Practice of Construction Law in OntarioNo3h 30m
16-05-2022Labour and Employment LawNew Minimum Standards for Gig Workers: Understanding the Implications of Bill 88 [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
13-05-2022Citizenship and Immigration LawMandamus Applications: Practice Advice on How to Accelerate Delayed Applications [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
12-05-2022Career and Business Development, Practice ManagementBuilding a Happier Legal Culture at Your Firm [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
11-05-2022Class Actions, Insurance LawRecent Developments and Trends in Class Actions in Insurance Law [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h
11-05-2022International LawSanctions and Export Controls: Current Developments and Trends You Need to Know [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
11-05-2022Young LawyersYoung Lawyers Gala
11-05-2022StudentsCareer Corner: Drop-in Session for Law Students [WEBCAST ONLY]
11-05-2022Career and Business DevelopmentFoundations in Adjudicative Tribunal Competencies: Certificate Program
Session 2: Managing the Hearing Room: Setting the Stage, Interactions with Counsel, Witnesses, the Public and Staff [WEBCAST ONLY]
10-05-2022Career and Business DevelopmentFoundations in Judicial Competencies: Certificate Program
Session 5: Managing the Courtroom: Setting the Stage, Interactions with Counsel and Witnesses [WEBCAST ONLY]
09-05-2022Entertainment Law, Media LawTelevision and Film Financing: Ask the Experts on Tax Credits and Coproductions [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h
09-05-2022Business Law, Young LawyersCorporate Law Basics [WEBCAST ONLY]Yes3h 30m
09-05-2022Aboriginal Law, Environmental, Energy and Resources LawIndigenous Engagement in Forestry and Mining: Recent Developments in Process and Scheduling [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
05-05-2022Labour and Employment LawElectronic Monitoring of Employees: What You Need to Know About Bill 88 and its New RequirementsNo1h
05-05-2022Education LawSpotlight on Anti-Black and Anti-Indigenous Racism in the Education System [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
04-05-2022Career and Business DevelopmentFoundations in Adjudicative Tribunal Competencies: Certificate Program
Session 1: Applying to an Appointment on an Administrative Tribunal [WEBCAST ONLY]
No1h 30m
04-05-2022Young LawyersLaunching Your Legal Career: Keys to highlighting a previous career [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
04-05-2022Career and Business DevelopmentFoundations in Adjudicative Tribunal Competencies: Certificate Program [Webcast ONLY]No9h
04-05-2022Civil Litigation, Insurance LawProsecuting and Defending Professional Negligence Claims [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
02-05-2022Construction LawAn Evening with the Construction Bench [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h
02-05-2022Constitutional and Human Rights LawInsights on the Emergencies Act and the Right to Peaceful Assembly [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
28-04-2022Class ActionsRemedies in Class Actions: Aggregate Damages [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
28-04-2022Family LawThe Finer Details of Income Determination: Mastering Inclusions and Deductions for Support Calculations [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 45m 15m
28-04-2022Career and Business DevelopmentCentral South Region - OBA Bench and Bar with RSJ Paul Sweeny [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
28-04-2022Public SectorEthics and Accountability: Practical Guidance for Public Sector Lawyers [WEBCAST ONLY]No 30m1h
28-04-2022Practice Management, Young LawyersProductivity and Practice Management: Navigating New Working Arrangements [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
27-04-2022Young LawyersCall Forward: A Series for Students-at-Law
27-04-2022Young LawyersWelcome Wednesdays: Career & Partner Track Development [WEBCAST ONLY]No 30m
27-04-2022Labour and Employment Law20th Annual Current Issues in Employment Law [WEBCAST ONLY]No6h
26-04-2022Wills, Estates & TrustsStrategic Advice for Effective Disability Planning [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
26-04-2022GeneralOBA Community – Cheese & Beer (Alcoholic & Non-Alcoholic) Tasting [VIRTUAL EVENT]
26-04-2022Career and Business DevelopmentFoundations in Judicial Competencies: Certificate Program
Session 4: Overturned: Insights from Appeals Court Judges [WEBCAST ONLY]
26-04-2022Charity LawElection Advocacy for Non-Profits & Charities [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
26-04-2022Civil LitigationTop Appeals of 2021 [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h
25-04-2022Alternative Dispute Resolution, Civil Litigation[PROGRAM CANCELLED]The Future of Arbitration with the NextGen RosterNo1h 30m
25-04-2022Labour and Employment Law, Young LawyersEmployment Law Fundamentals [WEBCAST ONLY]Yes2h 15m 45m
21-04-2022Intellectual Property, Technology[PROGRAM CANCELLED] Strategies for a Successful Intellectual Property Practice [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 45m1h 15m
