Complimentary Archived Video Current Issues in Securities Class Actions January 18, 2022 Class actions brought under the Securities Act are constantly evolving.
Complimentary Archived Video Class Actions Bench and Bar Series – Interactive Discussions on Challenges Arising from Multijurisdictional Class Actions Session 5: Case Management of Multijurisdictional Class Actions November 09, 2021 Class actions are typically large, complex and hard-fought. Effective case management is essential.
Complimentary Archived Video Class Actions Bench and Bar Series – Interactive Discussions on Challenges Arising from Multijurisdictional Class Actions Session 1: Carriage of Multijurisdictional Class Actions September 14, 2021 Carriage motions have an added complexity when there are parallel class actions commenced in multiple jurisdictions.
Complimentary Archived Video Advanced Ethical Issues for Class Action Practitioners May 18, 2021 We will examine the more complex ethical issues that arise specifically for class action practitioners.
Complimentary Archived Video Fireside Chat with Class Actions Bench and Bar March 10, 2021 We are constantly reading headlines about new and unique class action cases being brought, especially during the pandemic era.
Complimentary Archived Video Current Issues in Securities Class Actions: Materiality and the Public Correction February 10, 2021 Class actions brought under the Securities Act are constantly evolving. As the jurisprudence in securities class actions matures, new areas have become the battlegrounds on motions under Part XXIII.1 of the Securities Act.
New Developments Financial Planning Tips for Lawyers August 31, 2020 In a year that will go down as one of the most unpredictable years many of us have experienced, Financial Planning Month – October – is a good time to review your plan and take some practical steps to ensure you are well prepared for 2021.
Complimentary Archived Video The New World of Ontario Class Actions: A Roundtable August 11, 2020 The new amendments to the Class Proceedings Act passed Third Reading on July 7 and Bill 161, The Smarter and Stronger Justice Act received Royal Assent on July 8.
Complimentary Archived Video Uber v. Heller: Implications of the SCC Decision July 06, 2020 The Supreme Court of Canada’s recent ground-breaking decision in Uber v. Heller will impact numerous areas of legal practice in Canada including contract, employment, arbitration and class actions law.
Complimentary Archived Video Class Actions and Arbitration: Where Do They Intersect? June 04, 2020 Class actions and arbitration have traditionally existed in their own worlds, however these worlds seem to be overlapping as of late which raises many interesting issues.