Articles 2023


How Do Suppliers Fit Within the New Prompt Payment Regime?

  • April 06, 2020
  • Jackie van Leeuwen, student-at-law at Glaholt Bowles LLP, Andrea Lee, Partner at Glaholt Bowles LLP,

The lag between a subcontractor completing its work on a project and the subcontractor being paid has been a longstanding source of tension in the construction industry. In the past, subcontractors typically had to wait for the contractor to be paid by the owner before money would flow down to them and, even then, there was no guarantee that they would be paid within weeks or even months of completing work on a project.

Construction and Infrastructure Law, Student Forum

Lawyers’ Checklist: Checking for Indicators of Undue Influence During Virtual/Digital (Video) Meetings

  • April 06, 2020
  • Kimberly A. Whaley, Whaley Estate Litigation Partners

Undue influence can be difficult to detect in a regular face-to-face client meeting. Detecting such influences through video conferencing may be even more challenging. It is therefore important to adapt to current norms and develop processes and steps to help determine if undue influence is at play in all situations. Following is a helpful checklist fo use during virtual/digital meetings or video conference calls with clients or potential clients.

Elder Law, Student Forum

Legal Ethics Checklist

  • April 02, 2020
  • Shawn Erker

A five-point legal ethics checklist to help avoid impropriety and unintentional ethical breaches when undertaking legal matters.

Law Practice Management, Student Forum
Julie Weller

Workers’ Compensation & Entitlement for Work-Related COVID-19

  • April 02, 2020
  • Julie Weller

The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board ("WSIB") has confirmed that workers should file claims if they believe that they have contracted COVID-19 while at work. However, the rapid ease with which COVID-19 spreads through communities creates a unique adjudicative challenge. This article discusses the complex principles behind entitlement for WSIB claims pertaining to COVID-19.

Student Forum, Workers' Compensation