Articles 2020


Regulating Generative Artificial Intelligence: Balancing Innovation and Risks*

  • June 23, 2023
  • Roland Hung, Torkin Manes LLP

In a matter of months, generative AI has been adopted ravenously by the public, thanks to programs like ChatGPT. The increasing use (or proposed use) of generative AI by organizations has presented a unique challenge for regulators and governments across the globe. This article summarizes some of the key legislation or proposed legislation around the world that tries to strike the balance between fostering innovation while mitigating risks associated with the technology.

Privacy Law, Student Forum

Corporate Responsibility in the Deployment of Facial Recognition Technology: Prioritizing Transparency and Accountability

  • May 02, 2023
  • Moushmi Mehta & Yonida Koukio

Facial recognition technology has become increasingly popular among businesses for various applications, including security, marketing, and customer service. However, with the widespread adoption of this technology, there are growing concerns over its potential impact on privacy, human rights, and data protection.

Entertainment, Media and Communications Law, Privacy Law, Student Forum

Privacy Breaches in M&A Deals: the Importance of Data Security Diligence

  • April 20, 2023
  • Mitch Koczerginski, Chris Garrah, Adriana Rudensky and Robbie Grant, McMillan LLP

In this article, we focus on the importance of data security diligence, tips for the diligence process, and mitigation strategies for companies that have identified risks and wish to proceed with the deal. We also discuss the need to assess and quickly remediate any flaws in a target company’s data security posture following a transaction.

Privacy Law, Student Forum

NIST Releases AI Framework: a sign of what’s to come in AI regulation?

  • March 02, 2023
  • Jaime Cardy, Dentons LLP

The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology recently released version 1.0 of its Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Framework. The goal of the framework is to provide a voluntary, rights-preserving, sector- and use-case agnostic guide for AI actors to implement in order to promote trustworthy and responsible AI systems.

Privacy Law, Student Forum

Preparing for and Responding to Security Breaches

  • February 21, 2023
  • Roland Hung (Torkin Manes LLP)

In the wake of various high-profile security breaches, now may be a good time for businesses to re-acquaint themselves with the applicable Canadian statutory framework for the protection of personal information, as well as implement or update policies and procedures around breach detection and notification.

Privacy Law, Student Forum

A Year in Review 2022 - Top Five Privacy Developments in Canada

  • January 18, 2023
  • Roland Hung (Torkin Manes LLP)

2022 was an eventful year for privacy law in Canada. The Canadian privacy landscape saw significant changes, as stakeholders at all levels recognized the need to keep up with a data-driven world. This article summarizes the top five recent developments that businesses and stakeholders should be aware of.

Privacy Law, Student Forum

The Exclusion of Intrusion Upon Seclusion: Ontario Court of Appeal definitively determines that “Database Defendants” cannot be held liable for intrusions committed by third-party hackers

  • December 06, 2022
  • Lyndsay Wasser, Mitch Koczerginski (McMillan LLP)

The Court of Appeal for Ontario recently considered and definitively determined the issue of whether organizations that collect and store personal information about individuals for commercial purposes can be held liable for the tort of “intrusion upon seclusion” if they fail to take adequate steps to protect the information from third-party “hackers”.

Privacy Law, Student Forum

Seven Survival Guide Lessons from a Former Chief Privacy Officer

  • November 26, 2022
  • Roland Hung (Torkin Manes LLP)

Having gained substantial leadership experience as a privacy officer, what follows in this article is the perspective the author gained in these unique and essential roles. Each mandate, while quite different in practice, harvested similar lessons that I believe every practitioner working in the privacy sector should adopt to maximize their effectiveness within their organization. The following are seven key lessons every privacy officer or practitioner should know.

Privacy Law, Student Forum