Brown Bag Lunch – December 15, 2020

  • 22 décembre 2020
  • Rebecca Rauws, associate, and Tori Joseph, articling student, Hull & Hull LLP

As Ontario began rolling out the first doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, OBA members met on December 15 for the final virtual Brown Bag Lunch of 2020.

The meeting began with an update on recent procedural changes. Members first discussed a new regulation – O.Reg. 690/20 - which will come into effect on January 8, 2021. One member informed the group that the manner in which a notice of application for a certificate of appointment of estate trustee can be served has now been significantly broadened to include service by personal service, email, mail, or courier.

There was also some discussion about the new electronic filing of applications for a certificate of appointment. One BBLer reminded us that despite the option for electronic filing by email, some original documents, like the Will and form of payment for estate administration tax, still need to be delivered to the court in hardcopy. Applicants who file electronically must complete a new Information Form (which, along with directions from the court regarding email processes, can be found here) and email it to the court together with the probate application.