21-04-2022Citizenship and Immigration LawCurrent Developments in Temporary Resident Applications: IRCC’s Response to the Ukraine Crisis and the Use of AI Tools [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
19-04-2022Franchise LawFranchising in the 21st Century: How Technology is Altering the Franchise Landscape [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
19-04-2022Career and Business DevelopmentFoundations in Judicial Competencies: Certificate Program
Session 3: Equality and Impartiality [WEBCAST ONLY]
14-04-2022Career and Business Development, Practice ManagementStress and Anxiety in Uncertain Times: Supporting Yourself and Others [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
14-04-2022Young LawyersPractice Primer for New Lawyers: Critical Insights on File Management [WEBCAST ONLY]Yes1h
12-04-2022Career and Business DevelopmentFoundations in Judicial Competencies: Certificate Program
Session 2: Judicial Independence, Integrity and Diligence [WEBCAST ONLY]
12-04-2022Wills, Estates & TrustsUsing Registered Plans for Effective Estate Planning [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
12-04-2022Tax LawThe New World of Indirect Tax: Digital Services Tax, Input Tax Credit Rules for Holdcos and Non-Resident GST/HST Compliance [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
11-04-2022Construction LawImpacts of COVID-19 on Construction Projects [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
11-04-2022Entertainment Law, Media LawDistribution and Licensing Agreement Workshop: The Essentials of Negotiating and Drafting [WEBCAST ONLY]No3h
06-04-2022Administrative LawPractical Strategies for Mastering Remote Hearings [WEBCAST ONLY]No3h
05-04-2022Career and Business DevelopmentFoundations in Judicial Competencies: Certificate Program (8 Part Zoom Webinar Series)No10h
05-04-2022Career and Business DevelopmentFoundations in Judicial Competencies: Certificate Program
Session 1: The Judicial Application and Appointment Process [WEBCAST ONLY]
No1h 30m
05-04-2022International LawCurrent Developments in Customs Law [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
05-04-2022Insurance LawTop Insurance-Related Appeals: Pandemic Years in Review [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
04-04-2022Alternative Dispute Resolution, Insurance LawMediating Insurance Claims – Part 2: Plaintiff and Defense Counsel Perspectives [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
04-04-2022Health Law[CANCELLED] Mental Health and the Law [WEBCAST ONLY]No6h 45m 15m
01-04-2022Career and Business DevelopmentNavigating the Transition for ITLs: Key Insights for Interviewing & Networking [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
31-03-2022Education LawResponding to Sexual Abuse and Sexual Assault in the Education System [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
31-03-2022Civil Litigation, Young LawyersPACKAGED PROGRAMS: "Your First Civil Trial" and "Divine Discoveries: Building a Great Case" [WEBCAST ONLY]Yes5h 30m1h 30m
31-03-2022Civil Litigation, Young LawyersDivine Discoveries: Building a Great Case [WEBCAST ONLY]Yes2h 30m1h
31-03-2022Career and Business DevelopmentFrom In-House Counsel to the Bench [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
31-03-2022Civil Litigation, Young LawyersYour First Civil Trial [WEBCAST ONLY]Yes3h 30m
30-03-2022Young LawyersWelcome Wednesdays: Top Tips for Work Re-entry [WEBCAST ONLY]No 30m
30-03-2022Intellectual Property, TechnologyPractice Essentials of Contracting for Software Development [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
30-03-2022Canadian Corporate CounselThe Many Roles of Corporate Counsel: Balancing Risks and Responsibilities [WEBCAST ONLY]No 45m 15m
29-03-2022Labour and Employment LawOccupational Health and Safety Law for Labour and Employment Lawyers [WEBCAST ONLY]No3h
29-03-2022Career and Business Development[RE-BROADCAST] Increasing Diversity on the Bench No1h
28-03-2022Workers Compensation LawWorkers' Compensation and Remote Work:Air Canada and Gentile-Patti [WEBCAST ONLY]No 30m
28-03-2022Career and Business DevelopmentCentral West Region: OBA Bench and Bar with RSJ Ricchetti [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
25-03-2022Career and Business DevelopmentNavigating the Transition for ITLs: Key Insights for Preparing CVs & Cover Letters [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
25-03-2022Career and Business DevelopmentNavigating the Transition for Internationally Trained Lawyers [WEBCAST PACKAGE]No3h
24-03-2022Pensions and Benefits LawPension Plan Wind-ups: Key Considerations for Success [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
24-03-2022StudentsStudents Section Virtual Social [ONLINE EVENT]
24-03-2022Entertainment Law, Media LawWinter Social [VIRTUAL EVENT]
23-03-2022Child and Youth Law, Education LawIndigenous Children & Youth [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
23-03-2022Young LawyersCall Forward: A Series for Students-at-Law
23-03-2022Privacy and Access LawRecent and Anticipated Developments in the Right to be Forgotten [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
10-03-2022Environmental, Energy and Resources LawAlternative Dispute Resolution at the Ontario Land Tribunal [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
10-03-2022Young LawyersWinter bLaws: Virtual Paint Event [VIRTUAL EVENT]
