
About Articles The articles below are published by the Taxation Law Section of the Ontario Bar Association. Members are encouraged to submit articles. About Articles

Editor: Darren Joblonkay


Recent Protocol to the Canada-Barbados Tax Treaty

  • June 01, 2012
  • Philip Ward Michael N. Atlas

On November 8, 2011, Canada and Barbados signed a protocol amending the tax treaty between the two countries. Finance Canada’s announcement of the Protocol focused on the improved exchange of information provisions, but there are other changes worthy of note.

Attitude Against Tax Collectors Shows No Class

  • November 01, 2011
  • John J. Tobin

Following the Canadian Medical Protective Association decision in which the CMPA was exempt from GST, several class action lawsuits were commenced by taxpayers seeking to recover erroneously collected GST from the collector.

Fair Market Value in a Restricted Market

  • November 01, 2011
  • Joshua L. Harnett

Various provisions of the Income Tax Act operate to deem transfer of property, specifically non-arm’s length transfers, to take place at the fair market value of the property.