Articles 2020


Tax Penalty Assessments Against Accountants and Advisors

  • January 17, 2021
  • Jesse Waslowski

Accountants, valuators and anyone else who provides or assists in providing information (to the CRA or to taxpayers) respecting income tax or GST/HST (“Advisors”) should be aware of their potential liability for “advisor penalties." Advisors generally know that their clients could face gross negligence penalties in appropriate cases of “reprehensible recklessness." However, it is less well known that Advisors risk similar penalties if their actions reach “culpable conduct.”

Student Forum, Taxation Law

Supreme Court of Canada in C.M. Callow inc. V. Zollinger Interprets Duty of Honest Performance in Contracts at the Risk of Commercial Uncertainty

  • January 14, 2021
  • Gabriela Nagy, senior litigation counsel, The Regional Municipality of York

In December 2020, the Supreme Court of Canada has released a much-anticipated decision on the contractual duty of honest performance, which principle the SCC recognized as a “new” good faith doctrine, formulated in its previous decision Bhasin v. Hyrnew . In Callow, the SCC was divided in its views on the duty of honest performance, with a five-judge panel rendering the majority decision, three judges concurring and one strongly dissenting.

Construction and Infrastructure Law, Student Forum

Case Comment: C.P. v Her Majesty the Queen

  • January 13, 2021
  • Farhana Hossain

Young offenders need equal, if not more, protection than adults. Section 37(10) of the Youth Criminal Justice Act (YCJA) hinders access to justice for youth. This provision of the YCJA was recently analyzed by the Supreme Court of Canada in C.P. v Her Majesty the Queen.

Constitutional, Civil Liberties and Human Rights Law, Student Forum

Happy Hybrid Mediation New Year!

  • January 13, 2021
  • Mitchell Rose

It's a new year with a new amendment to Ontario's virtual mediation rules. Here's a primer on how this amendment, regarding election on mediation forum, impacts lawyers and mediators in Ontario.

Alternative Dispute Resolution, Student Forum

Court of Appeal Summaries (January 4-8, 2021)

  • January 13, 2021
  • John Polyzogopoulos

Only two civil decisions were released this week, one of them short. In Oakville (Town) v Sullivan, the Court’s first reported decision of 2021, the Court addressed an encroachment upon a hydro easement. Please mark down April 27, 2021, from 5:30-7:45pm in your calendars for our fifth annual “Top Appeals” CLE, which will take place via Zoom. Visit for more information and to register.

Civil Litigation, Student Forum

The Three Chiefs: Interviews with the Three Chief Justices of Ontario on the Courts' Response to COVID-19 and the Modernization of the Justice System

  • January 12, 2021
  • Chief Justice George R. Strathy, Court of Appeal for Ontario; Chief Justice Geoffrey B. Morawetz, Ontario Superior Court of Justice; Chief Justice Lise Maisonneuve, Ontario Court of Justice; and David Milosevic

Chief Justice Strathy of the Court of Appeal for Ontario, Chief Justice Morawetz of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, and Chief Justice Maisonneuve of the Ontario Court of Justice, describe the courts' response to the COVID-19 crisis, and discuss efforts being undertaken to modernize Ontario's justice system.

Civil Litigation, Student Forum

A Mediation Practice's One-Year Anniversary

  • January 11, 2021
  • Afsana Gibson-Chowdhury

Experienced lawyers and new or foreign lawyers alike may find commonalities in the strengths they demonstrate and the challenges they face in starting a mediation practice. Here are ten of the top insights from the first year of Gibson Chowdhury.

Alternative Dispute Resolution, Student Forum

Working with Self-Represented Parties

  • January 11, 2021
  • Brian Osler and Laura Pettigrew

The article summarizes a Public Sector Lawyers Section program, How to Work with Self-Represented Parties in your Public Law Practice, delivered on November 18, 2020.

Public Sector Lawyers, Student Forum

Adjudication in Ontario and Beyond: The Role of the Construction Adjudicator

  • January 09, 2021
  • Jackie van Leeuwen, associate, Glaholt Bowles LLP

The changes to the Construction Act, including the introduction of prompt payment and adjudication, were designed, in part, to bring construction projects to completion faster and with fewer payment delays. In the construction context, adjudication is the determination of a dispute arising under a contract by an adjudicator who is a qualified person appointed to conduct an investigation and make a quick decision.

Construction and Infrastructure Law, Student Forum