10-12-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | 2020-2021 Trusts & Estates Law Planners Passport Series (4 Webcast Programs) | Non | | | |
18-11-2020 | Litige civil | PACKAGED WEBCAST PROGRAMS: "eDiscovery 101" & "Ontario Digital Evidence & eDiscovery Institute" | Non | | 1 h 30 m | |
15-10-2020 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | 2020-2021 Trusts & Estates Law Litigators Passport Series (4 Webcast Programs) | | | | |
06-10-2020 | Droit de l'environnement, de l'énergie et des ressources | 2020-2021 Environmental Passport Webcast Series - The Dirt on Brownfield Redevelopments (3 Programs) | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
09-09-2020 | Jeunes avocats | Call Forward: A Series for Articling Students and LPP Candidates | | | | |
06-08-2020 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | Essential Evidence Series for Estate Litigators (4 Part Series) | Non | 2 h | | |
05-08-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Foundations in Judicial Competencies: Certificate Program (8 Part Zoom Webinar Series) | | | | |
21-07-2020 | Droit de la famille | Motions to Change: Your Complete Guide (2 Part Package) | | | | |
15-07-2020 | Droit des enfants et des jeunes | Representing the Teenage Parent [2 Part Program] | Non | 30 m | | |
06-05-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Enhance Your Wellbeing: Fortify Your Reserves and Recharge During These Uncertain Times (2 Part Series) | Non | | 1 h | |
05-05-2020 | Conseillers et conseillères juridiques d'entreprises | Returning To Work – Employer Considerations (3 part series) | Non | 1 h | | |
06-03-2020 | Jeunes avocats | PACKAGED PROGRAMS: "Your First Civil Trial" and "Divine Discoveries: Building a Great Case" | Oui | 2 h 30 m | 30 m | |
06-03-2020 | Jeunes avocats | PACKAGED WEBCAST PROGRAMS: "Your First Civil Trial" and "Divine Discoveries: Building a Great Case" | Oui | 2 h 30 m | 30 m | |
18-02-2020 | Droit du travail et de l'emploi | Labour and Employment Law Breakfast Series Simplified Procedure and Small Claims Changes: Impacts for Your Employment Law Practice | Non | 1 h 15 m | 15 m | |
18-02-2020 | Droit du travail et de l'emploi | Labour and Employment Law Breakfast Series Simplified Procedure and Small Claims Changes: Impacts for Your Employment Law Practice | Non | 1 h 15 m | 15 m | |
15-12-2020 | Conseillers et conseillères juridiques d'entreprises | Fairness, Accommodation and Procedural Efficiency in Workplace Investigations [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | | 1 h |
14-12-2020 | Droit du travail et de l'emploi | Key Professionalism Issues for Labour and Employment Lawyers [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 2 h 30 m | 30 m |
14-12-2020 | Jeunes avocats | Young Lawyers Division – East: Virtual Holiday Social [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
11-12-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Ensuring Effective Participation in the Justice System for Individuals Experiencing Sight Loss [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | | 1 h 30 m |
10-12-2020 | Droit des affaires | OBA Lauren D. Rachlin Award For Excellence In International Business Law [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
10-12-2020 | Droit de l'éducation | Legal Considerations for Staff and Students in the Education System in 2021 [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
10-12-2020 | Gestion de la pratique | Constructive Workplace Conversations: Embrace the Uncomfortable [WEBCAST] | Non | | 1 h | |
10-12-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Taxing Times for Lawyer-Parents: Managing Burnout [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
10-12-2020 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | Tackling Ethical and Professionalism Challenges in Trusts and Estates Law [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h 15 m | 45 m |
09-12-2020 | Droit des aîné(e)s | Safety in Long-Term Care: Making Sense of the Gillese Report and Government Response [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h | | |
09-12-2020 | Droit de l'environnement, de l'énergie et des ressources | Legal Considerations Facing Mining Companies During the Pandemic [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
09-12-2020 | Droit du travail et de l'emploi | 2020 Employment Caselaw Update [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
08-12-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | DBplus – A Defined Benefit Pension Plan for Law Firms [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
07-12-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | RODA’s 6th Annual Diversity Conference in Partnership with the OBA: Disruption Ignites Change [WEBCAST ONLY] | Oui | | 3 h | 5 h |
07-12-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Mundell Medal for Legal Writing Award [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
03-12-2020 | Droit de la faillite et de l'insolvabilité | Access to Insolvency Services Among Racialized and Minority Communities [WEBCAST ONLY] | Oui | | | 1 h 30 m |
03-12-2020 | Litige civil | Pro Bono Opportunities for Litigators [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
03-12-2020 | Prévention et règlement des différends | OBA Award of Excellence in Alternative Dispute Resolution [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
03-12-2020 | Droit municipal | Professionalism in Municipal and Planning Law [WEBCAST ONLY] | Oui | | 2 h 15 m | 1 h |
02-12-2020 | Droit pénal | Legal Professionals and Trauma in the Criminal Justice System [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 15 m | 1 h 15 m | |
02-12-2020 | Recours collectif | 12th Annual Class Actions Colloquium: Litigating Class Actions Claims Amidst Profound Change [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 4 h 45 m | 1 h 15 m | |
02-12-2020 | ADSG | Annual Holiday Social [Zoom Event] | | | | |
02-12-2020 | Propriété intellectuelle, Technologie | The “Next Normal”: Emerging Technologies For Today’s Challenges [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h | | |
02-12-2020 | Droit de l'indemnisation en matière d'accidents du travail | WSIB Benefits While Working from Home: What You Need to Know [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
02-12-2020 | Droit fiscal | Professionalism and Ethical Issues for Tax Lawyers [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | 2 h |
01-12-2020 | Jeunes avocats | Not Quite Right: Imposter Syndrome in Young Lawyers [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
30-11-2020 | Femmes dans la profession juridique | Public Speaking & Social Media Strategy: An Intersectional Discussion on the Unique Issues that #WomenInLaw Face Both Online and In-Person [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
30-11-2020 | Droit relatif aux franchises | The 19th Annual OBA Franchise Law Conference - Franchising 2020: Franchising During Turbulent Times [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 4 h 45 m | 1 h | |
27-11-2020 | Droit de la vie privée et de l'accès à l'information | A Discussion with Ontario’s Information and Privacy Commissioner on What the Future Holds for Privacy Laws | Non | 1 h | | |
27-11-2020 | Droit des assurances | COVID-19 Liability Protection & Coverage [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h | | |
26-11-2020 | Recours collectif | The Fundamentals of Class Actions Law [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 3 h 15 m | 30 m | |
26-11-2020 | Droit municipal | LPAT Think Tank: Future Directions, Updates and Best Practices for Lawyers and Planners [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
26-11-2020 | Droit de la construction, Jeunes avocats | Construction Law Primer [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 3 h 30 m | | |
26-11-2020 | Droit de l'environnement, de l'énergie et des ressources | Advanced Environmental Law Practitioner Roundtable [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h | | |
26-11-2020 | Droit des assurances | [PROGRAM POSTPONED to Spring 2021] Prosecuting and Defending COVID-Related Insurance Claims [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h | | |
26-11-2020 | Jeunes avocats | Microaggressions in the Workplace: How Young Lawyers Can Affect Change [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | | 1 h |
