Articles 2022


Our Daughters are Listening: A Review of Recent Literature Related to the Rise of Anonymous Abuse of Female Politicians Online

  • April 15, 2021
  • Louise Vrebosch

A great deal has been written, particularly since the recent U.S. Congressional campaign, studying the increasing predominance and impact of harmful language directed towards female candidates and politicians on social media platforms. Although few female politicians could discount the benefits of using social media to connect with and mobilize their constituency, the impacts of online sexism, harassment and threats disproportionately targeted at female politicians online is undeniable.

Women Lawyers Forum, Municipal Law, Student Forum
Jacqueline Angelakis

OBA WLF Event Highlights: January 2021 Speed Mentoring

  • April 02, 2021
  • Jacqueline Angelakis

Jacqueline Angelakis highlights a recent OBA WLF event, a two-day speed mentoring session held in collaboration with the Global Lawyers of Canada (Ontario Chapter).

Women Lawyers Forum, Student Forum
Amelia Yiu

Managing Parental Leave: Considerations for Women in the Legal Profession

  • April 02, 2021
  • Amelia Yiu, Elm Law Professional Corporation

Lawyers who are about to welcome a new child into their lives should all be concerned about parental leave, but I am writing this for the Women Lawyers Forum because the burden of child care disproportionately falls on women in our society. This is because of the ingrained expectation that women perform these childcare duties, no matter what their profession or the profession of their spouse.

Women Lawyers Forum, Student Forum
Tejal Harri-Morar, Lawyer

Wellness Tips for Remote Work: A Review

  • January 30, 2021
  • Tejal Harri-Morar, Lawyer

With the closing of a particularly challenging year that brought several changes for all of us, 2021 has reinforced the idea of remote working on a global level.  Many hoped for the return of some normality at the announcement of the vaccines, however the reality of this has been delayed. To ensure that you are fully equipped to maintain your overall wellbeing, we recommend the following wellness tips.

Women Lawyers Forum, Student Forum