Articles 2023


Six Tips for Surviving Law School While Pregnant

  • August 31, 2016
  • Vanessa Stewart

As the store shelves slowly fill up with back to school essentials I am reminded of two things: one, I happily will never be a student again; and, two, I had a lot of awesome support getting me through my last year of law school while pregnant. I know there may be other women out there who are pregnant or thinking of getting pregnant while in law school and so this article gives my top 6 survival strategies to make it through 9 months of growing a baby and learning the law.

Women Lawyers Forum, Student Forum

That's Not My Name - Advice for Responding to Sexist Language in the Practice of Law

  • August 16, 2016
  • Daniella Murynka

Despite having been written into the Ontario legal profession’s “moral code”, sexist language continues to be a problem in the practice of law. This is at least in part because our governing laws formally prohibit discrimination and harassment, but do not create a positive obligation to address repetitive, ubiquitous, and insidious forms of sexism that disempower women within the profession.

Student Forum

Just a Reminder...

  • March 21, 2016
  • OBA Editors

Superior Court of Justice Video Conferencing Pilot Project

Family Law, Student Forum
Gary Joseph

Can One Person be Both a Mediator and An Arbitrator in the Same Case?

  • March 21, 2016
  • Gary Joseph

While a person can technically be both a mediator and arbitrator, deciding to proceed on this basis, appears to possibly heighten the threshold or burden of persuasion on the party to which the mediator has already communicated a view with respect to their case.

Family Law, Student Forum
Sharon Shore

A Message from the Chair

  • March 21, 2016
  • Sharon Shore

As a Bar, we need to advocate for unified family courts at both a provincial and federal level. If the Province of Ontario and the Law Society of Upper Canada are truly committed to addressing the issue of access to justice in family law, they need to work closely and collaboratively with the Federal Government to implement UFCs across the province. Enough with the bandage solutions.

Family Law, Student Forum