How to Find Your Fit

  • September 14, 2018
  • Alison Southern

Whether you’re in the midst of your job search, or you have been feeling unfulfilled in your current role, here are some tips for helping you find your perfect career fit.

  1. Consider how you want to live your life.

Do you prefer living in the city or a smaller town? Do you want to live close to your extended family? Do you want to travel a lot? Do you have another passion that you want to devote a lot of time to outside of work? Are you willing to work long hours and answer calls and emails on your free time in exchange for a higher pay cheque, or do you prefer to be able to leave work at the office?

  1. Consider what your career goals are.

Do you prefer working with a team or solo? Do you aim to be the managing partner of your firm, or would you be content to focus on the practice of law instead of also running a business? Do you want a stable income, or are you comfortable with a variable income? Do you work well with a billable hours structure, or do you prefer fee for service or in-house work? Do you enjoy being in court? What areas of law interest you?

  1. Recognize that you may be able to make a change without leaving your job.

Do you dream of more flexible work hours, a change in your practice area, or more vacation? Before you decide to move on, consider if it is possible to make that change in your current position. Even if you think your employer will not accomodate you, you never know until you ask.