Can You Ask Someone Where They Are From? A Black Female Lawyer’s Perspective

  • January 31, 2020
  • Ludmilla Jarda, lawyer at Nelligan Law

“Where are you from?” Have you been asked this question before? If so, who asked you? Was it someone you just met? Was it at a networking event, a client meeting, a job interview, or something along those lines? Did the person who asked you the question look anything like you? If this line of questioning does not make any sense to you, you should definitely keep reading. If, on the other hand, you have been on the receiving end of this question before and felt as annoyed and frustrated as I do about the question, then welcome to the club.

As you know, over the past few years, there has been a culture shift in the Ontario legal community, and equality, diversity and inclusion have become hot topics. Further, the number of equity seeking lawyers being admitted to the bar is continuously increasing. Despite this, the question “Where are you from?” remains prevalent, which I find troubling. Here is why.