Other OBA Response to the Law Commission of Ontario: Class Actions Objectives, Experiences and Reforms June 07, 2018 The OBA provided a detailed submission in response to the Law Commission of Ontario (LCO) consultation on class actions, organized around 13 major questions with respect to class actions (generally) and the Class Proceedings Act in Ontario.
Other OBA Review of ULCC’s Harmonized eDiscovery Civil Procedure Rules May 30, 2018 The OBA makes this submission in response to the proposed Harmonized eDiscovery Civil Procedure Rules prepared by the Electronic Document Rules Working Group of the ULCC.
Provincial Government OBA Pre-Budget Consultation Letter February 07, 2018 The OBA provides a submission to the Minister of Finance regarding pre-budget consultations with individuals and organizations throughout the province.
Law Society of Ontario President's Letter re Statement of Principles November 24, 2017 The OBA wrote to the Law Society to reiterate the OBA’s unequivocal support for the CFRL Report and to identify failures to date in the implementation of the requirement for a Statement of Principles
Provincial Government Initial e-Filing Survey Results September 15, 2017 The OBA Civil Litigation section writes to the Ministry of the Attorney General to set out initial results from a survey the OBA conducted regarding a recently introduced e-filing system
Provincial Government OBA Letter to CJ Smith re Authorities in Civil Proceedings July 17, 2017 The OBA recommends several changes that the Courts of Ontario can adopt by way of practice direction regarding books of authorities that will reduce costs of litigation, reduce waste/environmental impact, and streamline service/filing.
Other OBA Class Actions Section Letter requesting a Bench and Bar Liaison Committee May 04, 2017 The Class Actions Section wrote to the Associate Chief Justice of the Superior Court of Justice, requesting that a joint bench-bar liaison committee be established to address, primarily, issues of practice under the Class Proceedings Act in Ontario.
Law Society of Ontario Law Society of Upper Canada Challenges Faced by Racialized Licensees Working Group Final Report November 21, 2016 The Ontario Bar Association (“OBA”) appreciates the opportunity to comment on issues raised in the Law Society of Upper Canada (“Law Society”) Challenges Faced by Racialized Licensees Working Group (“Working Group”) Final Report “Working Together for Change: Strategies to Address Issues of Systemic Racism in the Legal Professions” (the “Final Report”).
Law Society of Ontario Consultation on the Pathways Pilot Project Evaluation and Enhancements to Licensing Report October 21, 2016 The Ontario Bar Association appreciates the opportunity to provide input on the Law Society of Upper Canada Professional Development and Competence Committee report to convocation dated September 22, 2016 addressing the Pathways Pilot Project Evaluation and Enhancements to Licensing.
Law Society of Ontario Compliance-Based Entity Regulation LSUC Task Force Consultation March 31, 2016 The Ontario Bar Association (“OBA”) is pleased to provide this submission to the Law Society of Upper Canada Task Force on Compliance-Based Entity Regulation in response to its Consultation Paper: “Promoting Better Legal Practices” (“the Consultation Paper”).