09-03-2022Bankruptcy and Insolvency LawRecent Developments on the Duty of Good Faith in Insolvency Proceedings [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
09-03-2022Career and Business DevelopmentCentral East Region: OBA Bench and Bar with RSJ Edwards [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
09-03-2022Child and Youth Law, Education LawRepresenting Children & Youth in Legal Proceedings [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
09-03-2022Civil Litigation, Young LawyersThe Nuts and Bolts of An Application [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h 15m 15m
08-03-2022Alternative Dispute ResolutionADR Spring Section Social [VIRTUAL EVENT]
07-03-2022Career and Business Development, StudentsStocking Your Resilience Toolbox: Proactive Stress Management [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
04-03-2022Family Law, Young LawyersRegional Round-up: Key Updates for Family Law Proceedings Across Ontario [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 45m
03-03-2022Criminal JusticeR. v. Morris: Impacts of the Court of Appeal decision and Updates on Enhanced Pre-Sentence Reports [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
03-03-2022StudentsHow to Thrive Under Stress: A Workshop on Finding More Ease and Focus in Law School [WEBCAST ONLY]
01-03-2022Canadian Corporate CounselAnnual Corporate Governance Update [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
28-02-2022GeneralOBA Blocko – Your Virtual Community Block Party [VIRTUAL EVENT]
25-02-2022French Speaking LawyersBilan 2021 : survol des arrêts clés de l’année rendus par les cours d’appel No1h 30m
24-02-2022Health LawHealth Care Law and its Intersection with the Indigenous ExperienceNo2h
24-02-2022General“Ask Me Anything” with OBA Director of Tech [VIRTUAL EVENT]
23-02-2022Workers Compensation LawExcelling at Remote Advocacy Before the WSIB and WSIAT [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h
23-02-2022Environmental, Energy and Resources LawESG Litigation and Regulation [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
Best Practices for Business Development: Building Your Referral Network [WEBCAST ONLY]
No1h 30m
23-02-2022Education LawPost-Secondary Institutions and Insolvency – Lessons Learned from Laurentian University [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
23-02-2022Young LawyersCall Forward: A Series for Students-at-Law
23-02-2022Pensions and Benefits Law, Tax LawExiting the Pandemic: Insights on Executive Compensation and Pension Plan Investments [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
22-02-2022Wills, Estates & Trusts, Young LawyersEstate Litigation: A Primer [WEBCAST ONLY]No3h 30m
19-02-2022GeneralFamily Paint Day [Zoom Event]
17-02-2022Students[RE-BROADCAST] Bar Exam Prep Techniques: Best Practices
17-02-2022Young LawyersAdvocacy Primer: Summary Judgment Motions [WEBCAST ONLY]No 45m 15m
16-02-2022General“Ask Me Anything” with OBA Director of Tech [VIRTUAL EVENT]
16-02-2022Child and Youth Law, Education LawChildren & Youth as Participants [WEBCAST ONLY]No 30m1h
16-02-2022Career and Business DevelopmentManaging Stress, Burnout, and the Uncertainty brought about by a Global Pandemic [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
15-02-2022Civil LitigationAvoiding Pitfalls in Litigation Privilege [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
15-02-2022Administrative LawCulturally Responsive Advocacy: A Toolkit to Support Equity, Diversity & Inclusion in Your Administrative Law Practice [WEBCAST ONLY]No3h
15-02-2022GeneralChocolate Tasting [ONLINE EVENT]
15-02-2022Students[RE-BROADCAST] Ontario Bar Exam Preparation Tips and Resources
09-02-2022Alternative Dispute Resolution, Insurance LawMediating Insurance Claims [PACKAGE]No3h
09-02-2022Canadian Corporate CounselPressing Issues in Privacy and Data Protection for Corporate Counsel [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
09-02-2022Alternative Dispute Resolution, Insurance LawMediating Insurance Claims - Part 1: Advice for a Successful Mediation [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
08-02-2022StudentsWorkplace Law: From Representing Unions, Addressing Human Resource Issues, Advising Employers and Employees to Navigating Remote Work [WEBCAST ONLY]
03-02-2022Municipal LawINSTITUTE SERIES – Building Communities Conference 2022 [WEBCAST ONLY]No16h
02-02-2022Career and Business DevelopmentAdvancing EDI in the Legal Profession [WEBCAST ONLY]No3h
02-02-2022Family LawINSTITUTE SERIES – Serving The Family:
Unpacking the Intersecting Issues in Family, Estates and Real Estate Law [WEBCAST ONLY]
No10h 30m2h1h
02-02-2022Students[RE-BROADCAST] Summer Student Interview Techniques: Best Practices
26-01-2022Criminal Justice, Young LawyersCriminal Law Primer [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h 30m 30m
26-01-2022Young LawyersCall Forward: A Series for Students-at-Law
25-01-2022Labour and Employment LawEnforcing COVID-19 Vaccination Policies: The Latest Word from Adjudicators [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
20-01-2022Career and Business DevelopmentOBA Community Virtual Dinner Party [VIRTUAL ONLY]
