Articles 2020


Unmasking Deception: Canada Weighs in on the Dark Side of Deepfakes

  • April 30, 2024
  • Jennifer R. Davidson, partner, Technology, Privacy and Cybersecurity Law, and Victoria Di Felice, articling student, of Deeth Williams Wall LLP

A closer look at deepfake technologies in the legal landscape of Canada and the blurred lines between reality and fiction.

Entertainment, Media and Communications Law, Student Forum, Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law

"Emerging and Key Legal Issues in Sports" CPD Recap

  • March 20, 2024
  • Samantha F. Glass

I attended the "Emerging and Key Legal Issues in Sports" CPD hosted by the Entertainment, Media, and Communications Law Section on February 13, 2024. There was a multitude of topics discussed by a skilled panel of speakers. The first part of the event was a peek into the journeys of those on the panel into the area of sports law and how they were able to build it into their practice.

Entertainment, Media and Communications Law, Student Forum

Negotiating Name, Image and Likeness in Sports

  • March 20, 2024
  • Kayley C. Leon

While Name, Image and Likeness rights are not new forms of athlete compensation, these rights have gained a newfound appreciation due to recent college-level rule changes in the United States. The following provides a high-level overview of NIL rights and recent developments in the area.

Entertainment, Media and Communications Law, Student Forum

How to Grab the Attention of Creative Clients Who Aren’t Interested in the Law

  • December 11, 2023
  • Jordan Narod

While working with clients in the creative industry who actually take part in the creative process, such as artists, writers and musicians, there is often a slight aversion to engaging with the law or directing legal decisions. Here are five points to perk up the ears of your creative client.

Entertainment, Media and Communications Law, Student Forum

New California Bill Tackles Environmental Impact of Fast Fashion

  • December 11, 2023
  • Shayna Jan

In recent years, the rise of social media and the prevalence of influencer marketing has created an oversaturation of tastemakers and microtrends. Many fast fashion brands capitalize on these trends and mass-produce products at a rapid pace. Once these items go out of style and there is no longer any demand, the clothing is then discarded.

Entertainment, Media and Communications Law, Student Forum

Corporate Responsibility in the Deployment of Facial Recognition Technology: Prioritizing Transparency and Accountability

  • May 02, 2023
  • Moushmi Mehta & Yonida Koukio

Facial recognition technology has become increasingly popular among businesses for various applications, including security, marketing, and customer service. However, with the widespread adoption of this technology, there are growing concerns over its potential impact on privacy, human rights, and data protection.

Entertainment, Media and Communications Law, Privacy Law, Student Forum

Personality Rights of Dead Celebrities in Canada and Who Owns Them?

  • February 13, 2023
  • Govind K Chaturvedi

Personality rights of deceased celebrities have been the subject of debate for many years due to the continued popularity of these individuals beyond their death. Recently, two events have sparked renewed discussions on the matter. These events raise ethical and legal issues related to publicity, privacy, and intellectual property. This article will explore these issues through the lens of prior case law.

Entertainment, Media and Communications Law, Student Forum, Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law

Deepfakes: Whose Personality is it Anyway?

  • November 07, 2022
  • Christopher Tsuji

Hollywood-esque special effects that allow anyone to become any person with the click of a few buttons: this is the reality of deepfakes. Deepfakes are a form of technology that uses artificial intelligence (“AI”) to allow a person to impersonate someone else’s appearance and voice. A person only needs a phone or a computer, and an image or video of the desired target.

Entertainment, Media and Communications Law, Student Forum, Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law

Canadian Copyright Law: Does Digitally Restoring Public Domain Films Revive Copyright?

  • June 10, 2022
  • Erin Moskal

This article explores how, if at all, digitizing and/or restoring a film is treated under copyright law in Canada. More specifically, if the film in the public domain and copyright has expired, is the digital restoration of the film result in a copyright in the digitally restored version?

Entertainment, Media and Communications Law, Student Forum

Made-in-Canada Incentives to Convert Innovation to IP Rights

  • June 10, 2022
  • Noel Courage, partner, Bereskin & Parr LLP,

In acknowledgement of International IP Day on April 26, this article will address some examples of focused government initiatives that are being taken in Canada to help financially support IP protection. This is not a comprehensive survey, just highlighting some bright spots that lawyers should be aware of for their clients.

Entertainment, Media and Communications Law, Student Forum