25-11-2020 | Conseillers et conseillères juridiques d'entreprises | Key IP Issues and Trends for In-House Counsel [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
25-11-2020 | Litige civil | Ontario Digital Evidence & eDiscovery Institute [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 6 h | |
24-11-2020 | Droit des affaires | Commercial Agreements Bootcamp 2020 [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 5 h 30 m | | |
24-11-2020 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | Common Estate Planning Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them: Advice from Estate Litigators [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 3 h 30 m | | |
24-11-2020 | Étudiants, Jeunes avocats | Call Forward: Build Your Career with Virtual Networking Skills [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
24-11-2020 | Droit administratif, Droit des enfants et des jeunes, Droit de la famille, Secteur public | Exploring the Ontario Ombudsman’s New Mandate on Services to Children and Youth [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
23-11-2020 | Droit des aîné(e)s | Exploring the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities for Practitioners [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 45 m | 15 m | |
20-11-2020 | Droit de la faillite et de l'insolvabilité, Testaments, successions et fiducies | Insolvent and Bankrupt Estates: Legal Considerations and Solutions [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
20-11-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Creative Solutions for Collecting Accounts Receivable While Preserving Client Relationships [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
20-11-2020 | Droit de la famille, Jeunes avocats | Family Law Basics [WEBCAST ONLY] | Oui | 2 h 45 m | 45 m | |
19-11-2020 | Droit de la citoyenneté et de l'immigration | Practicing Immigration Law in Today’s World: Practice Management Advice for Your Remote Workplace [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h 30 m | |
19-11-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Master Remote Commissioning and the Effective Management of Digital Documents: A South West Event [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
19-11-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | What Do Our Clients Want From Us – What We Can Learn From Our Corporate Clients [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | | 1 h |
19-11-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | OBA Lawyers Read “Not Your Penance” | | | | |
18-11-2020 | Litige civil | Maximizing the Expert Witness in Civil Litigation [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h 15 m | 1 h 15 m | |
18-11-2020 | Litige civil | eDiscovery 101 [WEBCAST PROGRAM] | Non | | 1 h 30 m | |
18-11-2020 | Secteur public | How to Work With Self-Represented Parties in Your Public Law Practice [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 30 m | 1 h | |
17-11-2020 | Droit de la santé | Health Law & Privacy of Patients – What you Need to Know in These Unprecedented Times [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
17-11-2020 | Droit du travail et de l'emploi, Jeunes avocats | Labour Law Basics [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 3 h 15 m | 45 m | |
16-11-2020 | Gestion de la pratique | Managing Partner Roundtable Check-In Forum | Non | | 1 h | |
16-11-2020 | Droit du travail et de l'emploi | Employment Contracts: Understanding What’s in Them and Whether it’s Enforceable [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h | | |
16-11-2020 | Droit de la faillite et de l'insolvabilité | Litigation Funding in Insolvency Proceedings [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
13-11-2020 | Droit administratif | Advocacy in Administrative Law: Persuading Judges and Tribunals in a Virtual World [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 30 m | 2 h 30 m | |
13-11-2020 | Droit des régimes de retraite et des avantages sociaux | MOF/OSFI/CRA/FSRA Forum 2020 [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h 30 m | | |
12-11-2020 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | [POSTPONED TO January 14, 2021] A Conversation with Experienced Estate Planners [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
12-11-2020 | Droit de la construction | Critical Employment, Labour and Health & Safety Issues Impacting the Construction Industry [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
12-11-2020 | Droit des organismes de bienfaisance | Not For Profit and Charity Insurance in Times of Global Uncertainty [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
12-11-2020 | Litige civil, Droit des assurances | Ethics and Civility in Litigation in the Changing Social Dynamic [WEBCAST ONLY] | Oui | | 2 h 15 m | 45 m |
11-11-2020 | Jeunes avocats | Call Forward: Series for Articling Students and LPP Candidates Skill Builder Session 3 [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
10-11-2020 | Droit du divertissement | Help Me Help You – A Mentoring Event for the Next Generation of Entertainment, Media and Communications Lawyers [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h 15 m | |
10-11-2020 | Droit immobilier, Jeunes avocats | Your First Commercial Leasing Transaction [WEBCAST ONLY] | Oui | 3 h 30 m | | |
10-11-2020 | Prévention et règlement des différends | ADR Fall Section Social [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
09-11-2020 | Droit fiscal | Tax Treatment of Executive Compensation: Cross-Border Issues and Spin Off and Butterfly Transactions [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
06-11-2020 | Droit de l'indemnisation en matière d'accidents du travail | Virtual Lunch with the WSIAT Chair and Ron Ellis Award Presentation [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
06-11-2020 | Droit de la famille | Motions to Change: Spousal Support Variation [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h 30 m | 30 m | |
05-11-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle, juristes d'expression française | Une mise à jour essentielle sur l’impact de la pandémie en 2020: les contrats, l’assurance, et le droit de la faillite A Key Update on the Impact of the Pandemic in 2020: Contracts, Insurance and Bankruptcy Law | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
04-11-2020 | Droit des affaires | Private M&A Agreements [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h | | |
30-10-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | A Written Financial Plan – The Life-Cycle of Your Money [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
29-10-2020 | Technologie, Jeunes avocats | Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Law for Emerging Clients [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 3 h | | |
29-10-2020 | Testaments, successions et fiducies, Jeunes avocats | Wills and Estate Planning: A Primer [WEBCAST ONLY] | Oui | 2 h 30 m | 1 h | |
28-10-2020 | Droit de la faillite et de l'insolvabilité | Insolvency Practice 101 – Starting By Stopping (Stays) [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
28-10-2020 | Prévention et règlement des différends | Tackling Systemic Bias While Building More Inclusive ADR Practices [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | | 1 h 30 m |
28-10-2020 | Conseillers et conseillères juridiques d'entreprises | Helping Boards and Management Prepare for the Unexpected [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
27-10-2020 | Droit administratif | Annual Update on Judicial Review [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
27-10-2020 | Litige civil | Mastering Summary Judgment Motions [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 3 h | | |
26-10-2020 | Droit des aîné(e)s, Testaments, successions et fiducies | Your Comprehensive Guide to Section 3 Counsel under the Substitute Decisions Act [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 4 h | 2 h | 30 m |
22-10-2020 | Droit de la construction | Construction Claims in the Current Environment: Insights from Contractors, Owners and Consultants [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
22-10-2020 | Secteur public | Welcome to the Practice of Public Law: Exploring Careers in the Broader Public Sector [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 30 m | 1 h | |
22-10-2020 | Droit de la faillite et de l'insolvabilité, Jeunes avocats | Bankruptcy Basics [WEBCAST ONLY] | Oui | 3 h | 30 m | |
