Articles 2021


OCA: Attempt to re-litigate an academic dispute is an abuse of process

  • November 01, 2013
  • P. Adrian Di Lullo

In a recent decision the Ontario Court of Appeal has protected the integrity of internal academic appeal processes at Universities by upholding the decision to strike a statement of claim brought against the University of Ottawa, and others, which sought to re-litigate an academic dispute.

Education Law

Education Legislation Faces Charter Challenge

  • November 22, 2012
  • Susan Luft

Susan Luft of the Ontario Secondary Schools Federation provides her take on the Act to Implement Restraint Measures in the Education Sector and the resulting charter challenge by a number of the largest stakeholders in Ontario’s education sector.

Education Law

University Accommodation of Anxiety Disorder

  • July 04, 2012
  • Lai-King Hum

Universities are often challenged by the need to accommodate students with medical conditions. However, the balance between maintaining legitimate academic standards and treating a student fairly by accommodating for medical conditions is sometimes hard to achieve.

Education Law

OBA Education Law Dinner Program – Keynote by Honourable Laurel Broten

  • July 04, 2012
  • Nadya Tymochenko

On May 31, 2012 the Education Law Section was honoured to have the Minister of Education, Laure Broten, present at the final dinner meeting of the year. Minister Broten’s speech asked the question ‘Is Ontario’s Education Act ready for the 21st century?’

Education Law