Welcome OBA Sole Small Firm and General Practice Section members! I’m honoured to chair our little Section this year and we hope to bring you good value, make friends, and improve our respective practices.
This year we are working hard to put together a number of social and professional events. Having just seen a successful TECHxpo 2017 (thanks chairs Omar Ha-Redeye and Sahar Cadili), I encourage those who could not attend to view it online – legal technology can have a huge effect on solos and smalls. At the OBA Institute 2018 we will have a breakfast session on winning new clients and a session with the Franchise Law section. Perhaps one of the highlights of the year will be a spring mini-conference on precedents, where practitioners from various areas will get together and provide you with their best precedents and tips on how to adapt them to your practice. We are also working on putting together smaller sessions throughout the year, after the work day, featuring one or two speakers. We hope that those attending can network and even spend some time socially afterward. If you’d like to volunteer for any events or have ideas, please give me or anyone on the executive a shout!
Members of our executive will also be joining the OBA mentorship program. Any members wishing to join as a mentor and mentee, please sign up! Practice can be isolating and it helps to have support, but it only comes if you actively seek it. To this end the LSUC’s Coach and Advisor Network can be another source of volunteering and support: https://www.lsuc.on.ca/coachandadvisor/.
Finally, thank you for joining SSFGP – if you’d like to get involved we do have space on the executive this year. It’s a great opportunity to meet with us on a regular basis (about once a month) and to get a close-up look – and have input – on what’s happening in the world of solos and smalls.
Ian Hu
OBA SSFGP Chair 2017-2018