21-10-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Managing Parenting Stress During COVID-19…and Beyond [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
20-10-2020 | Droit des affaires | 8th Annual Professionalism Issues for Business Lawyers [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 3 h 30 m | |
20-10-2020 | Droit de la famille | Resolution in a Virtual World: Maximizing Interpersonal Client Communications and Negotiations Remotely for Family Law Practitioners [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h 30 m | |
20-10-2020 | Droit des assurances | Working with Insurers: Practical Insights for Defence Counsel and Insurers [WEBCAST ONLY] | Oui | 1 h 30 m | | |
19-10-2020 | Droit pénal | Remote Criminal Trial Demonstration Debrief [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
16-10-2020 | Droit des enfants et des jeunes | Best Practices for Improving Outcomes for Cross-Over Youth: Lessons Learned from the Cross-Over Youth Project [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 15 m | 15 m | |
15-10-2020 | Droit des Autochtones | Critical Issues in the Enforcement of Indigenous Laws [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 3 h | | |
15-10-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Decolonizing Democracy: Centering Indigenous Resilience in Public Institutions | | | | |
15-10-2020 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | Mastering Minutes of Settlement [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
14-10-2020 | Droit du travail et de l'emploi | Litigating An Employment File – The Essential Course | Non | 5 h 30 m | 1 h | |
14-10-2020 | Droit pénal, Jeunes avocats | Criminal Law Primer [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h 30 m | 30 m | |
14-10-2020 | Jeunes avocats | Call Forward: Series for Articling Students and LPP Candidates Skill Builder Session 2 [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
14-10-2020 | Droit international | CUSMA: A Look at Key Features of the New Agreement [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
13-10-2020 | Droit fiscal | Speed Mentoring: Practical Advice on Succeeding as a Young Tax Lawyer [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 30 m | 1 h 30 m | |
08-10-2020 | Droit des organismes de bienfaisance | Technical Considerations When Charities “Join Forces” with Other Organizations [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
07-10-2020 | Droit de la santé | Professional Regulation and Discipline of Health Professionals – How the Landscape Has Changed [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
07-10-2020 | Droit constitutionnel et droits de la personne | 19th Annual Charter Conference [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 4 h 30 m | | |
06-10-2020 | Droit des régimes de retraite et des avantages sociaux | Pensions and Benefits 18th Annual Hot Spots: The New Normal [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h | | |
06-10-2020 | Droit de l'environnement, de l'énergie et des ressources | Changes in the Regulation of Excess Soil [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
06-10-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Adjusting to a New Normal: How to Manage Stress and Anxiety [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
01-10-2020 | Droit de la citoyenneté et de l'immigration | A Conversation with Service Canada: Critical Insights on the Labour Market Impact Assessment Process [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
30-09-2020 | Droit des affaires | Buying and Selling a Business: A Comprehensive Guide [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 5 h | 1 h | |
30-09-2020 | Droit de la construction | Virtual Litigation in Construction Law: Are You Ready? | Non | | 1 h 30 m | |
30-09-2020 | Droit des aîné(e)s, Droit immobilier, Droit fiscal, Testaments, successions et fiducies | Utilizing Real Estate Transfers for Estate Planning Purposes [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 45 m | 15 m | |
30-09-2020 | Femmes dans la profession juridique | Women Lawyers Forum: Virtual Social [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
29-09-2020 | Droit de l'environnement, de l'énergie et des ressources | Key Changes in the Environmental Assessment Act – What You Need to Know Following the Passage of Bill 197 [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
29-09-2020 | Prévention et règlement des différends, Jeunes avocats | Virtual Mediation Bootcamp and Mentorship Roundtable: Your Essential Guide to Excelling at Mediation [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h 30 m | 15 m | 15 m |
25-09-2020 | Droit de la famille | Eleventh Annual Bread and Butter Issues in Family Law [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 3 h 15 m | 45 m | |
24-09-2020 | Droit de la construction | OBA Award of Excellence in Construction and Infrastructure Law [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
23-09-2020 | Droit constitutionnel et droits de la personne, Droit pénal | Critical Legal Issues in Race and Policing: An Essential Series [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 15 m | | |
23-09-2020 | Droit de l'éducation | Spotlight on Anti-Black and Anti-Indigenous Racism in the Education System [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h | | |
23-09-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Foundations in Judicial Competencies: Certificate Program Session 8: Basics of Judicial Decision Writing [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h 30 m | |
22-09-2020 | Conseillers et conseillères juridiques d'entreprises | Managing Litigation Files as In House Counsel [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
22-09-2020 | Droit fiscal | Advising your clients amidst financial uncertainty: Summer 2020 tax developments [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h | | |
17-09-2020 | Droit de la vie privée et de l'accès à l'information | Privacy Across Borders [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 3 h 30 m | | |
16-09-2020 | Droit du travail et de l'emploi, Droit de l'indemnisation en matière d'accidents du travail | Critical Workplace Safety and Insurance Developments that all lawyers need to know [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h 45 m | 15 m | |
16-09-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Foundations in Judicial Competencies: Certificate Program Session 7: Basics of Judicial Reasoning [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h 30 m | |
15-09-2020 | Jeunes avocats | Keys to Establishing a Successful Legal Career in Private Practice [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h 30 m | |
14-09-2020 | Litige civil | Writing Persuasive Legal Documents [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 45 m | 1 h 45 m | |
09-09-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Foundations in Judicial Competencies: Certificate Program Session 6: Managing the Courtroom: Setting the Stage, Interactions with Counsel and Witnesses [WEBCAST ONLY | Non | | 1 h | |
09-09-2020 | Jeunes avocats | Call Forward: Series for Articling Students and LPP Candidates Skill Builder Session 1 [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
02-09-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Foundations in Judicial Competencies: Certificate Program Session 5: Exploring Unconscious Bias, Raising Awareness and Cultural Sensitivity [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h 30 m | |
27-08-2020 | Prévention et règlement des différends, Droit du travail et de l'emploi | ADR Clauses and Employment Contracts: Impact of Uber v. Heller [WEBCAST ONLY] | Oui | 1 h 30 m | | |
27-08-2020 | Droit du travail et de l'emploi | End of the Declared Emergency – What it Means for Employers and Employees [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
26-08-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Foundations in Judicial Competencies: Certificate Program Session 4: Overturned: Insights from Appeals Court Judges [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
26-08-2020 | Droit de la famille | Unique Property Challenges That Arise From Separating During Economic Uncertainty [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
26-08-2020 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | Essential Evidence Series for Estate Litigators - Part 4 [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h | | |
