
About ArticlesLes articles ci-dessous sont publiés par la Section du droit des fiducies et des successions de l'Association du Barreau de l'Ontario. Les membres sont invités à soumettre des articles.  A propos des articles.

Rédacteurs : Rebecca Kennedy


Calmusky v. Calmusky: A Case Comment

  • 08 octobre 2020
  • Lucas Henri Strezos, Tupman & Bloom

The case of Calmusky, released March 16, raises questions about the distinctions between assets held jointly with a Deceased, with right of survivorship, and an asset of a Deceased that passes by beneficiary designation on the death of the Deceased. Are there fundamental and principled differences between the two, or should both be subject to the same presumptions of resulting trust? This case comment reviews the facts of case, and flags some difficulties with the result.

Student Forum, Droit des fiducies et des successions

Brown Bag Lunch – September 15, 2020

  • 08 octobre 2020
  • Rebecca Rauws, associate, and Daniel Enright, articling student, Hull & Hull LLP

Each month, the Trusts & Estates Section hosts a Brown Bag Lunch (or "BBL"). Any interested members are welcome to join. Participants discuss legal developments, procedural challenges, and any other issues that arise. If you've been missing your usual pre-Covid opportunities to network and discuss practice issues with your colleagues, pop by the next BBL, taking place via Zoom. This article provides a summary of topics discussed at the last BBL, including the surprising decision in Calmusky.

Student Forum, Droit des fiducies et des successions

Updates from the Court

  • 06 octobre 2020
  • Laura Cardiff, newsletter editor

The various regions of the Superior Court of Justice continue to reopen, and to further develop their procedures for online filing and remote hearings. Several regions of the SCJ posted new notices recently that apply to estates and trusts practitioners in those areas.

Student Forum, Droit des fiducies et des successions

Applications to Pass Accounts: Don’t forget about the Estates Act provisions

  • 06 octobre 2020
  • Stuart Clark, Hull & Hull LLP

Applications to pass accounts can be complex and confusing, even for those with dedicated estates practices. The timeline and detailed procedural steps in Rule 74.18 are unlike those in any other proceeding. And despite their detail, those provisions leave unanswered many substantive questions about when, and on what evidence, objections will be determined by a court. As this article points out, practitioners should not forget s. 49 of the Estates Act when considering their litigation strategy.

Student Forum, Droit des fiducies et des successions

OBA Award of Excellence Speaking Notes

  • 05 octobre 2020
  • Jan Goddard, Goddard Gamage LLP

Jan Goddard was this year's recipient of the OBA Award of Excellence in Trusts and Estates Law. For those who missed the virtual awards ceremony and Jan's inspiring comments, we have included her speaking notes for your reading pleasure. Congratulations again, Jan, and thank you for reminding us what an important, and endlessly interesting, area of law this is.

Student Forum, Droit des fiducies et des successions

Revised Filing Direction for Estates and Commercial List Matters

  • 26 août 2020
  • Commercial/Estates List, Toronto Superior Court

Effective immediately, Estates and Commercial List filings should be completed through the Civil Submissions Online portal, which has been expanded to accept applications. This direction from the court provides guidance on the process for submission.

Student Forum, Droit des fiducies et des successions

Brown Bag Lunch – June 16, 2020

  • 07 juillet 2020
  • Rebecca Rauws, associate, and Devin McMurtry, articling student, Hull & Hull LLP

The last Brown Bag Lunch of the term saw participants revisiting last month's discussion of the and comparing approaches to drafting Wills where the testator holds a RIF, speculating about increased probate and capital gains taxes in the future, and expressing frustration at probate application delays resulting from the court closure. Join in on the discussions in September, when the BBL reconvenes for a new term.

Student Forum, Droit des fiducies et des successions

Administration Bonds, Part 2 of 2: Obtaining an Administration Bond

  • 07 juillet 2020
  • Daniel Litsos, student-at-law, Macdonald Sager Manis LLP

On those occasions where a bond is prima facie required, and the estate trustee cannot obtain an order dispensing with the requirement, how does one proceed? What exactly is a bond, how is it obtained, what does it cost, and how long must it be maintained? This article answers those basic questions and more, giving estates practitioners the necessary information to guide clients through the process.

Student Forum, Droit des fiducies et des successions

New Trust Reporting Rules and Ongoing Trust Compliance

  • 07 juillet 2020
  • Nicole Woodward, partner, Miller Thomson LLP

As of 2021, trust reporting requirements will increase for non-resident trusts and certain Canadian-resident trusts. Find out how to meet the requirements and set up trusts for success in this new reporting regime of heightened disclosure, accountability and transparency obligations.

Student Forum, Droit des fiducies et des successions

Update from the Estates List Users Committee

  • 07 juillet 2020
  • OBA Trusts & Estates Section, Estates List Users Subcommittee

This summary of the latest Estates List Users Committee (“ELUC”) meeting provides guidance on various proceedings during the court closure, including the preferred practice for submitting probate applications to the Toronto court, how to deal with unopposed passing of accounts, and the court's position on virtually commissioned affidavits.

Student Forum, Droit des fiducies et des successions