Articles 2023


Case Comment: Blake v. Blake, 2019 ONSC 4062

  • September 04, 2019
  • Katherine Thornton, Glaholt LLP,

Blake v. Blake is an important cautionary tale for all lawyers: read all of the articles that your firm publishes. A judge may make a factual inference that you know about the case your firm wrote about, especially if you practice in a specialized firm.

Construction and Infrastructure Law, Student Forum
Copyright Law and Memes

Copyright Law and Memes

  • August 22, 2019
  • Fatima Anjum

How are internet memes likely to be treated under the Canadian Copyright Act?

Student Forum, Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law
ADR Clauses and Employment Contracts: How to Avoid Costly Litigation

ADR Clauses and Employment Contracts: How to Avoid Costly Litigation

  • August 13, 2019
  • Yasamin Pouragheli, LL.B., LL.M.

This article highlights some issues discussed at the June 13, 2019 panel titled “ADR Clauses and Employment Contracts: How to Avoid Costly Litigation”, hosted by the OBA ADR section in Toronto. 

Alternative Dispute Resolution, Student Forum

Case Comment: 9585800 Canada Inc. v. JP Gravel Construction

  • August 13, 2019
  • Brendan Bowles and Markus Rotterdam, Glaholt LLP

Ever since the 1992 decision in Southridge Construction Group Inc. v. 667293 Ontario, section 48 of the Construction Act has been interpreted to the effect that once a lien is discharged, a claimant cannot lien again for services performed prior to the date of the perfection of the first, discharged lien. How has the uniform application of Southridge changed as a result of the recent decision in 9585800 Canada Inc. v. JP Gravel Construction, 2019 ONSC 3396 (S.C.J.)

Construction and Infrastructure Law, Student Forum
How Defence-side Funding Can Benefit Respondents in ADR

How Defence-side Funding Can Benefit Respondents in ADR

  • August 13, 2019
  • Athanasios Papadas, LLB, LLM (CIV. PROC.; INTL BUS. LAW)

This article discusses the concept of defence-side third party funding and how it can benefit respondence in ADR proceedings.

Alternative Dispute Resolution, Student Forum