

Complimentary Archived Video

Joint Sessions and Opening Statements in the Mediation of Civil Disputes

  • June 07, 2016

If you are a litigator, mediator or settlement counsel in the area of employment, estates, personal injury, commercial litigation or general civil disputes, register now to join the discussion on this important topic.

Alternative Dispute Resolution, Student Forum

Complimentary Archived Video

Lessons in Ethics from the Bar and Bench

  • June 01, 2016

An insightful evening with a highly experienced faculty discussing important ethical issues that arise in the criminal law context.

Criminal Justice, Student Forum

Complimentary Archived Video

Navigating Family Law Issues in Schools

  • May 31, 2016

We bring together family lawyers, education lawyers and school administrators to explore the tricky issues arising in the context of a family breakdown and their bearing on school operations, student success and the best interests of the child.

Education Law, Family Law, Student Forum

Complimentary Archived Video

Protecting Your Immigration Practice From Technology's Hidden Threats

  • May 25, 2016

Hear from experts who will guide you through important practical steps and share resources that will help protect your practice from threats to the safety and security of the confidential data that you hold in your computer systems.

Citizenship and Immigration Law, Student Forum

Complimentary Archived Video

Company-Wide Employee Share Ownership: An International Comparison

  • May 10, 2016

Join the discussion with a panel of lawyers from Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom discussing how counsel from each of these countries structure arrangements and address common ESOP challenges.

International Law, Student Forum

Complimentary Archived Video

Publication Ban Essentials

  • May 10, 2016

Join us to explore the various statutory and non-statutory publication bans which allow override of the open court principle.

Entertainment, Media and Communications Law, Student Forum