Your OBA LegUp Policy and Legislative Update Week of August 19

  • August 26, 2024

THIS WEEK AT QUEEN’S PARK (and elsewhere) 

Provincial Consultation on PPNs: The Ontario Ministry of Finance has announced a 60-day public comment period asking insurance companies, pharmacy operators, consumers and employers to help the government better understand the role of “preferred provider networks” (PPNs) in the province’s group benefits insurance sector. The government is considering whether new regulations are needed to limit exclusivity deals between insurers and pharmacies. 

Supervised Consumption Sites Shutting Down: The province is banning supervised drug consumption sites within 200 metres of schools and childcare centres. The move means 10 facilities across the province will be forced to stop providing safe consumption services by March. They will be given the option to transition into "treatment hubs." The province is investing $378 million in 19 new Homelessness and Addiction Recovery Treatment (HART) Hubs. 

Advocates Slam New Courthouse: Accessibility advocates say the new downtown Toronto courthouse has a string of design flaws that will make it harder for people with disabilities to access the justice system. The Ontario Court of Justice location in Toronto opened in 2023 and cost just over $950 million to build, design and finance. The government claimed it was “the most accessible courthouse in Ontario.” However, one advocate says that while the building contains some accessibility features, “they screwed a lot up.” 

Byelection in Bay of Quinte: Following the sudden resignation of Todd Smith, the province has called a byelection for Sept. 19 in the riding of Bay of Quinte. The riding has easily elected PC candidates in the past, with the NDP finishing second in the last two provincial elections. 


*NEW* Date! The OBA’s Notwithstanding Clause Summit is being rescheduled – new date to be confirmed soon! 

Members of the Construction & Infrastructure Law Section met with independent reviewer Duncan Glaholt, as part of the 2024 Ontario Construction Act Review project. The OBA provided a submission and advice on ways to improve and enhance the Construction Act. Mr. Glaholt spoke highly of the OBA’s submission and we hope to see key recommendations incorporated at the conclusion of the project. 


If you are interested in participating in any of the consultations below, please let your section executive know (2023-24 executives are posted at  

  • Milton Courthouse meeting with the Ministry of the Attorney General  

  • LSO Increased Transparency Consultation Working Group 

  • E-Filing and Case Center Working Group meeting with the Ministry of the Attorney General  

  • Ontario Business Registry Working Group meeting with the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery  


The House sits again on October 21, 2024, but Committees continue to meet during the summer. 


*NEW THIS WEEK*    Consultation on Job Postings Rules in the Employment Standards Act, 2000  Deadline for Comments: September 13, 2024 

Consideration of transition of land use planning matters to facilitate the introduction of a new policy statement issued under the Planning Act.  Deadline for Comments: September 13, 2024 

Proposed amendments to Ontario Regulation 664 (Automobile Insurance) under the Insurance Act regarding increasing the minor accident property damage threshold; and proposed amendments to the Insurance Act and regulations under the Insurance Act and the Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act regarding expanding the use of electronic communications between an insurer and an insured, and clarifying requirements for notices sent by prepaid courier.  Deadline for Comments: September 30, 2024 

Preferred Provider Networks in the Employer-Sponsored Drug Insurance Sector  Deadline for Comments: October 15, 2024 


Advanced Wood Construction Action Plan  (source: Environmental Registry)  Deadline for Comments: September 23, 2024 

Proposed Amendments to O. Reg 137/15  Deadline for Comments: September 24, 2024 

Delegation of Appointment of Police Officers under the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019  Deadline for Comments: September 26, 2024 


Annual General Meeting 

The LSO will hold its AGM virtually on Thursday, September 5, 2024, beginning at 5:15 p.m. 

Consultation Open – Professional Regulation Committee (Increased Transparency) 

The Professional Regulation Committee has launched a consultation to obtain feedback on a proposal to: 

  1. Expand the personal and business information that licensees are required to report to the Law Society; and 

  2. Disclose some of that information to the public through the public register, which includes the online Lawyer and Paralegal Directory, if it is in the public interest to do so.  

The report to Convocation is available here. The consultation will be open until November 30, 2024. 

The OBA will be making a submission and has met with a large multi-section working group to obtain feedback. 


The Judicial Appointments Advisory Committee is looking for applicants for judicial positions in the following locations: 

  • BARRIE  (2) – criminal 

  • BRAMPTON  (1) – bilingual – criminal 


  • HALTON  (1) – criminal 

  • NEWMARKET  (2) – criminal 

  • NEWMARKET  (1) – bilingual – criminal 

  • TORONTO  (1) – bilingual – criminal 

The deadline for applications is August 21, 2024. Details on the application process can be found here

There are numerous appointment opportunities currently advertised on the Public Appointments Secretariat website for the Child and Family Services Review Board, the Provincial Land and Development Facilitator, the Source Protection Committee, the Council of the College of Veterinarians of Ontario, and the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario.   

There are 221 positions identified as vacant at this time. Understanding that vacant does not mean actively hiring, you can check out the list here, which includes a seat on the Board of Governors for several universities, Plannings Boards, the Royal Ontario Museum, Legal Aid Ontario, and the Ontario Judicial Council


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