Articles 2020

<em>Res Gestae</em>, Hearsay, and Children's Evidence

Res Gestae, Hearsay, and Children's Evidence

  • November 14, 2014
  • Brock Jones

Can the prior utterances of excited and fearful children be admitted against their own father in a criminal trial when their mother prevents them from testifying?

Child and Youth Law

How and When to Sue Your Parents for Support

  • October 28, 2014
  • Ambreen Walji and Sheena Lessard

On October 3, 2014, the Ontario Bar Association hosted a successful professional development program titled “How to Effectively Represent Teens and Young Adults Seeking Child Support.” It was a smashing success! Our review captures the highlights.

Child and Youth Law

Small Step Toward Justice for Omar Khadr

  • October 09, 2014
  • Cheryl Milne

The Alberta Court of Appeal has taken a significant step toward acknowledging what the Canadian government has steadfastly refused to accept – that Omar Khadr was a young person who was entitled to special protections for his rights under Canadian and international law from the beginning.

Child and Youth Law
Continuing A Common Sense Approach To The Evidence Of Children In Criminal Proceedings

Continuing A Common Sense Approach To The Evidence Of Children In Criminal Proceedings

  • September 30, 2014
  • Brock Jones

A "common sense" approach to the evidence of children in criminal proceedings has long been applied in our criminal courts. But what does this mean in practice when a child's testimony seems to contain inconsistencies? Three recent decisions from the Ontario Court of Appeal – R v M.C. , R v M.O. and R v L.M. – address this complicated matter, with remarkably different results.

Child and Youth Law

OBA Considers Youth Law Section

  • August 01, 2014
  • Maria Kaikova and Christine Lee

On March 5, 2014, the OBA hosted a successful dinner program called “Youth and the Law: A Spectrum of Issues, an Opportunity for Collaboration”.

Child and Youth Law