
Media Inquiries - Michael Speers, Media & Communications Specialist , Telephone: 416-869-1047 ext. 365,


Changing careers in law

  • January 11, 2023

In a feature article in CBA/ABC National, OBA Innovator-in-Residence Mante Molepo discusses her professional trajectory and alternative career paths for lawyers.

OBA Names New Innovator in Residence

  • November 08, 2022

Mante Molepo has been named the 2022-23 Ontario Bar Association Innovator in Residence and will lead the association’s new career accelerator for Indigenous and racialized lawyers in emerging areas of law.

Make A Will Month Highlights Need for Properly Drafted Wills

  • November 01, 2022

November is Make a Will Month, and the Ontario Bar Association (OBA) is once again spearheading a campaign to educate the public about the need for a will and how lawyers can help people draft one properly. Throughout the month, volunteers from the OBA will be leading free information sessions for the public in communities across Ontario.