Articles 2024


Beyond Single vs Multiple Supplies in GST/HST Context

  • April 21, 2023
  • Shahrukh Khowaja

The tax status of a particular supply usually relies on its categorization within the bracket of supplies, either taxable, zero-rated or exempt, under the Excise Tax Act. In the case of transactions involving various similar elements, the fundamental issue becomes determining whether it is a single supply or a multiple supply. As transactions in the modern world consist of multiple layers, the distinction is crucial and, more often, complicated.

Student Forum, Taxation Law

Site Alteration: Digging into Municipal Authority on Excess Soils

  • April 21, 2023
  • Matthew Lakatos-Hayward, Goodmans LLP

A summary of Ontario site alteration by-laws, including their breadth and their limitations. The discussion of the limits considers, in particular, the coming into force of Ontario's On-site and Excess Soil Management Regulation (O Reg 406/19).

Municipal Law, Student Forum

Privacy Breaches in M&A Deals: the Importance of Data Security Diligence

  • April 20, 2023
  • Mitch Koczerginski, Chris Garrah, Adriana Rudensky and Robbie Grant, McMillan LLP

In this article, we focus on the importance of data security diligence, tips for the diligence process, and mitigation strategies for companies that have identified risks and wish to proceed with the deal. We also discuss the need to assess and quickly remediate any flaws in a target company’s data security posture following a transaction.

Privacy Law, Student Forum

The Midas Touch

  • April 14, 2023
  • Rajen Akalu

The story of King Midas is about the tragedy of avarice and contemplates what follows when true happiness is not recognized. Midas was a man who wished that everything he touched would turn into gold. The law firm equivalent is of course the “Rainmaker”. However, too much rain is as bad as too much gold. Midas’ blessing turns out to be a curse.

Sole, Small Firm and General Practice, Student Forum

What Happens to Embryos on Separation?

  • April 14, 2023
  • Emma Katz and Kate Deveau

Assisted reproductive technologies have been revolutionary for people and families facing infertility issues, and for single people and queer families wanting to achieve a pregnancy and have children. Read about what happens with frozen embryos with a separation.

Family Law, Student Forum