Articles 2022


Tips and Tricks to Networking

  • December 05, 2018
  • Stacey Hsu and Andrew Sudano

Depending on your personality, networking events can inspire a wide range of emotions. For better or for worse, they are a necessary part of the profession to help build your book of business and create connections that might be helpful for your career. This article contains some tips and tricks complied over the years to help you maximize your experience at networking events and hopefully make it more enjoyable.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

Lawyers and the Three Burdens of the Helping Profession

  • December 05, 2018
  • Sina Hariri, lawyer at Hariri Law

Every day, lawyers are exposed to different dimensions of conflict, including their client’s trauma or intense emotional states. Stress can lead to compassion fatigue, vicarious trauma, and burnout. Notice the signs and process your stress. Read on for more information and strategies for predicting and preventing the three burdens of the helping profession.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

Striking the Balance: Confidentiality versus Transparency in International Commercial Arbitration

  • December 05, 2018
  • Selina Mamo, lawyer at McCarthy Tétrault LLP

Increased transparency in international commercial arbitration may improve quality by allowing arbitral decisions to undergo public scrutiny and contribute to jurisprudence. More transparency comes at the cost of the privacy and confidentiality of arbitral stakeholders. Read on for an analysis of these competing objectives in international commercial arbitration.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

Saying “I Do” to a Prenup

  • November 26, 2018
  • Olivia Koneval, lawyer at Mann Lawyers

You and your partner are moving in together, or you have just set a wedding date. These are both happy events and are likely filling you with a lot of excitement, planning, and optimism. So why spoil the moment with talk of a prenuptial agreement? Prenups, or “domestic contracts” as they are called in Canada, are a difficult topic to bring up with your partner, especially if you are not sure if they will be on board with the idea.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

Tips for Conducting a Successful Examination for Discovery: A Young Lawyer’s Perspective

  • November 26, 2018
  • Arina Joanisse, lawyer at Stevenson Whelton MacDonald & Swan LLP

Examinations for discovery are a true on-the-job skill. Law school does not teach you how to conduct one, and watching experts examine during your articles will only take you so far when you find yourself on your own, face to face with an evasive witness and a combative opposing counsel. This article is by no means an exhaustive manual on examinations for discovery, but only a series of tips from the perspective of a junior (but not so junior) lawyer. 

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

The Straight Dope: A Reference Guide to Cannabis Laws in Ontario

  • November 26, 2018
  • Mark Asfar, lawyer with Momentum Law

Canadians now live in a brave new world of legalized possession and consumption of cannabis. Individuals and businesses are going to their lawyers for advice on what is and is not permitted under the new rules, and lawyers have been left to scramble through mountains of dense legislation and a provincial patchwork to find answers for their clients. If you are one of those lawyers looking for answers, or just trying to stay up to date on the general changes, then this article is for you.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

Diarize and Deal with Administrative Dismissal Under Rule 48.14

  • October 01, 2018
  • Ivan Mitchell Merrow

On January 1, 2017, a new administrative dismissal regime came to Ontario. Actions in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice are now administratively dismissed pursuant to Rule 48.14 if the actions have not been set down for trial (or terminated by any means) by the 5th anniversary of the commencement of the action. Read on for a review of Rule 48.14 and its Small Claims Court counterpart, Rule 11.1.01.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

Constructive Dismissal Review: Spotlight on Compensation

  • October 01, 2018
  • Nida Sohani

In the context of constructive dismissal, what amounts to “substantial” change to an "essential" term of an employment contract? Specifically, when does a refusal to pay or reduction in employee compensation qualify as constructive dismissal? Recent case law suggests that while refusal to pay a bonus or vacation compensation may be a breach of contract, they may not be "essential" enough to trigger a constructive dismissal. Read on to learn more.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

The Lawyer Licensing Process: A Time for Change?

  • October 01, 2018
  • Tahir Khorasanee

On May 24, 2018, the Law Society of Ontario (“LSO”) released “Options for Lawyer Licensing: A Consultation Paper”. In the paper, the LSO provides four lawyer licensing options for consideration. What are the four options? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each one? Read on to find out more.

Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division