Articles 2025


Kingstreet Remedy - A Restrictive Recourse

  • April 21, 2022
  • Robert G. Kreklewetz & Shahrukh Khowaja

When the government disregards its contractual or settlement obligations, taxpayers who fall short of receiving relief under private law usually pin their hopes on public law (or restitutionary) remedies. However, these are typically a last resort and only available in exceptional circumstances.

Student Forum, Taxation Law

Robillard (Estate) c. The Queen: The Uncertainty Surrounding Pipeline

  • April 21, 2022
  • Julia (Zhuying) Zhuo

In Robillard (Estate) c. The Queen, the Estate of Mr. Robillard implemented a “post-mortem pipeline” strategy. The Minister sought to apply subsection 84(2) of the Income Tax Act. With reluctance, the Tax Court followed the Federal Court of Appeal decision in Canada v. MacDonald and found that subsection 84(2) applied. However, it strongly criticized the FCA’s broad interpretation of subsection 84(2) and indicated that it may be time for the FCA to reconsider its MacDonald decision.

Student Forum, Taxation Law

New Rules for Trust Reporting – Postponed for the 2022 Tax Filing Season

  • April 21, 2022
  • Jessica Alves

What Rules Apply for the 2022 Tax Filing Season? New reporting requirements for trusts imposed through the addition of subsection 150(1.2) to the Income Tax Act were originally announced in the July 27, 2018 Federal Budget. These new rules were to take effect on December 31, 2021, and subsequent taxation years. The implementation of these enhanced reporting requirements is currently pending.

Student Forum, Taxation Law

Taking a Direct Approach to Indirect Tax

  • April 21, 2022
  • Felix Wu

In 2021, I transitioned from practicing primarily in an income tax controversy role to an indirect tax advisory role. This led to many discoveries about the misconceptions surrounding indirect tax laws, regulations and practice. Having evaluated my own assumptions and discussing with mentors and colleagues, here are a list of some considerations when comparing and contrasting income tax to indirect tax.

Student Forum, Taxation Law

Pollution Exclusion Clauses: When do Ontario courts allow an insurer to limit recovery for environmental damages?

  • April 19, 2022
  • Nicole Tzannidakis, Dentons Canada LLP

This article reviews the decision of the Ontario Superior Court in the case of Kin v Ecclesiastical. The application was brought as a result of the claim brought by the purchaser of the property for damages due to the discovery of underground storage tanks. The applicants were the defendants in the claim and the issue dealt with by the court, and reviewed in this article, relates to the determination of insurance coverage and application of the pollution exclusion clauses.

Environmental Law, Student Forum

Expanding Administrative Penalties for Environmental Contraventions

  • April 19, 2022
  • Rizwan Khan, Counsel, Viridius Lex LLP

This article provides an explanation and overview of the new administrative penalty regime (“AMP”) proposed for the enforcement of Ontario's environmental laws. The article reviews the process for the issuance of an AMP under the proposed regulations and the approach applied for the calculation of penalty amounts. Note that the associated draft regulations implementing the administrative penalty regime have not yet been posted on the ERO for review and comment.

Environmental Law, Student Forum

Ontario Land Tribunal Cost Awards: Are Municipalities Exempt?

  • April 14, 2022
  • Meredith Baker, Turkstra Mazza Associates

Are municipalities free to conduct themselves as they see fit in proceedings before the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT, formerly known as the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal and before that, the Ontario Municipal Board) without the threat of costs being awarded against them? In short, the answer is no. Municipalities are not exempt from cost awards. This article explains why.

Municipal Law, Student Forum

Expropriation Law: 2021 A Year In Review

  • April 14, 2022
  • John S. Doherty, Gowling WLG, Roberto Aburto, Gowling WLG, Sahil Shoor, Gowling WLG, Carolina Campos, Gowling WLG, Tristan Neill, Gowling WLG

Gowling WLG 's Expropriation Law Group summarizes several complex and compelling expropriation cases from across Canada in 2021. The team highlights a number of important issues and key takeaways for those parties involved in the expropriation process. The court decisions are not listed in rank order.

Municipal Law, Student Forum