Articles 2022


The Paris Agreement: Winds of Change

  • January 21, 2016
  • Lana Finney and Simon Hurdon

The authors discuss the Paris Agreement signed by 196 nations on December 12, 2015, next steps and what's already being done in Canada.

Environmental Law

Historic Global Climate Agreement is Reached

  • January 05, 2016
  • Laura Zizzo

Laura summarizes the Paris Agreement to decarbonize the economy, work collectively to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions and limit global temperature increases that was adopted by 195 nations on December 12, 2015 at COP 21.

Environmental Law

2014/2015 ECO Report released on November 3, 2015

  • November 17, 2015
  • Sarah Robicheau

Sarah provides an overview of three of the many interesting topics covered by the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario ("ECO") in her Annual Report for 2014/2015, which was released on November 3, 2015.

Environmental Law