25-08-2020 | Droit constitutionnel et droits de la personne, Secteur public | Emergency Powers Beyond the Emergency: How Bill 195 Will Affect Your Clients’ Rights in the Year Ahead | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
20-08-2020 | Droit des assurances | COVID-19 Business Interruption Claims: Interpreting the Policy Wordings [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h | | |
20-08-2020 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | Essential Evidence Series for Estate Litigators - Part 3 | Non | 2 h 15 m | | |
19-08-2020 | Droit constitutionnel et droits de la personne | Exploring a Lawyer’s Obligation to Accommodate Clients [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | | 1 h 30 m |
19-08-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Foundations in Judicial Competencies: Certificate Program Session 3: Equality and Impartiality [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
19-08-2020 | Droit fiscal | Legislative Update on COVID-19 Measures: 'CEWS' Assessment and Dispute Timelines and Re-opening of the Tax Court [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
19-08-2020 | Droit de la faillite et de l'insolvabilité | Insolvency Filings 101 [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
17-08-2020 | Litige civil, Droit immobilier | Remote Commissioning – What You Need to Know [WEBCAST ONLY] | Oui | | 1 h | |
14-08-2020 | Droit de l'éducation | Top Legal Issues for Education Workers in Fall 2020 [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
12-08-2020 | Litige civil | Mastering Examinations for Discovery [WEBCAST ONLY] | Oui | 2 h 45 m | 30 m | |
11-08-2020 | Recours collectif | The New World of Ontario Class Actions: A Roundtable [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
11-08-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Foundations in Judicial Competencies: Certificate Program Session 2: Judicial Independence, Integrity and Diligence [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
10-08-2020 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | Essential Evidence Series for Estate Litigators - Part 2 [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h | | |
06-08-2020 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | OBA Town Hall with the Attorney General [Zoom only] | | | | |
06-08-2020 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | Essential Evidence Series for Estate Litigators - Part 1 [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h | | |
05-08-2020 | Droit des assurances | A Key Update on Accident Benefits [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 3 h | | |
05-08-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Foundations in Judicial Competencies: Certificate Program Session 1: The Judicial Application and Appointment Process [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h 30 m | |
29-07-2020 | Droit des enfants et des jeunes | Representing the Teenage Parent Part 2: Supports and Strategies [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 30 m | 30 m | |
28-07-2020 | Conseillers et conseillères juridiques d'entreprises | Latest Contract Trends and Developments [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
28-07-2020 | Droit pénal | Exploring the Civil Legal Impacts of Criminal Justice Involvement [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
27-07-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | OBA East Region Virtual Social [Zoom] | | | | |
22-07-2020 | Droit des Autochtones | [PROGRAM CANCELLED] PPSC Enforcement of Section 81 COVID-Related By-Laws | Non | 1 h | | |
22-07-2020 | Droit du divertissement, Droit de l'information | Esports Law: Financing, Intellectual Property and Other Key Legal Issues [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
22-07-2020 | Droit de l'éducation | What Does a Child’s Meaningful Access to Education Look Like for Fall 2020 [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
21-07-2020 | Droit de la famille | Motions to Change: Your Complete Guide Part 2: Navigating Motions To Change In The Covid Era [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h | 15 m | |
21-07-2020 | Droit de la famille | Motions to Change: Your Complete Guide Part 1: Everything You Need to Know About Motions to Change [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
21-07-2020 | Droit immobilier | Real Estate Transaction Issues Arising From the Global Crisis [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
16-07-2020 | Litige civil | Update on Key Limitation Issues [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
16-07-2020 | Femmes dans la profession juridique | Law Reform Approaches to Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence and Abuse [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 30 m | 30 m | |
15-07-2020 | Gestion de la pratique | Managing Partner Roundtable Check-In Forum: Round 5 [Zoom Conferencing] | Non | | 1 h | |
15-07-2020 | Droit des enfants et des jeunes | Representing the Teenage Parent Part 1: Legal Hotspots [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
15-07-2020 | Droit administratif, Droit constitutionnel et droits de la personne | Tribunals Ontario on What the Future Holds: A Virtual Discussion [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
14-07-2020 | Droit des affaires | Consumer Protection Issues in Light of the Global Crisis [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 15 m | | |
09-07-2020 | Droit de l'environnement, de l'énergie et des ressources | Restart of the Mining Industry – The Main Legal Concerns and Considerations as the Economy Enters Recovery [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
09-07-2020 | Femmes dans la profession juridique | Elder Care Support: Key Strategies for the Lawyer-Caregiver [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
08-07-2020 | Droit de la vie privée et de l'accès à l'information | How the Privacy of Health Care Information Has Changed in the Last Six Months [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
06-07-2020 | Recours collectif | Uber v. Heller: Implications of the SCC Decision [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
02-07-2020 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | The OBA Award of Excellence in Trusts and Estates Law [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
28-06-2020 | ADSG | [EVENT POSTPONED] 2020 Pride Parade | | | | |
25-06-2020 | Droit des enfants et des jeunes, Droit de la vie privée et de l'accès à l'information | New Privacy Obligations under the Child, Youth and Family Services Act [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
25-06-2020 | Droit municipal | OBA Award of Excellence in Municipal Law [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
25-06-2020 | Secteur public | The Changing Face of Regulation: Understanding the Impact of the Crisis on Regulatory Law [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
24-06-2020 | Droit relatif aux franchises | Franchising in Uncertain Times: Critical Commercial Lease, Employment, Insolvency and System Management Issues in a Franchise Context [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
24-06-2020 | Prévention et règlement des différends | Virtual Dispute Resolution: Practical Solutions to the Challenges of Online ADR [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
23-06-2020 | Droit de la famille | Recent Family Law Decisions, Court Operations Update and Surviving Vicarious Trauma [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | 30 m | |
23-06-2020 | Jeunes avocats | YLD North Virtual Summer Social [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
23-06-2020 | Femmes dans la profession juridique | Managing Remote Work from Home: Key Strategies and Support for the Lawyer-Parent [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
23-06-2020 | Droit immobilier | Impact and Implications of Ontario’s Temporary Ban on Commercial Evictions [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
22-06-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | How To Be An Ally By Design [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | | 1 h |
18-06-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Access to Justice: How To Be An Ally [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 2 h | 1 h |
17-06-2020 | Droit des aîné(e)s | Capacity for Lawyers: Elder and Corporate Client Matters [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
