The World Wide Web: A cross-examiner's new toolbox 04 décembre 2018 Steve Benmor, Benmor Family Law Group This fascinating article focuses on the internet as a resource for lawyers when seeking evidence to use in a case. Steve Benmor outlines both how the internet and all of the information therein can be used against a litigant and he provides a cautionary tale for litigants who may wish to consider what they post on-line about themselves and others. He also provides a useful list of cases that held that social networking websites are a legitimate source of evidence for the Court.
Ethics and Civility in the Courtroom and Beyond 03 décembre 2018 Lawrence A. Conmigo An invitation to attend an OBA program on civility on December 4, 2018.
Amendments to Construction Act – Bill 57, the Restoring Trust, Transparency and Accountability Act, 2018 30 novembre 2018 Lena Wang, Glaholt LLP On November 15, 2018, the Ontario Legislative Assembly introduced Bill 57, the Restoring Trust, Transparency and Accountability Act, 2018. If passed, this omnibus bill would amend the Construction Act, along with a number of other acts.
New Leading Decision on Counsel’s and Expert’s Eyes Only Protective Orders Released: Federal Court of Appeal Provides Important Guidance 30 novembre 2018 Shan Arora, Shift Law Both parties bear an evidentiary burden on a motion for a counsel's and expert's eyes only (CEEO) Order. Shan Arora highlights the key findings in the Federal Court of Appeal's decision.
December Wellness Tips - How To Become More Present In Your Daily Life and Work 29 novembre 2018 Rachel Sachs, newsletter editor Tips to enjoy the holidays and get your work done, too.
Why Not Me? How I stopped sabotaging my own career 28 novembre 2018 Leah Thompson, student member-at-large Student member, Leah Thompson, shares how she's working at moving beyond her internal fears of failure.
Meet Your 2018-2019 Executive - Part 3 28 novembre 2018 Today we meet Member-at-Large, Amrita Singh from Bereskin & Parr.
Reminding Yourself of Your Purpose as a Lawyer 28 novembre 2018 Richa Sandill, vice-chair An article about practising with passion and grounding ourselves with work we love.
CPD Review: Gender Issues in the Workplace: Feminist Fight Club 28 novembre 2018 Lauren Grimaldi, WLF regional coordinator Lauren Grimaldi reviews the WLF's October 22, 2018 program, Feminist Fight Club.
Women Lawyers Forum Holiday Reading List 2018/2019 28 novembre 2018 Julia Shin Doi, member-at-large A reading list for the holidays.