Meet Your 2018-2019 Executive - Part 3

  • 28 novembre 2018

NAME: Amrita V. Singh

POSITION: Member-at-Large

Tell us about yourself. I am a litigation associate at a mid-size intellectual property boutique firm, where I practise patent, trademark, copyright, trade secret, industrial design and confidential information law. Amongst other activities, I am on my firm’s internal Diversity & Inclusion Committee, and on the Intellectual Property Institute of Canada’s Women in IP Networking Group. I have a golden doodle puppy named Mac, and enjoy meditation and yoga.

Why did you join the WLF executive? I believe strongly in helping move women’s issues forward as part of the conversation within the legal profession in Ontario, particularly with a view to increasing support for women in private practice – every year women leave private practice, decreasing the diversity at firms across the country, and with that, decreasing the perspectives at the table. I hope to provide insight to and learn from the other WLF executive members and members of the WLF section – each person’s perspective is important and informs the conversation.