Articles 2023


Limitations to CRA Audit Powers in Canada (National Revenue) v. Chad: Taxpayer “Reasonable Efforts” and the Minister’s Applications for Compliance Orders

  • May 27, 2024
  • Milosz Zak and Gaya Berkaine

The decision in Canada v. Chad, saw Mr. Chad meet the “reasonable efforts” threshold when unsuccessfully obtaining information of non-residents. Consequently, the Court refused to grant a compliance order sought by the Minister. The decision is a study of the Income Tax Act compliance order process and a reminder of the limits of the CRA’s audit powers where taxpayers are unable to obtain the documents requested from others outside of Canada.

Student Forum, Taxation Law

New Trust Reporting Rules for Taxation Years Ending After December 30, 2023

  • May 15, 2024
  • Sarah Hagarty

The new trust reporting rules, enacted in December 2022, are now in effect, for taxation years ending after December 30, 2023. The new rules will require a greater number of trusts to file both a T3 Trust Income Tax and Information Return and a new Schedule 15. Trustees of a wide variety of trusts, including bare trusts and non-resident trusts, now have the additional onus of determining which trusts (that were previously exempt from filing a T3 Return) are captured by the new rules.

Student Forum, Taxation Law

3295940 Canada Inc.: FCA overturns TCC GAAR ruling

  • May 15, 2024
  • Danielle Karlin

In 3295940 (2024 FCA 42; rev’g 2022 TCC 68) (“3295”), the FCA provides welcome guidance on the court’s application of the General Anti-Avoidance Rule (the “GAAR”) in section 245 of the Income Tax Act (Canada) (the “Act”). 3295 is one of the few GAAR cases that has been decided in favour of the taxpayer after a long string of decisions following the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision in Deans Knight (2023 SCC 16).

Student Forum, Taxation Law

Expropriations and the Proposed Increased Capital Gains Inclusion Rate

  • May 15, 2024
  • Michael Ding

Special rules of disposition apply for involuntary dispositions such as expropriations. These rules can lead to a deferral of the recognition of capital gains pending a final resolution of the compensation amount. The expropriated party may wish to consider the value of the potential deferral versus crystallizing capital gains in advance of the proposed increase of the capital gains inclusion rate from one-half (1/2) to two-thirds (2/3) on June 25.

Student Forum, Taxation Law

Glencore: Break Fee Received was “Inducement” Income under Paragraph 12(1)(x)

  • April 05, 2024
  • Julia Zhuo

In Glencore Canada Corporation v. The Queen (2024 FCA 3), the Federal Court of Appeal (“FCA”) dismissed the taxpayer’s appeal on whether fees related to a failed bid were received on income or capital account. The FCA held that the fees were included in income as an inducement payment pursuant to paragraph 12(1)(x).

Student Forum, Taxation Law

First TCC Loss-Trading Case Applying Deans Knight

  • April 03, 2024
  • Sameer Nurmohamed and Ravish Gupta

In Madison Pacific Properties Inc. v The King, the Tax Court of Canada found that the GAAR applied to deny the appellant’s deduction of net capital losses, citing the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision in Deans Knight for the first time in a loss-trading case. Two companies had acted in concert to fundamentally transform the appellant and use non-voting shares to access its losses without acquiring de jure control of the appellant contrary to the object, spirit, and purpose of subsection 111(4).

Student Forum, Taxation Law

Addressing and Analyzing the CRA’s Guidance Regarding the Tax Consequences of Crypto-Asset Transactions that Occur on Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Lending Protocols

  • April 02, 2024
  • Jonathan Buckle and Marco Iampieri

This article explores the uncertain income tax consequences facing Canadian taxpayers involved in the lending and borrowing of crypto assets on Decentralized Finance (DeFi) lending protocols. CRA's guidance is urged to be upholstered and increased to mitigate against the risk that taxpayers will incorrectly report and file crypto-asset transactions.

Student Forum, Taxation Law

Gaudreau c. Le Roi: Advice Provided by Accountants Not Sheltered by Privilege

  • April 02, 2024
  • Brian Studniberg

The Tax Court of Canada’s decision in Gaudreau c. Le Roi, 2023 CCI 115 (currently under appeal to the FCA), addresses whether a taxpayer may be compelled to produce an accounting firm’s memo in the context of the taxpayer’s examination for discovery. The taxpayer resisted disclosure on the basis that the accounting firm’s memo was not relevant to the CRA’s assessing position. The Tax Court nevertheless concluded that there is no accountant-client privilege and that the memo should be disclosed.

Student Forum, Taxation Law

Bautista v. the King, 2022-2718(IT)G

  • January 09, 2024
  • Sarah Spaner

In June, the National Post publicized a tax appeal by Toronto sports icon José Bautista. Because the appeal deals with how non-resident, high-income earners save for retirement and protect their income from Canadian taxes, commentators have speculated that a dismissal by the TCC could eliminate certain financial enticements for athletes to play in Canada. This article summarizes the facts and tax issues at stake in this appeal.

Student Forum, Taxation Law