About the Award
OBA's Linda Adlam Manning Award for Volunteerism recognizes the outstanding volunteer commitment to OBA of a member who, through a significant event, achievement or contribution during the 15 months preceding the nomination deadline date, has advanced the interests of the OBA Membership and promoted the role of the legal profession in Ontario.
Any Member in good standing (except a Member of the current Board and the Awards Committee) of the Ontario Bar Association is eligible for the Award.
Award will be presented at the OBA Awards Gala on June 19, 2025.
Nomination Procedure
A nomination requires the signatures of three OBA members in good standing. To assist the Committee in its selection, please include the nominee's resume and supporting letters if possible.
Deadline for Applications
Submit a Nomination
Deadline for the return of Nomination Form and supporting materials is Friday, March 14, 2025.
The Awards Committee
Atten: Valerie Dallas
Executive Office Lead
Ontario Bar Association
300-20 Toronto St.
Toronto, ON M5C 2B8
Phone: (800) 668-8900 or (416) 869-1047 x 322
Email: vdallas@oba.org
Fax: (416) 869 - 3197
Selection Process
The Awards Committee, a standing committee of Council, chooses the winner of the Linda Adlam Manning Award for Volunteerism.
The award takes the form of a piece of Canadian art.
Additional Information
Valerie Dallas
Executive Office Lead
(800) 668-8900 or (416) 869-1047 Ext. 322
Past Winners
Past recipient winners of the Linda Adlam Manning Award include:
- 2024 - Paul Lomic
- 2023 - Kathryn Hendrikx & Richa Sandill
- 2021 - Vanessa Lam
- 2020 - Juliet L. Knapton
- 2019 - Robert M.G. Shawyer
- 2018 - Edwin Upenieks
- 2016 - Karen Perron
- 2015 - Julia Shin Doi
- 2014 - Lucy McSweeney
- 2013 - R. Lee Akazaki
- 2012 - Mark Berlin
- 2011 - Alana Miller
- 2010 - Audrey Ramsay
- 2009 - Marc McAree
- 2008 - Shelley L. Timms
- 2007 - John A. McMunagle
- 2006 - M. Virginia MacLean, Q.C.
- 2005 - Daniel E. Pinnington
- 2004 - Arleen Huggins
- 2003 - Paul E. Robertson
- 2002 - Deidre A. Newman
- 2001 - Peter F. Wilson
- 2000 - Derek R. Freeman