

Sexual Assault on Trial

  • June 07, 2017

Sexual assault prosecutions are complex and raise many conflicting issues while garnering broad media coverage.

Criminal Justice, Women Lawyers Forum, Student Forum

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Labour and Employment Issues in Franchising

  • June 06, 2017

Employment issues regularly emerge in every business, but there are specific concerns that arise in the franchise context.

Franchise Law, Student Forum

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CASL Changes Coming July 1, 2017

  • June 06, 2017

Since coming into force on July 1, 2014, Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (“CASL”) has created challenges for lawyers and their clients as they have worked to ensure compliance with the new legislation.

Class Actions, Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law, Privacy Law and 1 more..., Student Forum

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The Impact of Blockchain on International Business Law

  • May 18, 2017

The potential scope of Blockchain technology is incredibly vast. To say this technology represents the next revolution may be too conservative – fundamentally, it will change the way in which we will process and interact with data and information, and will change the practice of law as we know it.

International Law, Student Forum

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You Have More Power Than You Think: Negotiation Skills

  • May 15, 2017

Do you have a difficult negotiation coming up to settle a matter for your client? Are you looking to improve your skills as a negotiator? Would you like input from a negotiation strategist?

Canadian Corporate Counsel Association - Ontario Chapter, Student Forum