17-06-2020 | Étudiants, Jeunes avocats | Are You Feeling the Pinch? Financial Planning in Precarious Times [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
16-06-2020 | Droit des régimes de retraite et des avantages sociaux | [EVENT POSTPONED] OBA Award of Excellence in Pensions & Benefits Law | | | | |
16-06-2020 | Droit pénal | Effectively Conducting Electronic Criminal Trials & OBA Award of Excellence in Criminal Justice [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
16-06-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Strategies for Managing Your Wellness During a Crisis [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
15-06-2020 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | Innovation In Trusts & Estates Law [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 3 h 15 m | | |
15-06-2020 | Droit de l'indemnisation en matière d'accidents du travail | [PROGRAM POSTPONED] An Evening with the WSIAT Chair | Non | 30 m | | |
12-06-2020 | Propriété intellectuelle, Technologie | The Future of IP Litigation: Virtual Court Processes and What It Means to Your Practice [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
12-06-2020 | Jeunes avocats | Insights into Advocacy at the Supreme Court of Canada [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 30 m | 30 m | |
10-06-2020 | Droit de la citoyenneté et de l'immigration | Navigating the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
10-06-2020 | Droit des affaires | "MBA" in a Day - for Lawyers [Webcast Only] | Non | 6 h | | |
10-06-2020 | Droit de la santé | OBA Health Law Section Year End Program and Award Presentation [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 15 m | | |
10-06-2020 | Jeunes avocats | Cannabis Law Primer [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
10-06-2020 | Droit des régimes de retraite et des avantages sociaux | Pensions and Benefits Law as it Evolves in Today’s Changing Climate [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
09-06-2020 | Droit du travail et de l'emploi | Social Tuesday on Zoom | | | | |
09-06-2020 | Gestion de la pratique | Managing Partner Roundtable Check-In Forum: Round 4 (via Zoom Conferencing) | Non | | 1 h | |
08-06-2020 | Droit du travail et de l'emploi | Mastering the Simplified Employment Law Trial [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 15 m | 15 m | |
05-06-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Explorez les marchés juridiques et les nouvelles opportunités pour les francophones (Webinaire Zoom Seulement) | Non | | 1 h | |
05-06-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Litigation Issues Arising from the Global Crisis [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h | | |
04-06-2020 | Prévention et règlement des différends, Recours collectif | Class Actions and Arbitration: Where Do They Intersect? [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
04-06-2020 | Jeunes avocats | Beyond the Billable Hour: Practice Management Skills [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
04-06-2020 | Droit des assurances | [PROGRAM POSTPONED] Going Under Cover: Coverage for Non-Coverage Lawyers | Non | 3 h | | |
04-06-2020 | Droit du travail et de l'emploi | How the New Infectious Disease Emergency Leave Impacts Employers and Employees [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
03-06-2020 | Droit immobilier | Deferrals, Abatements and Insolvencies: Issues in Commercial Leasing [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h | | |
02-06-2020 | Droit de l'environnement, de l'énergie et des ressources | [PROGRAM POSTPONED TO FALL 2020] Advanced Environmental Law Practitioner Roundtable | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
02-06-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Strengthen Your Leadership Skills with Emotional Intelligence [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
02-06-2020 | Droit des affaires | 18th Annual OSC, TSX and IIROC Update [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h 30 m | | |
01-06-2020 | Jeunes avocats | [PROGRAM POSTPONED] Intensive Discovery Workshop | Non | 5 h | 15 m | |
01-06-2020 | Droit de l'éducation | Accommodation in Post Secondary Education [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
29-05-2020 | Droit de la famille, ADSG | Prostitution, Stigma, and the Best Interests of Children [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 30 m | 30 m |
29-05-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Technology and Other Hacks By Design (WEBCAST ONLY) | Non | | | 1 h |
28-05-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Your Guide to Emotional Freedom: Try These Specialized Techniques to Help Release Stress [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
28-05-2020 | Droit de la faillite et de l'insolvabilité | A Chat with the Bench and An Evening Social for the Insolvency Bar [WEBCAST ONLY] | Oui | | 30 m | |
28-05-2020 | Droit des assurances | Litigating and Defending Insurance Broker’s Negligence Claims [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 3 h | | |
28-05-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Fireside Chat with Superior Court of Justice | | | | |
28-05-2020 | Droit du travail et de l'emploi | Strategic Advice for Navigating Simplified Procedure in Employment Files under the Revised Rules [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 15 m | 15 m | |
27-05-2020 | Droit fiscal | The Evolving Landscape of Tax Disputes: What Today and Tomorrow Hold [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
27-05-2020 | Recours collectif | Pandemic-Related Class Actions - What Are They and How Will They Change the Law and Landscape [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
26-05-2020 | Droit de la citoyenneté et de l'immigration | Ontario Ports of Entry: 12 Challenging Situations and How to Navigate Them in the Current Environment [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
26-05-2020 | Droit de la faillite et de l'insolvabilité | Alternatives to Bankruptcy: Helping Your Clients Choose the Best Option [WEBCAST ONLY] | Oui | 1 h | | |
22-05-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Making Diversity Work – Moving Beyond Paper [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | | 1 h |
21-05-2020 | Étudiants | Articling Abridgement – A Practical “How To” [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
21-05-2020 | Droit de la santé | Long-Term Care: Legal Concerns of Residents, Staff and Homes [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
21-05-2020 | Droit de la famille | Moving Family Matters Forward - Best Practices for Advocacy and Moving Your Clients’ Matters Forward in the Current Environment [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
21-05-2020 | Droit de l'environnement, de l'énergie et des ressources | Navigating Environmental Compliance and Risk During and After a Public Health Emergency [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
21-05-2020 | Jeunes avocats | [PROGRAM POSTPONED] Oral Advocacy Boot Camp | Non | 2 h 45 m | 45 m | |
20-05-2020 | Droit administratif, Droit constitutionnel et droits de la personne, Droit du travail et de l'emploi | Annual Update on Human Rights [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 6 h 30 m | | |
20-05-2020 | Droit de la construction | [PROGRAM POSTPONED to Fall 2020] Where the Rubber Hits the Road: Potential Pitfalls Along the Road to Applying the New Construction Act | Non | 2 h 15 m | | |
20-05-2020 | Droit des assurances | [EVENT POSTPONED] OBA Award of Excellence in Insurance Law | | | | |
20-05-2020 | Droit de la vie privée et de l'accès à l'information | Workplace Reopening - Cyber Security Considerations when ‘At Home‘ Work Devices Move Back to the Office [Webcast Only] | Non | 1 h | | |
19-05-2020 | Conseillers et conseillères juridiques d'entreprises | Returning To Work – Employer Considerations What will a return to work look like Part 2....When the Dust Settles....[WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
15-05-2020 | Droit du travail et de l'emploi | Workplace Reopening and Returning Employees - Employment Standards Considerations [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
15-05-2020 | Étudiants | Bar Exam Review Tips: How to Prepare for Your Rescheduled Bar Examination [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
