
Letter to Ministry of Finance on Implementation of FSRA

  • December 06, 2017

On October 26, 2017, the Pensions and Benefits Law Section of the OBA sent a letter to the Ministry of Finance highlighting some of the issues we viewed as critically important for them to consider as they continue to draft legislation implementing the Financial Services Regulatory Authority.

Law Society proposes specialized paralegal licenses for family law services

  • November 30, 2017

Late this afternoon, the Law Society released a report of its Access to Justice Committee, which makes recommendations for the development of specialized paralegal licenses to provide family law services. The Committee seeks approval of these and other recommendations at the Law Society Convocation tomorrow morning (December 1, 2017 at 9 am).

Teraview on the Web

  • November 16, 2017

Earlier this month, the Director of Titles for the Province of Ontario advised that a web-based application to be known as "Teraview on the Web" will be released regionally across Ontario beginning January 8, 2018.