Section Materials, Complimentary Archived Video The Essentials of Loss Transfer September 13, 2018 Navigating the world of loss transfer can be challenging and complicated. This discrete and specialized area of insurance law has its own rules and processes to follow.
Section Materials, Complimentary Archived Video The New Wave of E-Filing June 11, 2018 In November 2017, electronic filing of certain documents in civil litigation matters was introduced in Ontario.
Complimentary Archived Video Year End Dinner with Mr. Justice Graeme Mew June 23, 2016 We are privileged to announce that the Honourable Mr. Justice Graeme Mew of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, who is well-known to civil litigators throughout Ontario, will provide his valuable insights into the importance of mentors and leaders in the practice of law.
Complimentary Archived Video Bringing and Defending Summary Judgment Motions Under the OPCF 44R: What is “Other Material Evidence”? June 08, 2016 Interlocutory motions dealing with underinsured motorist coverage are growing. Get the latest update in the law, and learn practical tips and strategies in bringing and defending summary judgment motions for underinsured and/or unidentified coverage under the OPCF 44R Family Protection Coverage. This program is a must for lawyers at all levels. Useful materials and precedents will be available.
Complimentary Archived Video What You Need to Know About Cyber-Insurance: From Coverage to Litigation May 05, 2016 Join us as we bring together insurance and legal experts to explore the emerging insurance product, cyber-insurance and its legal ramifications. Gather insights on the key issues you need to understand to properly advise your clients, whether on the business or litigation side.
Complimentary Archived Video Year End Dinner with Mr. Justice Geoffrey B. Morawetz: "Fixing Civil Justice: Part Three" June 10, 2015 To “close the loop”, so to speak, on this trilogy of civil justice reform speakers, Justice Morawetz will provide his further insights and comments on possible changes to the civil justice system.
Complimentary Archived Video Year End Dinner with Mr. Justice David M. Brown: "Fixing Civil Justice: A Year Later - Where Are We Now?" June 11, 2014 At our Year End Dinner a year ago, Alan Lenczner spoke passionately about the need to overhaul the civil justice system to address problems of delay, overregulation and cost. One year later, we ask: Have we made any progress?
Complimentary Archived Video Ethical Issues in Personal Injury and Insurance Litigation November 05, 2013 There are a number of ethical issues that can arise in the practice of personal injury and insurance related litigation that plaintiff and defence counsel need to be aware of and prepared to address.
Complimentary Archived Video KNOW THE ACT! A Review of the Ontario Insurance Act Coverage Provisions December 08, 2011 Our guest speaker Chris Dunn walks you through the most important sections of the Act relevant to insurance coverage and coverage disputes.