14-05-2020 | Litige civil | Recent Key Developments in Contract Law [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 3 h | | |
14-05-2020 | Droit international | How to Pivot in Uncertain Times: Navigating Supply Chain Risk and Disruption [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
14-05-2020 | Droit du travail et de l'emploi, Droit fiscal | Employment & Tax Issues: Uncertain Times, Innovative Solutions [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
13-05-2020 | Droit pénal | Critical Update on Bail and Sentencing [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
13-05-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Complimentary Guided Meditation for CBA Members [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
13-05-2020 | Droit de l'indemnisation en matière d'accidents du travail | 2020 Vision – How We See Current Issues in Workplace Safety and Insurance Law [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h 45 m | 1 h 15 m | |
13-05-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | OBA Virtual Witnessing (WEBCAST ONLY) | | | | |
13-05-2020 | Jeunes avocats | Call Forward: Series for Articling Students and LPP Candidates Skill Builder Session 7 [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
13-05-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Remote Hearings: Best Practices to Prepare for and Successfully Attend an Electronic Hearing [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
13-05-2020 | Juristes de la pratique générale, exerçant seuls ou en petits cabinets, Gestion de la pratique | Onboarding New Hires in a Time of Workplace Restrictions [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
12-05-2020 | Conseillers et conseillères juridiques d'entreprises | Returning To Work – Employer Considerations What will a return to work look like Part 1? [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
12-05-2020 | Étudiants | Overview of Government Supports for Students | | | | |
12-05-2020 | Droit de la vie privée et de l'accès à l'information | Privacy and Access in Connected and Automated Vehicles [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h | | |
12-05-2020 | Droit des Autochtones | The Essentials of Aboriginal Economic Development Deals [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 45 m | | 1 h 15 m |
11-05-2020 | Droit administratif, Droit des enfants et des jeunes, Droit de la famille, Secteur public | [PROGRAM POSTPONED] Exploring the Ontario Ombudsman’s New Mandate on Services to Children and Youth | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
11-05-2020 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | Navigating the Complexities of Non-Professional Caregivers and Attorneys [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
08-05-2020 | Droit du travail et de l'emploi | Workplace Reopening and Returning Employees: Health and Safety Considerations [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
08-05-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Enhance Your Wellbeing: Fortify Your Reserves and Recharge During These Uncertain Times Part II: Mental Health Professional Panel [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
07-05-2020 | Juristes de la pratique générale, exerçant seuls ou en petits cabinets | Rent Relief for Small Firms: Help is Available [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 30 m | | |
07-05-2020 | Jeunes avocats | Networking For Young Lawyers [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
07-05-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Succession: Ensuring Law Firm Continuity [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h 30 m | |
07-05-2020 | Gestion de la pratique | Managing Partner Roundtable Check-In Forum: Round 3 [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
06-05-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Enhance Your Wellbeing: Fortify Your Reserves and Recharge During These Uncertain Times Part I: Peer Support Panel [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
06-05-2020 | Droit du travail et de l'emploi | 18th Annual Current Issues in Employment Law: Supreme Court Update Edition [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 5 h 15 m | 1 h 15 m | |
05-05-2020 | Conseillers et conseillères juridiques d'entreprises | Returning To Work – Employer Considerations Workforce Management Strategies [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
05-05-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Get Up to Speed: Video Conferencing Solutions for Your Practice [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
05-05-2020 | Droit de l'environnement, de l'énergie et des ressources | [PROGRAM POSTPONED] Natural Resources and Energy Law: Mentoring for Success | Non | 30 m | 1 h | |
04-05-2020 | Droit pénal | [PROGRAM POSTPONED]Cannabis Criminality and Crossing the Border | Non | 1 h | | |
04-05-2020 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | Practical Advice and Precedents for Executing Wills and Powers of Attorney in Counterpart [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 30 m | |
04-05-2020 | Droit de la construction | The Next Decade in Project Delivery: A Time for Transition [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 2 h | | |
01-05-2020 | Litige civil | Virtual Advocacy: Discoveries, Cross Examinations and Regulatory Examinations [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h 30 m | |
01-05-2020 | Droit de l'éducation | Legal Considerations in the Era of At Home Learning [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
29-04-2020 | Droit international | The International Law DBI Series: Doing Business in Canada’s Backyard [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
28-04-2020 | Droit de l'environnement, de l'énergie et des ressources | Climate Change and Corporate Social Responsibility (WEBCAST ONLY) | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
28-04-2020 | Droit des affaires | Secured Transaction Essentials for Business Lawyers [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 3 h 30 m | | |
28-04-2020 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | Mastering Appeals in Estate, Trust, Power of Attorney and Guardianship Cases – Practice and Procedure [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
28-04-2020 | Droit pénal, Jeunes avocats | [PROGRAM POSTPONED] Criminal Law Primer | Non | 2 h 30 m | 30 m | |
27-04-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Mastering Virtual Meetings: Best Practices [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h 15 m | |
27-04-2020 | Secteur public | Transforming Regulation – New Approaches for the Age of Data and Humans [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
24-04-2020 | Droit des régimes de retraite et des avantages sociaux | Pensions Law in Unprecedented Times (WEBCAST ONLY) | Non | 1 h | | |
22-04-2020 | Droit des aîné(e)s | Capacity for Lawyers: The Older Adult Client - A Lawyer's Tool Kit [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
22-04-2020 | Droit constitutionnel et droits de la personne, Droit des aîné(e)s | Emergency Measures and the Impact on Older Adults and People with Disabilities | Non | 1 h | | |
21-04-2020 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | [POSTPONED to Fall 2020] Dinner with Your Honourable Estates List Judges | Non | 1 h | | |
21-04-2020 | Droit des organismes de bienfaisance | Litigation Strategies for Charities and Not-for-Profits [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | 30 m | |
21-04-2020 | Conseillers et conseillères juridiques d'entreprises | [PROGRAM POSTPONED] Key IP Issues and Trends for In-House Counsel | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
21-04-2020 | Jeunes avocats | Today’s Advocacy Challenge: Mastering Remote Interactions with the Courts | Non | 45 m | 15 m | |
20-04-2020 | Droit du travail et de l'emploi | Remote Labour Arbitrations [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
20-04-2020 | Droit du travail et de l'emploi | Litigating Wrongful Dismissal Files in Small Claims Court [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 15 m | 15 m | |
17-04-2020 | Droit des enfants et des jeunes | Access, Youth Services and Other Challenges in Child Welfare [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
17-04-2020 | Litige civil | Virtual Mediations and Remote Resolutions [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h 30 m | |
