Effective advocacy in health law requires the ability to argue before a variety of adjudicators. On February 8, 2021, the OBA’s Health Law Section offered a unique glimpse behind the scenes by hosting a panel of three decision-makings of the health discipline committees of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO), the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) and the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario (CMTO). The program offered insights on crafting persuasive legal arguments before discipline committees, valuable to both prosecution and defence counsel, as well as those interested in working in this high stakes area of law.
Rozmin Mediratta, an associate at Wise Health Law, and Joshua Lerner, an associate at Rosen Sunshine LLP, moderated the panel discussion with Dr. Melinda Davie (CPSO), Kim Westfall-Connor (CMTO), and Terry Holland, Chair of the CNO Discipline Committee, following an insightful introduction by Andrew McKenna of Gowling WLG offering counsel’s perspective.
The speakers addressed key opportunities and challenges when presenting evidence before, and making submissions to discipline committees, as well as practical strategies for advocacy before Discipline Committees. We are pleased to share some of the highlights of that discussion with you in this article.