Articles 2025


Why Young Lawyers Should Care about the Law Society Bencher Elections

  • February 07, 2019
  • Kate Julien

Law Society of Ontario (LSO) Bencher elections are coming up soon. In our busy world juggling the early years of practice with family life, staying healthy and going to the OBA’s many interesting events, it is hard to engage with everything. Here are some reasons why you should engage with this year’s elections.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

Alternative Career Paths for Young Lawyers

  • February 06, 2019
  • Alexandra Mealia

You got into law school, obtained your J.D., passed the Barrister and Solicitor exams, completed your practical experience requirement, and have been called to the Bar. Congratulations! What else can you do with your law degree other than practice law? Read on for an exploration of potential paths available to young lawyers looking for a new direction.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

Termination of Employment: Eight Common Myths

  • February 06, 2019
  • Behzad Hassibi, lawyer at Israel Foulon LLP

This article identifies, corrects and clarifies eight of the most popular myths relating to termination of employment. Read on for a primer on common law and statutory entitlements, layoffs versus termination, releases, the impact of new employment after termination, and working notice.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

How to Get the Most Out of Your CPD Hours

  • January 29, 2019
  • Julia Werneburg, associate at Gowling WLG; and Jenny Thistle, articling student

Investing time and money into continuing professional development (CPD) can allow you to navigate new technologies, keep up with emerging issues, and make sure that you’re using the best tools and most current information to serve your clients. It is also an opportunity to refresh core competencies.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

So You’ve Been Asked to Administer an Estate

  • January 29, 2019
  • Calvin Hancock, associate at Border Ladner Gervais

There are several truisms that accompany the practice of law. One of these is the fact that your family and friends will invariably and periodically ask for your assistance in addressing legal issues. As a trusted companion with the benefit of a legal education, a lawyer may even find that they have been appointed as an estate trustee under the Will of a friend or family member, occasionally without prior consultation.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

Fraudster Dupes Canadian Lawyer into Misdirecting $2.5 Million

  • January 28, 2019
  • Sandra LeBrun, associate at Borden Ladner Gervais; and Callum Micucci, student at law,

A case currently before the Ontario courts highlights the importance of fraud and cybercrime awareness for both seasoned solicitors and newly-called lawyers. In Dentons Canada LLP v Trisura Guarantee Insurance Company 2018 ONSC 7311, an associate from the applicant law firm attempted to transfer over $2.5 million to clear a mortgage on his client’s property. Instead, he was duped into transferring most of the funds to a fraudster.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

Tips and Tricks to Networking

  • December 05, 2018
  • Stacey Hsu and Andrew Sudano

Depending on your personality, networking events can inspire a wide range of emotions. For better or for worse, they are a necessary part of the profession to help build your book of business and create connections that might be helpful for your career. This article contains some tips and tricks complied over the years to help you maximize your experience at networking events and hopefully make it more enjoyable.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

Lawyers and the Three Burdens of the Helping Profession

  • December 05, 2018
  • Sina Hariri, lawyer at Hariri Law

Every day, lawyers are exposed to different dimensions of conflict, including their client’s trauma or intense emotional states. Stress can lead to compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma, and burnout. Notice the signs and process your stress. Read on for more information and strategies for predicting and preventing the three burdens of the helping profession.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

Striking the Balance: Confidentiality versus Transparency in International Commercial Arbitration

  • December 05, 2018
  • Selina Mamo, lawyer at McCarthy Tétrault LLP

Increased transparency in international commercial arbitration may improve quality by allowing arbitral decisions to undergo public scrutiny and contribute to jurisprudence. More transparency comes at the cost of the privacy and confidentiality of arbitral stakeholders. Read on for an analysis of these competing objectives in international commercial arbitration.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division