Complimentary Archived Video Alternatives to Bankruptcy: Helping Your Clients Choose the Best Option May 26, 2020 Individuals and businesses have experienced profound financial consequences due to the pandemic and are looking to their legal advisors for guidance.
Complimentary Archived Video Rent Relief for Small Firms: Help is Available May 07, 2020 Whether you need advice on how to negotiate rent relief with your landlord, or have questions on how to access the government support programs available to small businesses for rent assistance, this program will give you the information you need.
Complimentary Archived Video Analyzing the Dianor Decision November 14, 2019 Join us for a lunchtime discussion on the Dianor decision released by the Ontario Court of Appeal in June 2019.
Complimentary Archived Video Insight from Murray Klein Award Winners – Part 4 April 08, 2019 Join us for this unique series where past winners of the OBA Murray Klein Award discuss precedent-setting cases in which they were involved, or new concepts and practices in Canadian insolvency and restructuring law where they were at the forefront.
Complimentary Archived Video Insight from Murray Klein Award Winners – Part 3 March 06, 2019 Join us for this unique series where past winners of the OBA Murray Klein Award discuss precedent-setting cases in which they were involved, or new concepts and practices in Canadian insolvency and restructuring law where they were at the forefront.
Complimentary Archived Video Looming Crisis Breakfast Series - Part 1: United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement January 22, 2019 Join us for the first instalment of the Insolvency Section’s Looming Crisis breakfast speaker series, featuring Robert Brookfield, Director General of Canada’s Trade Law Bureau.
Complimentary Archived Video Insight from Murray Klein Award Winners – Part 2 November 20, 2018 Join us for this unique series where past winners of the OBA Murray Klein Award discuss precedent-setting cases in which they were involved, or new concepts and practices in Canadian insolvency and restructuring law where they were at the forefront.
Section Materials, Complimentary Archived Video Insight from Murray Klein Award Winners – Part 1 October 02, 2018 Join us for this unique series where past winners of the OBA Murray Klein Award discuss precedent-setting cases in which they were involved, or new concepts and practices in Canadian insolvency and restructuring law where they were at the forefront.
Complimentary Archived Video THE CCAA AS A DISENGAGEMENT TOOL: TO USE OR NOT TO USE? October 12, 2017 Foreign multinationals set up operations in Canada investing in Canadian communities.
Complimentary Archived Video Cross-Border Retail Insolvency November 16, 2016 The Canadian retail market has been hit with a slew of insolvency filings in the last few years by companies we all know well. There are numerous concerns and strategies of key stakeholders in this unique type of insolvency proceeding.