Complimentary Archived Video Mortgage Remedies: Latest Developments and Critical Tips June 15, 2016 Our panel of experts will discuss enforcement tips, recent case law regarding additional fees and charges, and the process for assessing costs of a power of sale.
Complimentary Archived Video Disputes Involving Land: Advanced Techniques for Real Estate Lawyers and Litigators April 13, 2016 View this program designed for both real estate lawyers and litigators. Real estate lawyers, gain best practices for dealing with a real estate file that is headed to litigation; litigators get practical tips for properly managing your litigation file that deals with real property.
Complimentary Archived Video Spouses and Real Estate: Need-To-Know Principles for Family and Real Estate Lawyers February 23, 2016 Ensure you have the right insight and skills to manage inter-spousal transfers in your practice.
Complimentary Archived Video Handling Disputes In Condominium Living - Rules,Pet Restrictions and Other Controversies June 17, 2015 View this program to hear about a variety of controversies that arise in condominium living, with a particular focus on disputes around living with animals in condominiums.
Complimentary Archived Video Status Certificates: The Importance of Their Role and Lawyer Review April 07, 2015 Status Certificates are an important part of any real estate closing that deals with condominium property.
Complimentary Archived Video Termination of a Condominium Corporation September 22, 2014 Hear directly from the lawyers who handled the termination of SCC 32 about the steps and procedures undertaken to terminate a condominium corporation.
Complimentary Archived Video Aboriginal Property Issues for Real Estate Lawyers June 05, 2014 Aboriginal property issues can impact real estate transactions in many different ways. If off-reserve treaty issues were to arise unexpectedly in your next deal, are you confident you would be able to advise your client adequately?
Complimentary Archived Video Partnerships: Avoiding Pitfalls in Commercial & Real Estate Transactions February 25, 2014 View this program to ensure you are up-to-date on the essential case law and potential pitfalls relating to partnership deals, and ensure that your drafting, due diligence and opinions accord with best practices.
Complimentary Archived Video Feed-in Tariff (FIT) 3.0 - What every lawyer needs to know! November 27, 2013 A timely overview of the changes to FIT 3.0 Program Rules, Contract and Standard Definitions and other program documents, including a discussion of the new prescribed forms requiring acknowledgements of legal advice.
Complimentary Archived Video Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Condos But Were Afraid To Ask June 18, 2013 It is intended to assist real estate generalists in understanding what their condo buying clients need to know. Residential or commercial; New or resale; Supervising lawyer or clerk; you are bound to run across more condo deals of increasing sophistication than ever before.