
Programme du stage international - barreau de paris

  • May 28, 2014

Comme chaque année, le Barreau de Paris organisera, aux mois d’octobre et de novembre 2014 le “Stage International”, formation destinée à de jeunes confrères étrangers, maîtrisant le français et désireux de découvrir notre droit ainsi que la pratique de la profession d’avocat en France dans un environnement international. Au titre de ce programme, nous avons accueilli en 2013, 50 jeunes avocats de 34 nationalités différentes venus de tous les continents.

The new Law Practice Program

  • May 13, 2014

Learn more as Doug Downey, Chair of the OBA’s Law Practice Program Committee, describes the new program and outlines ways of getting involved.

Ontario Bar Association welcomes improved legal aid in budget

  • May 01, 2014

Through budget consultations, the OBA has urged the government to increase legal aid financial eligibility levels and associated funding as an important way to increase access to justice and help build a sustainable legal aid system in Ontario.

"A tireless advocate, mentor": Maryellen Symons

"A tireless advocate, mentor": Maryellen Symons

  • April 29, 2014

Maryellen Symons says through her work as a lawyer and legal researcher, examining the law from a feminist perspective, she came to realize that laws “too often reflect and reinforce social inequities.”