Brown Bag Lunch – January 15, 2019

  • 24 janvier 2019
  • Noah Weisberg and Chris Cieslik (articling student), Hull & Hull LLP

On January 15, 2019, OBA members returned from the holidays rested and eager to discuss topical issues in estates law at the first Brown Bag Lunch (BBL) of the year. The addition of several new BBLers infused many of the discussions with excitement and enthusiasm.

The first topic of discussion involved what to do when filing an Information Return for an estate that has uncertainty surrounding it. The specific uncertainty at issue may involve the estate being a party to an ongoing legal proceeding or having an interest in an estate of a family member who predeceased them.

Continuing on the topic of estate administration, members discussed several of the components when completing an Information Return electronically. In particular, when there is more than one estate trustee.