17-04-2020 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | Best Practices for Virtual Witnessing of Wills and Powers of Attorney [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
16-04-2020 | Prévention et règlement des différends | [PROGRAM POSTPONED]Navigating the Tax Consequences of Settling Commercial Disputes | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
16-04-2020 | Droit immobilier | Critical Condominium Law Issues: Access to Property, Condominium Liens and Status Certificates [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
15-04-2020 | Étudiants | OBA Edge Live Zoom Chat - Retain Your Exam Prep! [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
15-04-2020 | Litige civil | Top Appeals of 2019 from the Court of Appeal for Ontario [WEBCAST ONLY] | Oui | 1 h 45 m | 15 m | |
15-04-2020 | Juristes de la pratique générale, exerçant seuls ou en petits cabinets | Pressing Practice Management Issues In Uncertain Times [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
14-04-2020 | Droit de l'indemnisation en matière d'accidents du travail | Critical Workplace Coverage Update: Work-Related COVID-19 Claims, Minimizing Workplace Exposure, and Health and Safety Obligations [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 45 m | | |
14-04-2020 | Droit de la famille | “Urgency” Update and Expanded Court Scope for Family Matters [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
14-04-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | The Virtual Mentor: Recalibrate and Reconnect | Non | | 1 h | |
08-04-2020 | Gestion de la pratique | Managing Partner Roundtable Check-In Forum: Round 2 [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
08-04-2020 | Droit immobilier | Critical Commercial Lease Issues: Deferrals, Abatements and Continuous Use Clauses [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
08-04-2020 | Jeunes avocats | Call Forward: Series for Articling Students and LPP Candidates Skill Builder Session 6 [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
08-04-2020 | Droit des organismes de bienfaisance | Event Cancellations, Virtual Meetings and Regulatory Updates for Canadian Charities and Not-for-Profits [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
08-04-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle, Propriété intellectuelle, Technologie | Diversity and Inclusion in the Courtroom [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | | 1 h |
08-04-2020 | Gestion de la pratique | Law Practice Management Check in Series | | | | |
08-04-2020 | Droit du travail et de l'emploi | [PROGRAM POSTPONED] Current Issues in Labour Law | Non | 3 h 15 m | 15 m | |
07-04-2020 | Litige civil | Maintaining Your Litigation Practice in a Remote Work Environment [CALL IN SERIES] | | | | |
07-04-2020 | Litige civil, Propriété intellectuelle, Technologie | Litigation and the Internet – A Tangled Web! [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 3 h | | |
07-04-2020 | Droit de la construction | Critical Construction Law Issues: Force Majeure Clauses, Limitation Periods and Project Challenges [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
07-04-2020 | Étudiants | OBA Edge Live Zoom Chat - COVID 19 and the Legal Job Market [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
06-04-2020 | Droit constitutionnel et droits de la personne | Human Rights Challenges: Family Status Accommodation and Undue Hardship [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
06-04-2020 | Étudiants | OBA Edge Live Zoom Chat - Tips for Academic Success in a Remote Environment [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
03-04-2020 | Droit relatif aux franchises | Critical Franchise Issues: Current Rescission, Lease, Employment and Litigation Concerns [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
03-04-2020 | Droit du travail et de l'emploi, Jeunes avocats | Employment Law Fundamentals [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 4 h | | |
02-04-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | How to Access New Government Emergency Relief Programs [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
01-04-2020 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | Will Execution, Holograph Wills and Evaluating Capacity [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 30 m | 30 m | |
01-04-2020 | Droit de la vie privée et de l'accès à l'information | Today’s Privacy Challenges: Remote Workforces, Consent and Sensitive Personal Information [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
01-04-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | OBA 30-Day Fitness Challenge [ONLINE EVENT] | | | | |
01-04-2020 | Droit de la vie privée et de l'accès à l'information | [PROGRAM POSTPONED] Privacy Law Summit | Non | 6 h 30 m | | |
31-03-2020 | Droit de la famille | Urgent Matters: Defining Urgency and Other Critical Issues Facing Family Lawyers [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 15 m | 15 m | |
27-03-2020 | Droit pénal | Bail, Parole and Prisoners’ Rights [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
26-03-2020 | Droit des aîné(e)s, Droit de la santé | Emergency Management, Virtual and In-person Care and Lessons from SARS [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
26-03-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | OBA Mindful Lawyer Series - Module 20: Elevating Morale and Fostering Resilience In Today’s Climate [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h | |
25-03-2020 | Secteur public | Emergency Powers and their Limitations and Protections Against their Arbitrary Use [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 45 m | | |
25-03-2020 | Droit international | Export Controls and Sanctions Update: Latest Practice Issues and Developments [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
25-03-2020 | Gestion de la pratique | Managing Partner Roundtable: Check-In Forum [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | | 1 h 30 m | |
24-03-2020 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | New Decade: New Taxes? Update on U.S. Tax Law for Canadian Trusts and Estates Lawyers [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
24-03-2020 | Droit de la santé | [PROGRAM CANCELLED] Effective Advocacy Before the Consent and Capacity Board | Oui | 1 h 30 m | | |
24-03-2020 | Conseillers et conseillères juridiques d'entreprises | [PROGRAM POSTPONED] Annual Corporate Governance Update | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
24-03-2020 | Droit du travail et de l'emploi | Remote Workforce: Employer Obligations, Health & Safety, Privacy and Emergency Changes to ESA [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
19-03-2020 | Droit des assurances | Force Majeure, Contract Cancellations and Occupier’s Liability [WEBCAST ONLY] | Non | 1 h | | |
11-03-2020 | Droit de la citoyenneté et de l'immigration | Ground Shift - What Does Vavilov and the New Standard of Review Mean for your Immigration Practice | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
11-03-2020 | Jeunes avocats | Call Forward: Series for Articling Students and LPP Candidates Skill Builder Session 5 [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
10-03-2020 | Jeunes avocats | Roundtable on Succeeding as a Female Lawyer in the New Decade | Non | | 1 h 30 m | 30 m |
09-03-2020 | Femmes dans la profession juridique | WLF Student Mix and Mingle Social | | | | |
06-03-2020 | Jeunes avocats | Divine Discoveries: Building a Great Case | Oui | 2 h 30 m | 1 h | |
06-03-2020 | Jeunes avocats | Your First Civil Trial | Oui | 3 h | 30 m | |
05-03-2020 | Jeunes avocats | [SOLD OUT] Alternative Career Paths for Lawyers | Non | | 15 m | |
05-03-2020 | Droit de l'environnement, de l'énergie et des ressources | Developments in Environmental Law for Real Estate Transactions | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
05-03-2020 | Litige civil | Civil Litigation Section Networking Social | | | | |
04-03-2020 | Jeunes avocats | Cultural Competency as Your Competitive Advantage | Non | | | 1 h |
04-03-2020 | Droit du travail et de l'emploi | Key Settlement Issues in Employment Law | Non | 2 h | | |
04-03-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | International Women's Day 2020 35th Anniversary of Section 15: How far we've come, how far we need to go | | | | |
03-03-2020 | Droit de la faillite et de l'insolvabilité, Droit fiscal | The Intersection of Taxation and Insolvency | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
