

Complimentary Archived Video

Top Legal Issues for Education Workers in Fall 2020

  • August 14, 2020

As the province moves into recovery phase, and discussions regarding the Fall school year continue, legal issues effecting the education system abound.

Education Law, Student Forum

Complimentary Archived Video

The New World of Ontario Class Actions: A Roundtable

  • August 11, 2020

The new amendments to the Class Proceedings Act passed Third Reading on July 7 and Bill 161, The Smarter and Stronger Justice Act received Royal Assent on July 8.

Class Actions, Student Forum

Complimentary Archived Video

Update on Key Limitation Issues

  • July 16, 2020

When is it appropriate to delay commencing an action? How do you know if this is the best strategy?

Civil Litigation, Student Forum

Complimentary Archived Video

Elder Care Support: Key Strategies for the Lawyer-Caregiver

  • July 09, 2020

The OBA is committed to serving the whole lawyer from their desk to their doorstep - including lawyers who are primary caregivers for elderly relatives or individuals in their lives.

Women Lawyers Forum, Student Forum