

Complimentary Archived Video

Own Your Time: Find More Time In Your Day

  • April 26, 2016

Participants will learn how to apply legal practice management techniques to establish better boundaries and balance, improve their efficiency, and maximize their time.

Sole, Small Firm and General Practice, Law Practice Management, Student Forum

Complimentary Archived Video

Meaningful Mediations (Bilingual Program)

  • April 19, 2016

Get gold-standard tips and strategies for effective mediations. Gain insights on how to prepare for mediation, oral and written advocacy, and explore various negotiation styles.

Young Lawyers' Division, Student Forum

Complimentary Archived Video

Managing Personality Disorders in Mediation

  • April 18, 2016

Whether you are acting in the role of mediator or counsel, the involvement of a person with a personality disorder may make mediation challenging.

Alternative Dispute Resolution, Student Forum

Complimentary Archived Video

Privacy and Compliance in a World of Mobile Technology

  • April 18, 2016

Explore how to balance privacy rights in light of these emerging technologies, and unravel the cross-cutting themes.

Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law, Privacy Law, Student Forum

Complimentary Archived Video

Hot Topics in Corporate Governance

  • April 14, 2016

View a discussion of key recent developments in corporate governance, which will provide practical guidance and insight.

Canadian Corporate Counsel Association - Ontario Chapter, Student Forum

Complimentary Archived Video

Pathways to Power: Women on The Bench

  • April 14, 2016

Women Lawyers Forum shines a light on the journey of distinguished female lawyers into positions of power and influence in the political sphere, in corporate boardrooms and in the judiciary. Join us for this compelling three-part series of women in positions of power.

Women Lawyers Forum, Student Forum