Articles 2024


Support for Canadian Journalism Tax Measures: Recent Legislative Proposals

  • June 05, 2020
  • Kevin Yip and Devon LaBuik

On April 17, 2020, the Department of Finance released legislative proposals to amend certain income tax measures intended to support Canadian journalism organizations (these measures were previously introduced in the 2019 Federal Budget). This article reviews and comments on the impact of the proposed legislative amendments.

Student Forum, Taxation Law

Case Comment: 2099082 Ontario Limited v. Varcon Construction Corporation

  • June 03, 2020
  • Ivan Merrow, associate at Glaholt Bowles LLP

Not all warranty provisions are created equal when it comes to construction contracts. Individual warranty provisions may vary in length of time, scope, and the degree of fault required to trigger those obligations.

Construction and Infrastructure Law, Student Forum
They can sing, act, dance AND they’re lawyers?! Ladies and gents, presenting…the Lawyer Show!

They can sing, act, dance AND they’re lawyers?! Ladies and gents, presenting…the Lawyer Show!

  • June 03, 2020
  • Alexandra Mealia, associate, trading documentation negotiator at RBC Capital Markets

How often do lawyers get the opportunity to take a break from their busy, demanding professions to perform with other legal professionals and share their musical talents and artistic passion with the Toronto community while supporting a worthy cause, forging meaningful connections with colleagues and having fun in the process? The author presents to you: "The Lawyer Show". Read on to learn more.

Women Lawyers Forum, Student Forum, Young Lawyers' Division

Court of Appeal Summaries (May 19-22, 2020)

  • May 31, 2020
  • John Polyzogopoulos

Following are summaries of last week’s civil decisions released by the Court of Appeal for Ontario. Topics covered this week included rescission of a settlement agreement in an historical institutional sexual abuse case and stay pending an appeal from a default judgment for possession to prevent a power of sale.

Civil Litigation, Student Forum

Panel Summary: Privacy and Access in Connected and Automated Vehicles

  • May 30, 2020
  • Rajen Akalu

Co-host Rajen Akalu summarizes the highlights of a Privacy and Access to Information Law Section program, which explored privacy, data protection, and innovation in connected and automated vehicles. The program was held by webinar on May 12, 2020.

Privacy Law, Student Forum

Women Lawyers in Tax: Q&A with Anna Malazhavaya, Sole Practitioner at Advotax Law

  • May 30, 2020
  • Rachel Gold

This is the third installment of the OBA Tax Section's Q&A series with women lawyers in tax. The objective of this series is to give insight into the tax law career possibilities and practice areas that women can have, to give advice to junior tax lawyers or students who may be considering tax, and to shine the spotlight on women leaders in tax.

Women Lawyers Forum, Student Forum, Taxation Law