While the lyrics of Alice Deejay’s 1999 smash hit Do You Think You’re Better Off Alone are not particularly complex, the consequences of deciding to open your own law practice certainly are.
In the summer of 2023, I took the plunge and opened my own family law practice. For some context, prior to this I had been a lawyer for 11 years and had only worked for small family law firms. The experience of opening my own practice has been exciting and liberating. I am bullish about becoming an entrepreneur and have thus far shared my positive experience with my colleagues.
For this article, I wished to take a slightly different approach than many of the other articles on the OBA Sole and Small Firm Practice website and focus on the reasons why you should consider opening your own practice. This article is especially aimed at associates who, like me, had a taste of the entrepreneurial spirit associated with being a lawyer but wanted more. If you are restless in your current role and/or hungry for change, then turn on your incognito browser if you are reading this in the office because I have some news for you. Below are my thoughts on why you should consider opening your own practice:
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