Articles 2025


Panel Summary: Privacy and Access in Connected and Automated Vehicles

  • May 30, 2020
  • Rajen Akalu

Co-host Rajen Akalu summarizes the highlights of a Privacy and Access to Information Law Section program, which explored privacy, data protection, and innovation in connected and automated vehicles. The program was held by webinar on May 12, 2020.

Privacy Law, Student Forum

Women Lawyers in Tax: Q&A with Anna Malazhavaya, Sole Practitioner at Advotax Law

  • May 30, 2020
  • Rachel Gold

This is the third installment of the OBA Tax Section's Q&A series with women lawyers in tax. The objective of this series is to give insight into the tax law career possibilities and practice areas that women can have, to give advice to junior tax lawyers or students who may be considering tax, and to shine the spotlight on women leaders in tax.

Women Lawyers Forum, Student Forum, Taxation Law

Diminished Expectation of Privacy for Regulated Professionals

  • May 27, 2020
  • Stacey Reisman, Ronak Shah, and Molly Reynolds

The Law Society Tribunal's decision in Law Society of Ontario v Marusic highlights important considerations for both regulated professionals and regulators regarding privacy expectations relating to devices used in one's professional capacity.

Privacy Law, Student Forum
Shelley Birenbaum,

Q&A with Shelley Birenbaum, OBA Susan Hilary Davidson Memorial Award for Excellence in Health Law Recipient

  • May 24, 2020

Shelley Birenbaum, Shelley R. Birenbaum Professional Corporation, is being honoured this year with the OBA Susan Hilary Davidson Memorial Award for Excellence in Health Law for her outstanding achievements and contributions to the area of health law in Ontario. Gain a glimpse of what motivates her and how she is making a difference in her area of practice in this candid Q&A.

Health Law, Student Forum
Kathryn Bush

Q&A with Kathryn Bush, OBA Award of Excellence in Pensions & Benefits Law Recipient

  • May 24, 2020

Kathryn Bush, Partner, Blakes, is being honoured this year with the OBA Award of Excellence in Pensions & Benefits Law for her outstanding leadership and contributions to the field of pensions and benefits law. Gain a glimpse of what motivates her and how she is making a difference in her area of practice in this candid Q&A.

Pensions and Benefits Law, Student Forum

Accessing Restricted Funds Amidst the COVID-19 Crisis

  • May 22, 2020
  • Andrew Valentine

For charities that hold endowment or other restricted funds, a natural question arises amidst the current economic downtown: can we access these funds to support our programs, meet our expenses and enable us to continue operating during this time of crisis?

Charity and Not-For-Profit Law, Student Forum