19-01-2022Child and Youth Law, Education LawChild & Youth Privacy, Disclosure and Consent Concerns [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h
19-01-2022Bankruptcy and Insolvency Law, Construction LawEssentials in Insolvency Law on Secured Claims Relating to Real Estate Projects and Investments [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h
19-01-2022Civil Litigation, Real PropertyLitigating Real Estate Matters [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
18-01-2022Class ActionsCurrent Issues in Securities Class Actions [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h
18-01-2022Wills, Estates & TrustsPackaged Programs "New and Recent Changes to Estates Rules and Forms" and "A Conversation with Experienced Estate Planners" [WEBCAST ONLY]No2h 45m
18-01-2022Wills, Estates & TrustsA Conversation with Experienced Estate Planners [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
18-01-2022Young LawyersAdvocacy Primer: Drafting Persuasive Facta [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 15m 15m
18-01-2022Wills, Estates & TrustsNew and Recent Changes to Estates Rules and Forms [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 15m
17-01-2022Privacy and Access Law, TechnologyThe Digital Identity Revolution: Everything You Need to Know [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
13-01-2022GeneralOBA Mock Trial Mocktails – Join Us For Juiceless January! [VIRTUAL EVENT]
11-01-2022Tax LawSpeed Mentoring: Practical Advice on Succeeding as a Young Tax Lawyer [WEBCAST ONLY]No 30m1h
10-01-2022Canadian Corporate CounselAnnual Update on Contract Drafting [WEBCAST ONLY]No1h 30m
15-12-2021Young LawyersYLD Advocacy Primer 3 Part Webcast Series No2h1h 30m
02-11-2021Environmental, Energy and Resources LawESG in the Natural Resources and Energy Context and Beyond! (Passport Webcast Series)No3h
28-10-2021Environmental, Energy and Resources LawEnvironmental Law Passport Program – Resolving Environmental Disputes at the Ontario Land Tribunal and Beyond [WEBCAST ONLY]No4h 30m
17-11-2022Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training ClassNo2h
20-10-2022Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training ClassNo2h
06-10-2022Career and Business DevelopmentAppellate Advocacy Skills Training Series for Members of Roundtable of Diversity Associations
15-09-2022Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training ClassNo2h
11-08-2022Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training ClassNo2h
14-07-2022Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training ClassNo2h
23-06-2022Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training ClassNo2h
09-06-2022Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training ClassNo2h
27-05-2022Career and Business DevelopmentOBA CaseLines Hands-On Training with Insights from the Bench and Court ServicesNo3h
26-05-2022Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training ClassNo2h
25-05-2022Career and Business DevelopmentOBA CaseLines Hands-On Training with Insights from the Bench and Court ServicesNo3h
12-05-2022Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training ClassNo2h
03-05-2022Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training ClassNo2h
28-04-2022Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training Class [SOLD OUT]No2h
14-04-2022Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training Class [SOLD OUT]No2h
06-04-2022Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training ClassNo2h
01-04-2022Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Premium Training and Support Package
24-03-2022Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training Class [SOLD OUT]No2h
16-03-2022Career and Business Development[WEBCAST REPLAY] Institute Across Borders: Technology and Privacy Law Stream - Legal Issues and Best Practices for Ontario Lawyers Around the World
10-03-2022Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training Class [SOLD OUT]No2h
01-03-2022Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Premium Training and Support Package
24-02-2022Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training Class [SOLD OUT]No2h
17-02-2022Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training Class [SOLD OUT]No2h
10-02-2022Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training Class [SOLD OUT]No2h
01-02-2022Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Premium Training and Support Package
27-01-2022Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training Class [SOLD OUT]No2h
13-01-2022Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Hands-On Training Class [SOLD OUT]No2h
01-01-2022Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Premium Training and Support Package
01-11-2021Career and Business DevelopmentOBA Lawyers Link Packages
01-11-2021Career and Business DevelopmentCaseLines Premium Training and Support Package
12-12-2022SAGDAMental Health, Queer Identity, and the Profession (Archived Video Stream)
18-08-2022Career and Business Development, GeneralInstitute Series - Level Up: Elevate Your Career (Archived Video Stream)
04-05-2022Career and Business DevelopmentFoundations in Adjudicative Tribunal Competencies: Certificate Program (Archived Video Stream)
02-02-2022Career and Business DevelopmentMindful Self-Compassion (Archived Video Stream)