Articles 2022


Love and Marriage? More like Greed and Marriage.

  • October 02, 2017
  • Amanda Bettencourt

The writer discusses the recent British Columbia case of Devore-Thompson v. Poulain in the context of capacity to marry and the telltale signs of a predatory marriage.

Trusts and Estates Law

Brown Bag Lunch September 19, 2017

  • September 27, 2017
  • Noah Weisberg and Charlotte McGee

The estates bar met to discuss corresponding changes and challenges in estates and trusts law since the summer months, including a review of the new ODSP amendments, will drafting for non-resident testators and drafting Wills involving Florida property

Trusts and Estates Law

Does Social Media Live Forever?

  • July 04, 2017
  • Matthew Urback

In this article, the author discusses planning avenues available for dealing with social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Trusts and Estates Law

Brown Bag Lunch Recap - April 2017

  • May 04, 2017
  • Noah Weisberg, Lisa Toner and Rebecca Fisch,

In this BBL session, participants discussed the introduction of CourtCall to the Estates List, recent amendments to the Succession Law Reform Act, the recent Re Morrison Estate (Alberta case), and other issues.

Trusts and Estates Law

Joint Tenancy Dispute Strikes Again

  • April 28, 2017
  • Kimberly Whaley

Kimberly Whaley discusses the Ontario Court of Appeal which examined the difficulties that can arise when a parent dies while holding title to a major asset in joint tenancy with an adult child. . The case of Jansen v. Niels 2017 ONCA 312 looks at the issue of severance of joint tenancies, inter vivos gifts between parents and adult children, and undue influence.

Trusts and Estates Law

A Refresher on Notice to Creditors

  • April 04, 2017
  • David Kanhai

When administering an estate, an executor needs to settle the estate’s debts before he or she can distribute the estate to beneficiaries, and failure to do this can leave the executor personally liable for those debts. But what if an executor isn’t aware of all outstanding debts? This article contains information about the form of notice to creditors, when to publish, and other matters the executor should keep in mind in order to protect the executor and the estate.

Trusts and Estates Law

Tax Traps for an Estate Owning a Corporation

  • March 20, 2017
  • Sebastien G. Desmarais,

This article contains information regarding estates owning corporations, including consideration of clearance certificates under both the Income Tax Act and the Excise Tax Act, post-mortem tax saving strategies, and using the deceased's lifetime capital gains exemption.

Trusts and Estates Law