

Law Firm Interactions

Set Social Networking Boundaries

  • October 12, 2011

More and more, lawyers and their firms are harnessing the many options and interdependencies of social media platforms to add another layer to their marketing mix. With constant pressure to develop their practice by building their network, today’s associates have in social networking a golden opportunity that their supervising partners simply did not have available.

Law Practice Management

Law Firm Interactions

Optimize the Right Keywords

  • October 12, 2011

Website optimization (WO) is the profitable flavour du jour for many consultants. You likely have received tons of mail entreating you to call in the expert who will guarantee that the world finds your web site – before your competition puts you out of business. But, does this sound likely to you?

Law Practice Management

Law Firm Interactions

s Your Law Firm Using QR Codes?

  • October 12, 2011

What the heck is that funny looking, pixilated square image on the page? It is called a Quick Response Code, or QR Code for short, and these codes have quickly become marketing world’s new sweetheart.

Law Practice Management

Complimentary Archived Video

Women on Bay Street

  • May 09, 2011

Do you work on Bay Street? How many times have you thought about leaving your job? Once a month? Once a week?

Women Lawyers Forum, Law Practice Management, Student Forum