02-03-2020 | Droit du divertissement, Droit de l'information | Breaking the Internet: Current Issues in Broadcasting Law | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
02-03-2020 | Litige civil | [PROGRAM POSTPONED] Professionalism in Motions | Oui | | 3 h | |
27-02-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | How to Effectively Communicate with a Client Who Experiences Hearing Loss | Oui | | | 1 h |
26-02-2020 | Droit des aîné(e)s | Capacity for Lawyers: Elder and Real Estate Matters | Non | 1 h 15 m | 15 m | |
25-02-2020 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | Navigating Current Trends in Dependants’ Support | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
20-02-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | We Are All Treaty People – Why We Need To Be Allies | Non | | | 1 h |
20-02-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | OBA Central West Regional Social | | | | |
20-02-2020 | Gestion de la pratique | [PROGRAM POSTPONED] Managing Partner Roundtable: Recognizing and Mitigating Threats to Law Firm Data Security | | | | |
20-02-2020 | Droit de la famille | Unbundled Family Legal Services – Where the Rubber Hits the Road #2 | Non | | 2 h | |
18-02-2020 | Droit du travail et de l'emploi | Changes to Simplified Procedure and What They Mean for Your Employment Law Practice | Non | 1 h 15 m | 15 m | |
08-02-2020 | Droit pénal | Making Your Case... Legal Issues and Strategies for Today's Criminal Cases | Non | 3 h | 2 h 15 m | |
07-02-2020 | Droit municipal | Adapting To The New Era of Municipal and Planning Law: The Only Constant is Change | Oui | 5 h 30 m | 30 m | |
07-02-2020 | Droit des Autochtones | Practical Perspectives on Hot Topics, Emerging Issues & Game Changing Cases | Oui | 2 h 30 m | | 30 m |
07-02-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Breakfast With Champions | Oui | | | 1 h |
07-02-2020 | Droit de la famille | Beyond the (New) Basics: Mastering the New Rules, Revised Guidelines, Amended Legislation, and Recent Cases in Family Law | Oui | 5 h 30 m | 1 h 15 m | |
07-02-2020 | Droit de la vie privée et de l'accès à l'information | Consumer Smart Technologies and Privacy Law in the Decade of Change | Non | 3 h | | |
06-02-2020 | Droit des affaires | Succession Planning For The Small Business | Oui | 2 h 30 m | 30 m | |
06-02-2020 | Conseillers et conseillères juridiques d'entreprises | Corporate Counsel Reception | | | | |
06-02-2020 | Juristes de la pratique générale, exerçant seuls ou en petits cabinets | Cannabis for Breakfast | Non | 1 h | | |
06-02-2020 | Droit de la citoyenneté et de l'immigration | Beyond Categories: Providing Client-Centered Strategies Combining Various Temporary and Permanent Residence Solutions | Oui | 3 h | | |
06-02-2020 | Droit des assurances | Directors and Officers: Liability, Errors and Omissions - What You Need to Know | Oui | 3 h | | |
06-02-2020 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | The Great Debate: Tackling Unsettled Issues in Trusts and Estates Law | Oui | 2 h 30 m | 30 m | |
06-02-2020 | Litige civil | Litigation in the Digital Age: A Guide to the Paperless Practice | Oui | | 3 h | |
06-02-2020 | Conseillers et conseillères juridiques d'entreprises | Legal Departments and Economic Uncertainty - How to Add Value to Your Employer | Oui | 1 h 30 m | 1 h 30 m | |
05-02-2020 | Droit des régimes de retraite et des avantages sociaux | Pensions and Benefits Law: What to Expect in 2020 | Non | 2 h | | |
05-02-2020 | Droit du travail et de l'emploi | The Independent Contractor and the New Economy | Oui | 2 h | | |
05-02-2020 | Gestion de la pratique | 20-20 Vision for Marketing Yourself in 2020 | Oui | 1 h | 1 h | |
05-02-2020 | Droit relatif aux franchises | What You Need to Know About The Arthur Wishart Act [Franchise Disclosure] | Oui | 2 h | | |
05-02-2020 | Droit des aîné(e)s | Rights and Limitations on an Attorney Under a Power of Attorney | Oui | 2 h | | |
05-02-2020 | Droit du divertissement, Droit de l'information | Extra, Extra, Learn All About It: Fake News in Entertainment, Media and Communications Law | Oui | 2 h | | |
05-02-2020 | Prévention et règlement des différends | Mediation From a Client's Perspective | Non | 2 h | | |
05-02-2020 | Femmes dans la profession juridique | Leaders and Changemakers Breakfast | Oui | | 2 h | |
05-02-2020 | Jeunes avocats | Take Charge of Your Career: Developing Your Path to Self-Sufficiency | Oui | 2 h | | |
05-02-2020 | Droit de l'indemnisation en matière d'accidents du travail | The Quirky World of Workers' Compensation Law: Practical and Professional Advice for Navigating Its Intricacies and Oddities | Oui | 1 h 30 m | 30 m | |
04-02-2020 | Droit administratif | Accommodating Disabilities in Administrative Law | Non | 2 h | 30 m | 30 m |
04-02-2020 | Propriété intellectuelle, Technologie | The Future of Innovation: Fundamental Shifts in IP and IT Law | Oui | 2 h 45 m | 15 m | |
04-02-2020 | Droit de la construction | Building Under the New Construction Act | Oui | 3 h | | |
04-02-2020 | Droit de l'environnement, de l'énergie et des ressources | Evolving Liability in the Environmental and Natural Resources Regulatory Landscape | Oui | 3 h | | |
04-02-2020 | Droit des organismes de bienfaisance | Audits, Working With Indigenous Communities and Key Updates in Charity & Not-For-Profit Law | Oui | 2 h | 30 m | 30 m |
04-02-2020 | Droit constitutionnel et droits de la personne, Droit de la santé | Key Constitutional and Human Rights in Health Law & Practice | Oui | 2 h | | |
04-02-2020 | Droit fiscal | Nowhere To Hide: Mining For Taxpayer Information | Oui | 2 h 30 m | 30 m | |
04-02-2020 | Droit immobilier | The Matrix of Real Estate Law Nothing Really Changes, or Does it? | Oui | 2 h 30 m | 30 m | |
04-02-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Mindful Awareness and Meditation Tools to Manage Stress and Improve Performance | Non | | 1 h | |
23-01-2020 | Gestion de la pratique | Managing Partner Roundtable: Branding Your Law Firm For Your Marketplace | Non | | 1 h | |
22-01-2020 | Conseillers et conseillères juridiques d'entreprises, Jeunes avocats | 2020 New Year Social | | | | |
21-01-2020 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | “Kissing Cousins Reunited”: Focus on Family Law Issues in Estates Planning | Non | 1 h 30 m | | |
17-01-2020 | Droit administratif | A New World for Standard of Review? Exploring the SCC’s Decision in the Judicial Review Trilogy (WEBCAST ONLY) | Non | 1 h | | |
15-01-2020 | Conseillers et conseillères juridiques d'entreprises | Corporate Secretaries Forum: Tips for Minute Taking | Non | | 1 h | |
15-01-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Simplified Procedure (Rule 76) Actions: Brave New World of Changes | Non | 1 h | 30 m | |
09-01-2020 | Droit de la faillite et de l'insolvabilité | [SOLD OUT] Putting on the Red Sash: A Dialogue with the Bench | Non | 1 h | | |
08-01-2020 | Jeunes avocats | Call Forward: Series for Articling Students and LPP Candidates Skill Builder Session 4 [WEBCAST ONLY] | | | | |
07-07-2020 | Droit constitutionnel et droits de la personne, Droit des aîné(e)s | [WEBCAST REPLAY] Emergency Measures and the Impact on Older Adults and People with Disabilities | Non | 1 h | | |
25-06-2020 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | [WEBCAST REPLAY] Best Practices for Virtual Witnessing of Wills and Powers of Attorney | Non | | 1 h | |
25-06-2020 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | [WEBCAST REPLAY] Practical Advice and Precedents for Executing Wills and Powers of Attorney in Counterpart | Non | | 30 m | |
13-02-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Tips for Finding a Summer Job in Criminal Law | | | | |
12-02-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Tips for Finding a Summer Job in Government | | | | |
30-01-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | Tips for Finding a Summer Job in a Regional Setting | | | | |
03-12-2020 | Perfectionnement professionel et développement de la clientèle | A Legal Primer on Tenant Evictions in 2020-2021 (Archived Video Stream) | | | | |
06-08-2020 | Testaments, successions et fiducies | Essential Evidence Series for Estate Litigators (4 Part Series) (Archived Video Stream) | Non | 2 h | | |
07-02-2020 | Droit municipal | Adapting To The New Era of Municipal and Planning Law: The Only Constant is Change [Municipal Law Session] (Archived Video Stream) | | | | |